Demon's Kiss

Demon's Kiss
О книге

An immortal love… Even by vampire standards, Reaper is a loner, and his current mission to destroy a gang of rogue bloodsuckers is definitely a one-vamp job. Then fate takes a hand, and before he knows it, he’s surrounded by a ragtag crew of misfit helpers: the newbie, the princess, the shape-shifter and the human healer.Seth is new to immortality, but he’s sharp and strong – and he’ll risk anything for the rogues’ strange female captive, a secretive creature he feels compelled to save. Vixen is confused by the emotions that swirl through her at the sight of her impulsive hero. She only hopes the brutal bloodthirsty renegades will leave her alive long enough to explore them. Or will Reaper himself be the one to destroy them all?A MUST-READ for fans of SHERRILYN KENYON and CHARLAINE HARRIS


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Multiple New York Times bestseller Maggie Shayne is one of the hottest authors currently writing paranormal romance.

Her works are fresh and sexy, carrying the reader into a darkly compelling and fully realised world where vampires are creatures of the heart, not just the night.

Also by






(with Charlaine Harris and Barbara Hambly)

Demon’s Kiss

Maggie Shayne


“I need you to kill someone.”

Rhiannon stood on the leaf-strewn path where Reaper had agreed to meet her, long hair and longer dress dancing on the night wind, and she wasted no time on preliminaries.

As greetings went, it wasn’t the warmest one he had ever received. But it was the most common.

“Of course you do,” he replied. “Why else would you have asked me to come?”

Her smile was slow. Her eyes held a dangerous glitter. “Normally, of course, I would prefer to do this sort of thing myself,” she told him, moving closer. Her sleek black panther moved beside her, each step slow, sinuous, silent, its head level with her hand, bumping against it every now and then. “But the circumstances forbid it, I’m afraid.”

“And what circumstances are those?” Reaper asked, curious. He began walking, remaining close to her, but not touching. He didn’t like touching.

The hem of her velvet dress stirred the gold and russet leaves that lined the footpath. It was a trail that wound through a secluded park, high in the hills of Virginia, a wilderness tucked between cities, and a popular route among runners, cyclists, walkers and nature lovers. Right now, though, in the deepest part of the night, the park was deserted. The only sound to be heard was that of the wind, crackling across the few brittle leaves that still clung to the surrounding trees.

She didn’t answer him, just kept walking at his side, her fingers scratching the top of Pandora’s huge head every few steps, eliciting a purr from the panther that sounded disturbingly like a growl.

Reaper probed more deeply, using a tactic certain to work with the arrogant Rhiannon. He knew her well enough to know how to bait her. She was, after all, his maker. “This rogue you want killed must be the most heinous in history, if he has you too afraid to face him yourself.”

She stopped walking and swung her head around, a sharp, swift movement that brought her long raven hair snapping over one side of her face. “I fear no one, my friend. And you know it. I’d like nothing better than to break his bones one by one, while bleeding him in between.”

He nodded, knowing she was fully capable of carrying out the threat, and furthermore, would likely enjoy it. “So why call me?”

“Because he’s not just a lone wolf, Reaper. He’s the leader of an entire pack of them, a pack who will turn on anyone who threatens their precious alpha male. And as much as I hate to admit it, I’m not a lone wolf, either. Not anymore. I have a mate, Roland. I have friends, family, now. Precious children—important children—are a part of that family.”

He lifted his brows. “You speak of the mongrel twins born to the half-breed vampiress they call the Child of Promise.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Be very careful when you speak about those children, Reaper. I love them as if they were my own.”

He held up a hand, understanding. “I get it. You can’t risk bringing the wrath of a pack of killers down on those…special children. Well, you were right to contact me. I’m the perfect man for the job.”

“You sound awfully sure of that,” she said, calmer now. She pushed her hair behind her shoulder and resumed walking, staring upward as she did. He followed her gaze. It was a moonless night, crisp and clear, with stars glittering like ice chips from a cold, black sky. The chill air tasted of apples and smelled of rotting leaves. “You haven’t even heard the details yet, so how can you know?”

“Because I am a lone wolf. I have no family or friends to worry about. Nothing is precious to me, and there is no one that I love.”


He shot her a look. “It’s the absolute truth.”

“Rubbish. There’s the boy.”

He averted his eyes, looking anywhere but at her. “What boy?”

“Reaper, honestly. The mortal, with the baggy jeans and bad video-game addiction. Seth, isn’t it?”

“He’s hardly a boy anymore. And as you’re aware, he’s one of the Chosen. You know perfectly well that we vampires have no choice where those rare humans who possess the Belladonna antigen are concerned. They can be transformed, can become like us. It’s not affection, Rhiannon. We’re compelled to protect them.”

“Yes, I do know that. And I also know that for each of us, there is one of them with whom the bond is far stronger. Seth is that one for you.” She stared at him until she made him look back. “You care for him,” she accused.

“I care for no one. He’s a nuisance. If I weren’t forced by nature to look after him, I’d stay a thousand miles from him at all times, I promise you that.”

She thinned her lips, shook her head. “If that’s true, then I pity you.”

“Don’t waste your energy, Rhiannon. I’m an assassin. I was a killer in life, and I remain one in death. It’s what I do.”

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