Derek Acorah’s Amazing Psychic Stories

Derek Acorah’s Amazing Psychic Stories
О книге

Amazing stories of psychic encounters by TV's favourite psychic, Derek Acorah.The star of LIVINGtv’s ‘Ghost Towns’ shares incredible real-life tales of dramatic rescues, dream visitations and near-death experiences from his own life and the lives of many of the people he has worked with.The book includes:• Why hauntings occur, and why certain locations are ‘chosen’ by the ghost.• Miraculous survival stories which defy explanation, including remarkable medical recoveries.• Near-death experiences, and an answer to the question ‘what is it really like to die?’• Spirit visitations – how and why spirits can visit earth, and how psychic medium communication works.• Real-life dramas and what happened when those from the afterlife intervened.• What these encounters with the spirit world mean, and how they prove the existence of life after death.


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Derek Acorah

Dedicated to the memory of Bill and Joanie

My name is Derek Acorah. I am a spirit medium. I have been working professionally as a medium for over 25 years now. During the course of my work I have come across many, many instances where divine intervention has taken place – those occasions when we just know that somebody up there is looking after us.

We all have our own different ideas about the workers in the world beyond – those who are charged with the task of guiding our footsteps through this earthly life, those who care for us and prevent us from making errors of judgement or foolhardy decisions that would cause us to undergo experiences not meant for us in this lifetime. Some people refer to these astral beings as their ‘guardian angels’. Others, like myself, refer to them as ‘spirit guides’ and ‘helpers’ or ‘guardians’.

However we think of these beings, we all have guiding influences in the heavenly realms who have been allocated to us from birth and who will remain with us for as long as we live on this Earth plane. We may not be aware of their presence, and indeed, some would say that there is no such thing, but I can promise you that there is. You may not be able to see them or hear them, but I doubt that there is anybody alive in this world today who has not at some time or other been inspired by spirit to make a decision which has altered their life quite radically in some way. It may be a last-minute change of plan that has resulted in the avoidance of an accident; it may be going somewhere on the spur of the moment and meeting a person who has changed everything. Such events don’t take place randomly – they are meant to happen. They are engineered by our guides so that we can experience just what we are meant to in order to fulfil the decisions regarding lifetime experiences that we ourselves made before incarnating into this life.

As well as spirit guides, there are of course the true angels – those celestial beings who draw close to us in moments of great stress or loss, or even as a sign of something momentous that is about to take place in our life. These angels are not human beings returned from the spirit world – they have never incarnated into this world in human form. They are pure positive energies in much the same manner as poltergeists, which are pure negative energies. Neither angels nor poltergeists have ever taken human form in an earthly life.

The Celestial Caretakers’ Spiritual Hierarchy

In every society there is a hierarchy and the people at the top have worked hard in order to earn their position. The world of spirit is no different.

When a person leaves their physical life and returns home to the heavenly state they enter a period of recuperation. Once they are ready to take their rightful place once more in the spirit world they are asked what they feel they have achieved during their incarnation here on Earth and whether they feel that they have learned the lessons necessary for their soul’s growth.

What, you may ask, is the point of ‘soul growth’? The more a spirit experiences during its physical lifetimes, then the more it grows and progresses. The ultimate aim is to achieve a position as a teacher or main guide, helping someone through their physical life.

Beyond the status of ‘guide’ lies the pathway towards the spiritual hierarchy – the ‘Old Ones’, as I like to refer to them. The Old Ones are those spirits who no longer return to the earthly environs. They inhabit the highest celestial realms. They have experienced everything, they have no more learning to undergo, they have evolved completely. They are as near to perfection as it is possible for any spirit to be and are closest to our creator God.

The Old Ones are the spirit masters who speak to the spirit masses in the Great Halls of Understanding. They teach them about what is expected of them and talk to them about what they have learned in their earthly incarnations and what they feel they ought to learn in their next physical lives on Earth.

The Old Ones also have the responsibility of monitoring those people who have been elected leaders of our physical world – the heads of state, prime ministers and others who have been charged with the well-being of the people. It is the Old Ones who step in and alter the course of history when they consider that it is necessary for the greater good of mankind.

It is also the Old Ones who are responsible for the laws of karma. They have to ensure that every karmic debt, whether positive or negative, is repaid in full.

Below the Old Ones come the ‘Caretakers’. These spirits are not quite so highly evolved as the Old Ones but are sufficiently experienced to act as guardians and spirit guides to people in their physical lives. They also have the opportunity to reincarnate into a physical life themselves once or twice more to undergo more of life’s experiences, should they so wish, in order to achieve the ultimate Old One status.

During a final incarnation, I believe that the Caretakers have a particular duty: to try to help us reorder the way our lives are lived so that our Earth becomes a more heavenly place. I believe that people such as Jesus Christ, Buddha and Mohammed decided that before taking their place in the highest celestial realms they would return to a physical incarnation one last time in order to help humanity.

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