Digital @ Scale

Digital @ Scale
О книге

Wisdom that's been inspiring, motivating, and guiding teachers for two decades The Courage to Teach speaks to the joys and pains that teachers of every sort know well. Over the last 20 years, the book has helped countless educators reignite their passion, redirect their practice, and deal with the many pressures that accompany their vital work. Enriched by a new Foreword from Diana Chapman Walsh, the book builds on a simple premise: good teaching can never be reduced to technique. Good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher, that core of self where intellect, emotion, and spirit converge—enabling 'live encounters' between teachers, students, and subjects that are the key to deep and lasting learning. Good teachers love learners, learning, and the teaching life in a way that builds trust with students and colleagues, animates their daily practice, and keeps them coming back tomorrow. Reclaim your own vision and purpose against the threat of burn-out Understand why good teaching cannot be reduced to technique alone Explore and practice the relational traits that good teachers have in common Learn how to forge learning connections with your students and "teach across the gap" Whether used for personal study, book club exploration, or professional development, The Courage to Teach is rich with time-honored wisdom, and contemporary clarity about the ancient arts of teaching and learning.

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How you can lead your business to the future with Digital@Scale



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Cover Design: Lisa Campabadal and Paolo Donato

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ISBN 978-1-119-43374-3 (Hardcover)

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THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION is here, and no industry is immune from its impact. The good news: all companies – big or small – can benefit. German booksellers have grasped their opportunity against a seemingly unassailable opponent.

For 550 years, everything was fine: Ever since Johannes Gutenberg founded printing with movable letters in 1450, the retail book industry largely remained unchanged. The print shop produced the books and delivered them to the store; customers visited the store, browsed through the selection, and bought their reading material. With the dawn of the new millennium, however, a new upstart turned all the rules upside down. It wasn’t enough that the online retailer Amazon grew to become the largest bookseller around the world; with its Kindle device, it introduced a reader for electronic books that quickly became popular.

Pure fear gripped booksellers and the management of big bookstore chains throughout the world. They were faced with a disruptive technology and revolutionary change that was upending the old business model. Digitization had reached their industry, and if they weren’t to be ejected from the market like photography specialist Kodak years earlier, or like mail-order catalog retailers, as well as several travel agencies and newspapers, then something had to be done. Large bookstore chains like Borders in the United States and Waterstones in England had already fallen victim to the Amazon infiltration: they ignored the threat for too long, and then reacted too slowly and halfheartedly.

But it was a crisis with a happy ending for German booksellers. Faced with the pressure of rapid change, the bookstore chains Thalia with Michael Busch, Hugendubel with Maximilian Hugendubel, and Weltbild with Carel Halff, as well as the book clubs of media giant Bertelsmann with Niklas Darijtschuk, had a meeting. According to coinitiator Michael Busch, CEO of Thalia: “We needed to establish strong marketing power in the German-speaking area.” And since Thalia as well as Hugendubel and Weltbild had been unable to successfully market their own electronic readers in previous attempts, the book retailers now sought the services of Deutsche Telekom as a technology partner. “We wanted to build a value chain in which all partners were playing at Champions League level,” according to Busch. Together, they developed the Tolino e-reader as a rival to Amazon’s Kindle, created a Tolino app for mobile devices, and invested in an Internet campaign to market the electronic offering.

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