Do UFOs Exist?

Do UFOs Exist?
О книге

The night was dark. Suddenly, a great glow came through the window and such clarity flooded the room that woke me up. Amazed, I looked everywhere. What was going on? I rubbed my eyes and I really didn´t know if I was still asleep and that was a dream.

I sat up in bed. I had to see what was happening because I did not understand what had happened. Trying to wake up a bit, I put my feet on the floor and the coldness of the tiles ended up waking me up. I saw that I was in my bedroom and was still at night. Through the window, nothing could be seen, only darkness, not a single star in the sky could be seen. But in my head, still dazed, I remembered what had woken me up. Although I didn´t know what it had been, a feeling came to my mind, something like a great light, or a glow, maybe it would be a flash light.

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Juan Moisés de la Serna

Translated by Gastón Jofre Torres

Tektime Editorial


“Do UFOs exist?”

Written by Juan Moisés de la Serna

Translated by Gastón Jofre Torres

1º edition: June 2020

© Juan Moisés de la Serna, 2020

© Tektime Editions, 2020

All rights reserved.

Distributed by TekTime

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The night was dark. Suddenly, a great glow came through the window and such clarity flooded the room that woke me up. Amazed, I looked everywhere. What was going on? I rubbed my eyes and I really didn´t know if I was still asleep and that was a dream.

I sat up in bed. I had to see what was happening because I did not understand what had happened. Trying to wake up a bit, I put my feet on the floor and the coldness of the tiles ended up waking me up. I saw that I was in my bedroom and was still at night. Through the window, nothing could be seen, only darkness, not a single star in the sky could be seen. But in my head, still dazed, I remembered what had woken me up. Although I didn´t know what it had been, a feeling came to my mind, something like a great light, or a glow, maybe it would be a flash light.

To my parents

Do UFOs exist? Have they existed?

Or are they just a chimera?

maybe they are real

your doubt is not the first one.

Some people say they have seen

and they want to show it

something that flies, different

and they will not forget it.

Because if they are sure

they will not change their opinion

they saw it, it´s true.

they will always affirm it.

But then why others

have never seen them?

if they fly

from one side to the other.

Maybe, it´s not sure

that´s why you have to doubt

If I haven´t seen it, I can´t

believe your reality!

Are there UFOs? I don´t know!

I can´t prove it

For the one who has seen them

it´s easy to affirm.

Everywhere it is said

that UFOs can be seen

but the truth

is that few people see them today.

Is it sure there are?

you say it, I don´t know!

if you have seen them flying

I already know the answer.

But if you haven´t

you can also affirm

that it is just a chimera

that´s your reality.

Some yes, others no

Who tells us the truth?

both of them will be right

they might have their reason.

I don´t have your evidence

I didn´t see them, you know

if that was a UFO

only you will affirm it.

This takes a long time

Are they hoaxes or reality?

Do they exist? Have they existed?

I don´t know, you will tell me!


The night was dark. Suddenly, a great glow came through the window and such clarity flooded the room that woke me up. Amazed, I looked everywhere. What was going on? I rubbed my eyes and I really didn´t know if I was still asleep and that was a dream.

I sat up in bed. I had to see what was happening because I did not understand what had happened. Trying to wake up a bit, I put my feet on the floor and the coldness of the tiles ended up waking me up. I saw that I was in my bedroom and was still at night. Through the window, nothing could be seen, only darkness, not a single star in the sky could be seen. But in my head, still dazed, I remembered what had woken me up. Although I didn´t know what it had been, a feeling came to my mind, something like a great light, or a glow, maybe it would be a flash light.

At that moment, I thought that it could be a dream that I had and that made me wake up for some reason. I left the bedroom and I went to the kitchen. I would drink hot milk to warm my body. I remembered what my mother always told me when I was a kid “There is nothing like milk to make the body react”.

When I stood up, the coldness of the ground ended up waking me up. A chill ran through my whole body leaving me a bad sensation, as if a gust of icy wind had passed next to me, like the one that you feel in winter. And the truth is that it was very strange because everything was closed inside the house and there was no electricity. How could that have happened to me?

I walked through the hall while I was thinking about it. Suddenly, I noticed something. Under the door of the living room, light came out. How strange that I had left it on! I remember that before going to bed I had turned it off. Yes, I´m sure, I did it when I came back to clean the street door as I did every night. It couldn´t be. You have to see what strange things were happening to me tonight! Well, I would go to turn it off and then I would go to the kitchen to do what I was going to do.

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