
О книге

The essential handbook for reading teachers, now aligned with the Common Core The Reading Teacher's Book of Lists is the definitive instructional resource for anyone who teaches reading or works in a K-12 English language arts-related field. Newly revised and ready for instant application, this top seller provides up-to-date reading, writing, and language content in more than 240 lists for developing targeted instruction, plus section briefs linking content to research-based teaching practices. This new sixth edition includes a guide that maps the lists to specific Common Core standards for easy lesson planning, and features fifty brand-new lists on: academic and domain-specific vocabulary, foundation skills, rhyming words, second language development, context clues, and more. This edition also includes an expanded writing section that covers registers, signal and transition words, and writers' craft. Brimming with practical examples, key words, teaching ideas, and activities that can be used as-is or adapted to students' needs, these lists are ready to differentiate instruction for an individual student, small-group, or planning multilevel instruction for your whole class. Reading is the center of all school curricula due to recent state and federal initiatives including rigorous standards and new assessments. This book allows to you skip years of curating content and dive right into the classroom armed with smart, relevant, and effective plans. Develop focused learning materials quickly and easily Create unit-specific Common Core aligned lesson plans Link classroom practice to key research in reading, language arts and learning Adapt ready-made ideas to any classroom or level It's more important than ever for students to have access to quality literacy instruction. Timely, up to date, and distinctively smart, The Reading Teacher's Book of Lists should be on every English language arts teacher's desk, librarian's shelf, literacy coach's resource list, and reading professor's radar.


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The Simplest Way to Inspire Change
Nick Tasler
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Cover image: iStockphoto©ekinyalgin

Cover design: Paul McCarthy

Copyright © 2016 by Nick Tasler. All rights reserved.

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

Published simultaneously in Canada.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Tasler, Nick, 1978-

Domino: the simplest way to inspire change/Nick Tasler.

pages cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-1-119-08306-1 (cloth); ISBN 978-1-119-08314-6 (ebk);

ISBN 978-1-119-08316-0 (ebk)

1. Organizational change. 2. Strategic planning. I. Title.

HD58.8.T374 2016

658.4'063 – dc23



Glen Peterson opened his eyes and instinctively brushed the back of his thumb across his lips in a quick search to track down any stray drool unbecoming of a well-mannered adult. A scan of the other snoozing passengers in the business-class cabin told him it would still be hours before his flight from Melbourne touched down at LAX.

“Now what?” he muttered to himself.

During his two decades of international travel, Glen had developed a habit of popping two Advil PMs shortly after takeoff, which usually knocked him out until the pilot announced the final descent. But this time was different. Glen had woken up just a few hours after falling asleep. He couldn't stop thinking about a comment that Priya – one of his most trusted team members and vice president of Davis Medical's Asia-Pacific region – had made during a team dinner in Melbourne the night before.

The dinner capped off a standard two-day meeting with key leaders from the Asia-Pacific team to check in on a number of key initiatives, and to discuss the rollout of the new strategy Glen's leadership team had put together a few weeks before. Glen had his assistant arrange for dinner plans at a family-style Italian restaurant, because he liked the low-key atmosphere and always felt that the simple act of dishing your food from common bowls was a solid, if not so subtle, way to reinforce the value he placed on cohesion and collegiality among his teams.

To Glen's dismay, the meal revealed more confusion than cohesion.

When the heaping dishes of food were placed on the center of the table, everyone just sat there for a moment staring at the massive spread of edible options, trying to decide where to begin. That's when Priya leaned over to Glen.

“It's funny,” she said.

“What's that?” Glen had asked with a big smile, his eyes still fixed on the feast before them.

“I always get slightly nervous when I eat at a place like this.” She shook her head and smiled sheepishly. “I look at all this delicious food, and I know that my stomach will not afford me all the space I need to try everything. So I have to choose wisely in the beginning, or I might not make it to the very best entrees.”

“I know exactly what you mean!” Glen laughed. “Unfortunately for me,” he said while patting his stomach, “I think I have a little

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