Dr. Do-Or-Die

Dr. Do-Or-Die
О книге

New York Times  bestselling author Rachel Lee returns to Conard County with a supercharged romance!When hunters threaten local wildlife, investigator Kel Westin vows to catch the perpetrators. But as he's sent undercover to work with game warden Desi Jenks, Kel finds himself caught off guard by his need to protect her, too.Desi trusts no one. That includes the sexy former army ranger living in her bunkhouse, posing as a poacher. As a dangerous group gathers in the mountains, she must put her life in Kel's hands, a move that will change their fragile, growing bond forever…


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Two doctors are on thin ice as they race to save the world from a deadly disease.

Epidemic researcher Dr. Avery Thatcher has studied countless illnesses...but nothing prepares her for what she finds at a remote Antarctic base: the man she never wanted to see again and a mysterious ailment ravaging inhabitants. Avery will do whatever it takes to discover the illness’s cause, and she vows to keep her heartbreaking history with Dr. Grant Jones in the past—even if reignited passion brings them dangerously close.

For Grant, ending this outbreak and regaining Avery’s trust are vital. As their hunt to contain a lethal pathogen escalates, he’ll put everything on the line to avert disaster. But will another insidious threat stop them both cold?

“It’s your show,” Grant said, offering Avery a small smile.

“Thanks,” she said softly. Her lips felt dry so she darted her tongue out to moisten them. Standing this close, she could see a flash of heat in the depths of his hazel eyes. Avery felt an answering warmth, a small coal of need that burned brighter the longer Grant watched her.

How would he respond if she placed her hand on his chest and pressed her mouth to his? She knew what the boy would do. How would the man react?

She never got the chance to find out. Quicker than thought, Grant dropped his head and kissed her, his lips warm and firm against her own. Avery inhaled deeply, the heady scent of Grant’s skin making her head spin. She sank into the comfort of his kiss, her body celebrating the rightness of this moment, this connection. The bad taste of her memories faded as she teased Grant’s tongue with her own, stoking his response as her own desire built.

* * *

We hope you enjoyed a sneak peek at the latest

volume in Lara Lacombe’s exciting series, Doctors in Danger!

Dr. Do-or-Die

Lara Lacombe


LARA LACOMBE earned a PhD in microbiology and immunology and worked in several labs across the country before moving into the classroom. Her day job as a college science professor gives her time to pursue her other love—writing fast-paced romantic suspense with smart, nerdy heroines and dangerously attractive heroes. She loves to hear from readers! Find her on the web or contact her at [email protected].

For Mom, with love.


US Research Base, Fort Gilmour, Antarctica

“I think I’ve found something.”

There was a pause, and Paul Coleson imagined the man on the other end of the line mentally translating his words. The language barrier was one of the downsides of working with the Organization, a shadowy group of men and women that operated under the cover of an internationally respected charity. Four months ago, Paul hadn’t known they existed. He’d accepted their offer in good faith, seeing it as an opportunity to earn a little side money while working at the bottom of the world. But as time passed, their true intentions had become all too clear. Now he was just trying to make the best of a bad situation, cooperating in the hopes they would leave his family alone.

“Tell me more.”

He shoved his free hand in his pocket and swayed back and forth on his feet. He’d learned that if he kept moving, the infamous Antarctic cold couldn’t settle in his bones. Even though he spent most of his time inside, it was so damn cold in this godforsaken place he thought he’d never get warm again. “I isolated it from a core sample. So far, the results are promising.” He tried to keep the excitement out of his voice, so as not to raise their expectations. They’d all known from the beginning that he was basically conducting a fishing expedition. Results were desirable, but not guaranteed.

Now that he had a potential lead, he didn’t want to misrepresent his preliminary findings—if they thought he had found a suitable candidate and it turned out to be a failure, things would not go well for him. And even though this was his first time working for the group, he’d learned enough about their operations to know that overpromising and underdelivering was not a sound strategy.

Especially if he wanted to live.

“What results?” The man’s voice was flat, with no hint of interest. They might as well be discussing the weather. But something told Paul that he had his contact’s full attention.

He took a deep breath. “As I said, I isolated the agent from an ice sample. It thawed beautifully, and I’ve been testing it in cells.” And now for the good news. “It’s killed everything I put it in.”

More silence, but he could practically feel the man’s focus sharpening. “How long does it take to kill?”

“Forty-eight hours.”

The man made a noncommittal noise, and a creeping sense of unease made the hairs on the back of Paul’s neck stand on end. He stopped swaying, his feet rooted to the floor as if glued there. His contact didn’t sound too happy with those results. What more could the man want?

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