Drive Me Wild

Drive Me Wild
О книге

Aspiring novelist Molly Drake wants only two things out of life–a book contract…and one sizzling night with her driver, Alec Masterson. The contract seems unlikely, especially since, according to her agent, Molly's incredible sensual fantasies about Alec aren't so incredible on paper. But as for Alec…well, Molly's decided to take him for the ride of his life–and make sure that the trip is something worth writing about….For months, part-time chauffeur Alec Masterson has been trying in vain to put the brakes on his infatuation with Molly. But that was before the gorgeous redhead purposely set out to drive him wild. Now Molly has him right where she wants him–in her bed, seducing him within an inch of his life. And all Alec can think about is convincing Molly to take him for more than just a test-drive….


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“Don’t you want me to get undressed, Alec?” Molly asked

“Sure I do.” His voice was husky, his gaze hot and intense. “But you could have had the decency to wait until I was here to watch.”

“Oh.” Molly’s breasts tingled. Well, of course she should let him watch. Obviously she still had a few things to learn about being a wild woman. “All right, then. Pay attention. I’m going to take off my skirt now.”

And she proceeded to take off the garment an inch at a time, making sure her breasts shimmied with every movement. “Enjoying this?” she asked.

Alec looked down at his straining sex, a wry grin on his face. “Obviously.”

“Tell you what.” She wiggled again, nearly free of the material.

“What?” He was almost fully erect, and it was an impressive sight.

“When I finish this little chore, there might be something else I can do for you….”

She paused, letting the anticipation build. “Do you remember telling me that I had a perfect mouth?” At his dumbfounded nod, Molly slowly ran her tongue over her lips. “Well, what do you say we take it for a test-drive…?”

Dear Reader,

Being chauffeured is a rush, at least for me. Thanks to Harlequin’s promotional events, I’ve had the privilege several times, but one instance in particular stands out. I’d been invited to a reader event at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, the same place they filmed Pretty Woman. Mark Williamson, who met me at LAX, was moonlighting as a chauffeur while waiting for his big break in music. So far, he’d recorded many commercials and one album.

I mentioned Mark to the Harlequin people orchestrating the event, and they hired him for the weekend. On one outing he took us on a tour of Beverly Hills, admitting some time into it that he really didn’t know where the stars lived. We didn’t care. We listened to his album on the CD player and enjoyed his company. I lost track of Mark after that weekend, but I’ve always hoped he got the big break he was looking for.

Ever since that experience, I thought a chauffeur would make a terrific hero, and at last Alec Masterson showed up to handle the job. If all chauffeurs looked like Alec, women would burn their driver’s licenses. Come along for the ride as Alec does his best (and his best is awesome) to drive Molly Drake wild.


P.S. If you’re online, drop by my Web site at and say hello!

Drive Me Wild

Vicki Lewis Thompson

For Mark Williamson, who had dreams as big as mine.

I’m still hoping that someday you’ll write the score for my movie!


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15



AS LONG AS Alec Masterson kept driving down the Connecticut Turnpike, he’d pick up his client exactly on time. That meant ignoring the ancient silver Caddy listing to one side on the shoulder up ahead. Now was not the time to play Good Samaritan.

Then a frail old man climbed from behind the wheel and tottered back to the shredded rear tire. Alec groaned and glanced at the clock set into the Lincoln Town Car’s leather dash. Nope, couldn’t stop. He slowed down, though, hoping somebody else would get out of the Caddy, a teenage grandson, maybe.

If Alec was late, Molly would miss her train into New York, and she’d already told him this trip was important. She hadn’t told him why, of course. Molly liked to keep her secrets. His buddy Josh was convinced she starred in X-rated videos. Josh had a wild imagination, but his theory would explain her constant trips to L.A., and she did have an incredible body.

Alec was damn curious but he didn’t pry. He was the guy she requested whenever she called the car service, so she must like him. He liked her, too. Lusted after her, in point of fact.

Her red-gold hair seemed designed to fan out on a pillow and her green eyes flashed the kind of fire that gave guys wet dreams. Nevertheless, there was a sweetness, an almost innocent quality to her. If Josh was right about her profession, she was one hell of an actor.

If Alec had met Molly any other way than being her chauffeur, he probably would have asked her out. He had to say probably because he really shouldn’t take time for a girlfriend right now, and when it came to Molly, he couldn’t imagine stopping with one date. But he was her chauffeur, and he couldn’t risk losing his job with Red Carpet Limousine.

He’d been playing student for more than ten years, testing out premed, electrical engineering, architecture, accounting. Law school was his last-ditch attempt to find something he loved, and he was determined to finish. The chauffeur’s job was perfect—decent money and flexible hours. Plus he could study while he waited for a client.

As Alec passed the Caddy, he checked in the rearview mirror, still hoping to see some able-bodied passenger get out of the car to help the old guy. But no, a tiny, white-haired woman in a pink dress appeared and wobbled to the back of the car. She wore white shoes and carried a white pocketbook. Alec knew that women of her generation called them pocketbooks instead of purses because that was the word his granny used.

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