Encaustic Art

Encaustic Art
О книге

Encaustic painting is one of the world’s most venerable art forms, having been practised consistently around the world since the ancient Egyptians first used it to decorate sarcophagi, and enjoying continuing popularity in the modern era with artists such as Paul Klee and Diego Rivera. In this new text, Jennifer Margell offers readers a comprehensive introduction to the medium, featuring instructive how-tos for encaustic art beginners, revealing interviews with some of the most celebrated practitioners of the medium, and a gallery featuring one of the largest published collections of encaustic art to date.

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© Confidential Concepts, worldwide, USA

© Parkstone Press International, New York, USA

© Kristy Battani, all rights reserved

© Steven DaLuz, all rights reserved

© Brandy Eiger, all rights reserved

© Karen Freedman, all rights reserved

© Lorraine Glessner, all rights reserved

© Carrie Goller, all rights reserved

© Stephanie Hargrave, all rights reserved

© Miriam Karp, all rights reserved

© Jennifer Margell, all rights reserved

© Cheryl D. McClure, all rights reserved

© Edie Morton, all rights reserved

© Debra Neiman, all rights reserved

© Jeremy Penn, all rights reserved

© Richard Purdy, all rights reserved

© Amy Royce, all rights reserved

© Adele Shaw, all rights reserved

© Tony Scherman, all rights reserved

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Featuring Artwork by:

Kristy Battani

Steven DaLuz

Brandy Eiger

Karen Freedman

Lorraine Glessner

Carrie Goller

Stephanie Hargrave

Miriam Karp

Cheryl D. McClure

Edie Morton

Debra Neiman

Jeremy Penn

Richard Purdy

Amy Royce

Adele Shaw

Tony Scherman

Lovingly dedicated to my mother and father whose support, encouragement, and constant love have supported me throughout my life.


The first time I saw an encaustic painting I was mesmerized by its beautiful surface, incredible texture, and translucency. I wanted to reach out and touch it. I was determined to try encaustic painting for myself, and as soon as I did, I was hooked. This is not only my story, but I have heard it echoed by so many encaustic artists who have also fallen in love with the possibilities of the medium.

Encaustics are like no other form of painting, in that there are endless techniques and fleeting seconds before your medium solidifies. It is a medium where you have to trust your instincts and paint in the moment. You have to take leaps of faith. In the beginning there are many frustrations, but over time you learn how to work with the beautiful accidents which incur.

The best way to learn the art of painting encaustics is not to create beautiful paintings. The best way to work with the medium is to create painting after painting, focusing on a different technique each time. Even a technique which you do not plan to use will later be another option added to your repertoire.

So many times I have gone to a gallery and marveled at the fantastic work of artists. I wondered how the artists created the piece I was admiring. I wanted to know what motivated the artists, what they were thinking of, what they were feeling, and what physical steps they used to create their artwork. So many times these questions were not answered, and they have become the inspiration behind this book. In this book, for the first time, is a collection of the voice from these encaustic artists. They are successful, talented individuals who have been gracious enough to share the work, their advice, and even their techniques.

Encaustics are a very fresh art form in the grand scheme of things. They were first used by the Greeks three thousand years ago, but have only recently been resurrected as a popular art form. They are rapidly gaining momentum. Although encaustics are now becoming well known in the art community, many people still do not know what they are and have questions about the medium. So many contemporary artists with vastly different styles have the same beautiful story of their relationship with the medium.

The encaustic painting community is a wonderful group because they are so willing to share their advice and experiences with each other. It is a fresh and exciting time for encaustics because the possibilities are endless. Artists around the world are trying new techniques and experimenting in ways which bring to mind the exciting times of the French Impressionists in the early 1900s.

This book brings together one of the largest collection of encaustic paintings printed in one place, featuring over one hundred and fifty paintings by talented contemporary artists. By looking through the pages, you can see that the range of painting styles you can create with encaustics are endless. The wonderful thing about this project is that it is not only a dazzling collection of work, but it also features the voices of these artists. The pages of this book reveal, in the artists’ words, their passion, motivation, and advice.

Jennifer Margell, Poppy Fields, 2011.

Encaustic and photography on birch plywood, 91.4 × 61 cm.

This workbook is intended for artists of all levels. An advanced artist can learn from the personal artist interviews, advice on ground-breaking techniques, and be inspired by the collection of work. This workbook also includes the information needed for anyone brand new to encaustics such as the basic tools and techniques to get started.

Encaustic is not an easy medium to learn, but for myself and so many other artists, it has been by far the most rewarding medium I have painted with. It is great to do a local workshop to learn firsthand how to paint with encaustics, but there are many ways to go about getting started with the medium on your own as well. This workbook also includes information about the materials required, creating encaustic medium, and ten lessons demonstrating the range of techniques available.

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