Every Chance I Get

Every Chance I Get
О книге

It was magic from the moment they met–dancing into each other's arms as if they were meant to be together. Their first kiss erased all doubt–they shared a passion as true as their hearts. And Talib Mason knew he'd love Misha Bales forever.But their sizzling affair came to a crashing halt when secrets and lies tore them apart.Six years later, fate has given them a second chance. But Misha isn't about to trust her heart again to the much-too-seductive ex-athlete. And though Talib is still haunted by Misha's betrayal, he realizes it's time to forgive and forget. Can he convince the guarded journalist that their love deserves a fighting chance?

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“Business is the only thing

between us,” Misha said resolutely.

“Is it?”

Misha knew Talib was right behind her without needing to look back and prove it to herself.

“Is it, Misha?” The back of his hand trailed the curve of her spine. His finger curled into the belt around her robe in case she had any thoughts of moving away.

Talib spun Misha around gracefully and placed his mouth on hers. Her tongue thrust eagerly against his, giving just as much fire as he gave. She was so absorbed in the kiss that she hardly noticed him lifting her up against his body and carrying her in the direction of the bedroom.

Finding her nude beneath the robe, Talib took full advantage. He kissed his way down Misha’s neck and up again, almost painfully aroused by the supple curves on her slender body. Her bottom was full and molded perfectly to his palms when he cupped them. Her breasts were firm, flawlessly rounded mounds that beckoned his lips, teeth and tongue.

Having had his fill of kissing for the moment, he ventured lower.


wears many titles. Aside from Mom, her favorite is romance author. Crafting stories and characters that are sexy and engaging with a fair amount of mystery really keeps her busy. When AlTonya’s not writing, she works as a library assistant and as social secretary to an active son—a job that demands the bulk of her time.

Every Chance I Get

Altonya Washington


Dear Reader,

This is the book so many of you have been asking for. Since his appearance in Hudson’s Crossing, many of you have been captivated by my sexy Brit, Talib Mason. The history between him and our heroine, Misha Bales, has simmered in a sea of unrest for far too long. It’s time for their attraction to be confronted and conquered.

Readers have asked why I chose to make Talib British, and plenty of others have told me just how happy they are about it. It was actually quite exciting to craft another non-American hero, which I’ve done before in other stories. And like before, I’ve had the best time with everything, from the speech patterns and language to the more alluring elements that lurk seductively below the surface of his British persona.

Let’s find out if Misha can hold her own against a man as delectable as Talib.

Be sure to let me know what you think. Email me at [email protected] and visit my website, www.lovealtonya.com.



To the readers who wanted more Talib. Here he is!

To the Romance Slam Jam organizers and participants, the book clubs and the LoveAlTonya webgroup.

You all have been such a phenomenal force in my career in so many ways. I wish you continued success in all your individual endeavors. I feel honored and blessed by your support.



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20



August 2005

New York

Talib Mason planned on finding a ticket plastered to his windshield by the time he returned to the parking lot. He didn’t give a damn, of course. So what if he parked on the curb and dangerously close to a fire hydrant? He’d already done well enough to reach his destination without wrecking the car along the way.

He’d spent the better part of the day cursing himself for letting the argument with Misha get so far out of hand. He slammed the elevator button with his fist. To accuse her had been unfair. That story could have only been leaked by someone with inside knowledge. But he had accused her, and he’d been at his cruelest while he’d done it. The things he’d said…

It felt like his heart was about to crush his ribs. It’d been pounding viciously ever since he’d spoken with her assistant.

At that time of night, the corridors of St. Joseph’s Hospital were almost completely silent. The third-shift nurses were either making rounds or engaged in light conversation while gathered around their station. Conversation ceased, though, when the four women at the nurses’ station caught sight of the man who rushed from the elevator and bounded toward them. The fact that he appeared as provocative as sin did nothing to mask the outrage darkening his expression.

“Misha Bales.” Added to his dark expression was the abrupt tone in his voice. The tone was unavoidable, given his fear that he was about to lose her. The usually seductive level of his British-laced brogue came across as harsh and dangerous.

Given the circumstances, the nurses were hesitant to release any information. They exchanged uncertain glances. This did nothing to soothe Talib’s temper, already teetering close to the edge of explosion. Silently he warred with himself, gripping the edge of the counter as he bowed his head. Security was but a button’s push away as he was sure the nurses were well aware. Thankfully, the world wasn’t completely against him.

“Talib? Talib, is that you?”

He heard his name and saw Dr. Lettia Breene approaching the station.

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