О книге

This story shows the world seen by eyes of junkies traveling along the astral in search of thrill, from one “magic” hallucinogenic trip to another.A star in night sky, turning into a kind of multi-colored soap bubble, in dilated pupils of the lovers of the “acid” raves in fresh air, an UFO hanging at 100-meter height, over a head of a seeker of hallucinogenic adventures, fog creeping out from a celestial hiding place disguised as a star, and many other mystical phenomena.

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© Vladislav Cross, 2019

ISBN 978-5-4490-3619-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

“Rejoice, o young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thee heart, and in the sight of thine eyes; but know thou, that for all these things God will bring you into judgement.” (Ecclesiastes, 11:9)

This story does not propagandize drugs and does not call to their use! Description of the use of drugs, and of euphoric feelings and visions, is exclusively an instrument of implementation of a creative conception which puts as its goal demonstration of some of the “honey traps” by means of which Satan catches human souls! Do not fool yourself and do not be mistaken! Consumption of drugs leads to premature death and, in the final result, into the boiling waters of the really existing, always waiting hell!

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner!

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, glory to you!


He has got high at once and forever! Though they say that a junkie has no fate, it has been the fate, love at the first sight! As hot as heat of the sun rising above the horizon, enveloping the earth with a cotton blanket of midday July fever! And simultaneously, like breath of cool breeze on a quiet summer evening impregnated with fragrance of field grasses and flowers, when the orange globe leisurely crawls to the edge of violet sky.

Nah, well, surely, they had to wait for about an hour for arrival of the “trip”, till molecules of “Kremlins” and ‘Magicians” soaked into cerebral cortex and broke through a tunnel in it, into the Universe, having let to know about the contact of naked nerves with outer space, by the after-taste of a battery on tongues.

Suddenly there appeared an ancient Egyptian Sphinx in front of Volodya, dizzily pulsating by colorful vibrations of headily uncoiling colored films! Remaining the only spectator at a night cinema performance, having unriddled all the mysteries of phantom’s existence in a split second, he merged with it in blissful ecstasy, started to uncoil further on, not the spectator and not the Sphinx any more, but the liquid film drowning in myriads of sweet flowers whirling away into distance along the tunnel, with speed of light!

“My soul has melted as if a candle, in the middle of me,” a panel with lines which flamed in memory, darted away somewhere into distance, and there came ecstasy of ETERNAL LOVE OF THE UNIVERSE, gaining momentum and increasing with every moment, the ECSTASY of JOYFUL SWEETNESS gushing from emptiness, like a fountain, shouting in affectionate whisper of OMNISCIENCE about ABSOLUTION!

Unexpectedly, a cry of cranes reached his ears, and a flock of amazingly live cranes from an animated cartoon, which turned up on a shimmering screen, in mind’s eye, flied skyward, into a tunnel full of sunshine, rising along a spiral, carrying him away with it by its shrill cry and by soft whirling, twisting off the top of the head which had turned into soft rubber, like a tap from a bottle of “Sprite”.

Again he sensed the after-taste of vitamin C on the tongue and having opened his eyes, looked around a sunlit park with endlessly blue sky overhead. Happy shouts and laughter of children reached his ears through a quilt of deafened quietness, having reminded of the careless insouciance of childhood.

And at once he turned into this laughter, and into these self-forgetful children enjoying warmth and fullness of life, and into this Sky, and into this Sun, and into this Heat of UNIVERSAL LOVE, into the SKY of the OMNISCIENCE and of the ABSOLUTION!

Volodya looked down towards the earth. He was sitting on a bench, the Earth was located beneath and far away, at his feet, in the Parallel Universe, but sunshine flowed down from his eyelashes in drops and fell down into abyss, like raindrops, from a skyscraper or from a star, from the Kremlin star!!! Volodya felt how in his breast, by soft foamy wave, raised triumph of the God reposing after His Works, on the Seventh Day, but maybe, the solemn uplift of a hero invited to the Kremlin for awarding by the “Star of Hero”? The pills had namely such a title, “Kremlins”!

“Who has called them like this?! Some kidders!” – in a split second, he amusedly appreciated such simple and so funny meaning of the title which has comprised into a single word the whole solemnity of the mood of the perceived Universe. And then he thought that pills, rolls, eggs, blotter papers – all of these words were absolutely irrelevant and infinitely distant, like a piece of a newspaper carried by free wind among spacious fields under boundless sky.

Slavka, his brother, kept silence and there was no necessity in any words. Volodya knew it himself that Slavka unconditionally shared all of his feelings, that they saw one and the same movie, whirling away on one wave into endlessly delightful realization of the BLISSFUL ETERNITY, which would never go away anywhere and would not cease to caress soul by its LOVE!

“But what if it does go away and stop to be?”

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