Fractured Memory

Fractured Memory
О книге

SHROUDED PASTUnited States marshal Eli Cayne saved Julia Galloway’s life once…and he’s prepared to do it again. But his task would be easier if she could remember him—or the murderer who almost put her in an early grave and seems to be hunting her once more. To protect Julia from the latest threat against her life, Eli has to consider the possibility that he put an innocent man in jail. Julia has no memories of the serial killer called the Hangman, though, and no reason to trust Eli. But with the killer getting closer, she must work with Eli to confront her past—and the feelings growing between them.


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United States marshal Eli Cayne saved Julia Galloway’s life once…and he’s prepared to do it again. But his task would be easier if she could remember him—or the murderer who almost put her in an early grave and seems to be hunting her once more. To protect Julia from the latest threat against her life, Eli has to consider the possibility that he put an innocent man in jail. Julia has no memories of the serial killer called the Hangman, though, and no reason to trust Eli. But with the killer getting closer, she must work with Eli to confront her past—and the feelings growing between them.

“Eli…open your eyes…please…”

A faint flicker of his eyelashes and finally she could glimpse the pale blue of his eyes. Unfocused. She could see his pupils weren’t dilated. Good. He coughed more and closed his eyes. He became still again, though continued breathing. She examined the cut to his forehead—just a small trickle of watery blood from the gaping wound. At least the icy water had constricted the open blood vessels and stopped any bleeding.

As the last bit of strength seeped from her, she begged him, “Eli, please, open your eyes. Wake up.”

And he did as she asked. His eyes locked onto hers with a flicker of recognition. In that moment, she knew he would live.

His hand found its way to her face. “There are those brown eyes I’ve been waiting to see.”

Again, that phrase that always brought so much peace.

What did it mean?

JORDYN REDWOOD is a pediatric ER nurse by day, suspense novelist by night. She pursued her dream of becoming an author by first penning her medical thrillers Proof, Poison and Peril. Jordyn hosts Redwood’s Medical Edge, a blog helping authors write medically accurate fiction. Living near the Rocky Mountains with her husband, two beautiful daughters and one crazy dog provides inspiration for her books and she loves to get email from her readers at [email protected].



Jordyn Redwood

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.

—Phillipians 1:3

For Kathy Springer. My longest and most dear friendship.

Every author knows no book is written in isolation, and this book was no different. Particularly this novel as it required me to write outside my comfort zone on a very short deadline. Thanks to Laurie Kingery, Lisa Carter, Candace Calvert, Casey Herringshaw, Liz Solan and Norma Mai for providing insight, edits and overall support as I navigated my way through the Blurb to Book contest. Thank you to Karl for providing law enforcement insight (as always).

To my agent Greg Johnson—thanks for always being there when I need you.

Also, heartfelt appreciation to Emily Rodmell and all the Love Inspired editors for your interaction in the Blurb to Book team forums that definitely helped me write the best manuscript I could for a genre I needed to learn a lot about. I’ve truly been welcomed into the Harlequin family with open, loving arms. Most of all, I want to thank fellow book addicts. Without you, none of this would be possible and I’m always happy to connect with you via email at [email protected].

The blank stare in Julia Galloway’s eyes confirmed Eli Cayne’s worst fear.

She didn’t remember him. The amnesia had erased every moment he’d spent ensuring that she would live after the Hangman nearly claimed her life.

“Julia Galloway?” he asked, his voice husky with undeniable emotion at seeing her for the first time in eighteen months. The feelings he thought he’d stomped into submission surfaced with a vengeance.

Julia reflexively raised a hand to cover the scars where the rope had carved into her skin. “Who are you?” The ringlets of her blond hair dripped water on her black T-shirt and red plaid pajama bottoms.

Eli held his badge at her eye level. “I’m U.S. Marshal Eli Cayne. May I come inside? There’s a matter of great importance I need to discuss with you.”

Doubt washed over her beautiful face. Even if she didn’t remember the attack, the lingering fear was evident.

He showed her the manila envelope he held in his other hand. “Our office has received information that there has been a hit ordered—on your life.”

She clenched the black fabric of her shirt tight into her other hand, her knuckles pale under the pressure. “Excuse me?”

“Someone has compiled a profile of information about you for a hit man to use to kill you. I’m here to get you to a safe place. Please, can I come inside?”

At first, the engine accelerating was distant until the screech of tires brought the hairs on Eli’s neck to attention. Instinct propelled his hand forward, hard into Julia, pushing her into the foyer. A bullet whistled past his ear, shattering a picture frame directly behind the remnants of her silhouette.

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