Galaxy Coach

Galaxy Coach
О книге

The coach from the province was called to the capital. What is the new space dictator planning? I’m not a military man, but a simple football player. Even though I used to be a star. But my best years are behind me.All the events in the work are fictional, any coincidences with real people and events are pure chance. It’s fantastic and nothing more.

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© Рамиль Латыпов, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0056-7076-2

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter 1 Coach

“Well done guys,” I said to Yuri Gromov, the football coach. But my friends call me Thunder. – My guys. Today we won, even though the enemy was strong. – I praised my team of football players. The aliens liked the game so much that championships were held constantly. I took part in them myself. Although three years ago I was kicked out of the national team. I’m getting old, they say I’m thirty-five. Although the current year two thousand one hundred fifty-three is not a bad age for an athlete. But I had problems with the law. The former governor of my planet Saturn forbade playing football in the courtyards and near his palace. I rebelled. Blocked roads. Of course, the law was quickly removed. But I was suspended. So I lead the local junior team. Boys from ten to fifteen years old. Smart guys. At least some. Under my leadership, we won the world championship. Although we were defeated at the regionals. We’ll make it through next year. – Tomorrow is training. Don’t go out with ladies. – I smiled. That he was not young himself. Went home. The guys will take care of themselves. Moreover, their parents drove up to pick them up.

I walk down the street. Beauty. The lights do not go out and nature is not polluted. The beauties from Alpha Centauri passed nearby; they call themselves Deruvs. But we earthlings call them Elves. They have pointed ears and pale skin. They themselves say that they flew to earth in the distant past. It is from them that we have legends about elves. I don’t like them. Painfully cunning and strong. But still, we are still peaceful. At least those on our planets. The war has been between us for a long time. I took part in it myself. For now there is a tense peace between us. Not like the Casiopeans. The race is straight out of fairy tales. Warriors with heavy blasters. Strong. They feed on us. But we are holding on.

– Here you are, Mirte. – I said, spitting. A poster of our new dictator stands in front and smiles. An old man in his late fifties. Three years in power. It was quiet on our provincial planet. But there was a lot of destruction and pogroms on Earth. It’s calm now though. But the galactic council did not like it. They drove us out of it. Although we didn’t really have a voice there. So representation. All matters were resolved without our approval. At least there was peace. Sports are cancelled. They want to destroy the economy. Just animals. I’m moving on. The council of planets consists of five races. They call themselves the chosen ones. These are Kasiopeians, Lirepurami, Scorpios, Katalni, Deruvs. The remaining races are powerless and have no voice in the council. Although they participate in it. Just like the UN of old. But we are not there and that’s bad. Being on the council, even minimally, is a sign of the development of the state. Without this representation, we can be robbed by everyone without consequences.

– Do you have any cigarettes? – asked a hoarse voice. The guy stood in the shadows and held a blaster in his hand. It sparkled so beautifully, reminding me of past wars where I was a soldier. Reliable weapon. Burns through people. We have to be on our guard.

– I’d like to smoke. You’ll treat me. Dad. “Two others in leather jackets came out from around the corner. I understood their intentions immediately. Although we have a good planet, we still have crime. Many bandits fled from Earth from persecution. There are also a lot of rebels. But I don’t trust them. They are the same criminals as the authorities.

– Guys, I’m an athlete. I’ll beat you up and I won’t understand it myself. I hit hard and accurately. – It’s not for nothing that I served in the space landing force for five years. Went through two wars for satellites. Although he was wounded in the stomach. We fought against the council. But they lost and gave up their positions. But we were not crushed then, but were forgiven and allowed into the council. They liked our culture. For them it fades. For too many years they have lived in abundance, unlike us.

– We’re just going to talk. Don’t be afraid, we are not punks. “The leader came up to me. He didn’t put the blaster away. He took out a document from his pocket and unfolded it in front of me. – Sergeant Belov OSO (special secret department).

– Ugh, you. Scared. “I said, although I myself reached into my pocket and quickly dialed my roommate’s number on the phone. He answered and listens. – If I had known that OSO was coming to see me, I would have washed the floors and tidied up the apartment. – This is our secret password. Igor is my debtor. I drank a lot before. How my wife went to a rally and was shot. But now he has recovered and is not living badly. I even found a bride. I hope he will have time to enter my apartment and erase everything from the computer’s hard drive. – Under what article? Out of disapproval or calls for something? – I said, stalling for time. The phone vibrated once. Feel better. This means that the neighbor managed to erase everything. I smiled. – Maybe because of a too beautiful smile. Now you won’t understand why they can imprison you.

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