German Unlocked. Your Complete Guide to B2 Proficiency

German Unlocked. Your Complete Guide to B2 Proficiency
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Embark on your German journey! This comprehensive guide takes you from zero to B2 fluency with clear lessons, practical exercises, & proven strategies. Master grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, & speaking. Unlock cultural insights & exam success!

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© Аlexander Chekhanovski, 2025

©, cover design, 2025

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ISBN 978-5-0065-6882-2

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Chapter 1: Hallo! Introduction to German


Welcome! Learning a new language can feel like a big adventure, and we’re so excited you’re embarking on this journey with us! German might seem a little intimidating at first, with its long words and different sounds, but don’t worry! This book is designed to make learning German fun and accessible, step-by-step. We’ll break down the basics, explore fascinating aspects of German culture, and equip you with the tools you need to start speaking confidently. So grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let’s begin!

Why Learn German?

German is spoken by over 100 million people worldwide, primarily in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and parts of other European countries. It’s a major language in Europe and the world of business, science, and the arts. Here are just a few reasons why learning German can be a fantastic investment:

Career Opportunities: Germany has one of the world’s largest economies, and many international companies are actively seeking German speakers.

Academic Pursuits: Germany is renowned for its universities and research institutions, offering excellent opportunities for higher education.

Cultural Enrichment: Immerse yourself in the rich history, literature, music, and art of the German-speaking world.

Travel and Exploration: Discover the beauty of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and connect with locals on a deeper level.

Cognitive Benefits: Learning a new language enhances your memory, problem-solving skills, and overall cognitive function.

The German Language Family

German belongs to the Germanic language family, which also includes English, Dutch, Swedish, and Norwegian. This means that you’ll likely find some similarities between German and English, making the learning process a bit easier. However, there are also key differences that we’ll address throughout this book.

Let’s Get Started: Basic Greetings

One of the first things you’ll want to learn are some basic greetings. Here are a few essential phrases:

Hallo! (hah-loh) – Hello! (General greeting, can be used anytime)

Guten Morgen! (goo-ten mor-gen) – Good morning! (Used until about 11 am)

Guten Tag! (goo-ten tahk) – Good day! (Used from late morning to evening)

Guten Abend! (goo-ten ah-bent) – Good evening! (Used from evening until bedtime)

Gute Nacht! (goo-te nahht) – Good night! (Used when going to bed)

Asking How Someone Is

To be polite, it’s good to ask how someone is doing. Here are a couple of ways to ask, depending on whether you’re speaking formally or informally:

Wie geht es Ihnen? (vee gayt es ee-nen) – How are you? (Formal – Use with people you don’t know well, older people, or in professional settings)

Wie geht es dir? (vee gayt es deer) – How are you? (Informal – Use with friends, family, and people you know well)

Here are a few ways to respond:

Mir geht es gut. (meer gayt es goot) – I’m fine.

Nicht so gut. (niht zo goot) – Not so good.

Es geht. (es gayt) – It’s okay. (So-so)

Introducing Yourself

Here’s how to ask someone their name and introduce yourself:

Wie heißen Sie? (vee hai-sen zee) – What’s your name? (Formal)

Wie heißt du? (vee haist doo) – What’s your name? (Informal)

Ich heiße… (ihh hai-se…) – My name is…

And here’s how to express pleasure upon meeting someone:

Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen! (froit mihh, zee ke-nen-tsoo-ler-nen) – Pleased to meet you! (Formal)

Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen! (froit mihh, dihh ke-nen-tsoo-ler-nen) – Pleased to meet you! (Informal)

Saying Goodbye

Here are some ways to say goodbye:

Auf Wiedersehen! (auf vee-der-zay-en) – Goodbye! (Formal)

Tschüss! (chüs) – Bye! (Informal)

Bis bald! (bis bahlt) – See you soon!

Pronunciation Basics

German pronunciation can be tricky, but with practice, you’ll get the hang of it. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:


a: Similar to the «a» in «father»

e: Similar to the «e» in «bed»

i: Similar to the «ee» in «see»

o: Similar to the «o» in «go»

u: Similar to the «oo» in «moon»

ä: Similar to the «a» in «cat» (but a bit more open)

ö: A sound that doesn’t exist in English; try saying «ay» while rounding your lips.

ü: A sound that doesn’t exist in English; try saying «ee» while rounding your lips.


ch: Can be pronounced in two ways:

After «a,» «o,» «u,» or «au,» it sounds like the «ch» in «Bach» (a guttural sound).

After «i,» «e,» «ä,» «ö,» «ü,» or consonants, it sounds like the «h» in «hue.»

sch: Sounds like the «sh» in «shoe.»

ß: Sounds like a double «s» (ss).

r: Often pronounced in the back of the throat (similar to the French «r»).

Tips for Mastering Tricky Sounds

Listen carefully: Pay attention to how native speakers pronounce words. There are many resources online where you can hear German pronunciation.

Practice regularly: The more you practice, the easier it will become to pronounce German sounds correctly.

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