Giving Thanks for Baby

Giving Thanks for Baby
О книге

To: Ross From: Trista Re: Soul mates You and Kelly share something special. I'd like to find my soul mate, too. Starting over in Chestnut Grove with an infant was such a major life change. At first, I wasn't sure if I was ready to move on, but it was time to stop dwelling on the past, so I took Kelly's advice and registered with a singles' website.I met the nicest e-mail buddy, but I also like your new assistant pastor, Scott Crosby. So, big brother, maybe this Thanksgiving we can all give thanks for our blessings–large and small.


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Giving Thanks for Baby

Terri Reed

I want to thank my fellow writers in this series, Deb,

Dana, Linda, Kathryn and Jillian for their input and support. It was fun working with you ladies.

Leah, Lissa and Melissa, I couldn’t have made

this book happen without your support and encouragement. Thanks bunches!


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Special thanks and acknowledgment are given

to Terri Reed for her contribution to the A TINY BLESSINGS TALE miniseries.

Chapter One

“If I had that window in my office, I wouldn’t get any work done.”

Trista Van Zandt glanced up from her homemade turkey and cheddar sandwich to smile at her tall blond sister-in-law who’d entered her office.

Kelly Van Zandt, beautiful in a rust-colored maternity dress that made the November leaves outside look drab in comparison, sat in one of the straight-backed chairs facing Trista’s desk.

“It is lovely,” Trista agreed. “Much better than the view of the parking lot I had in Richmond.”

As a litigator for the law firm of Benson and Benson Trista’s office on the fourth floor was small but had a nice view of the James River.

“One more good thing about you and Aidan moving here.” Kelly smiled. “How is my nephew?”

Tenderness welled up in Trista’s chest at the thought of her seven-month-old son, Aidan, who at the moment was safely at Chestnut Grove Child Care Center. “Adjusting well to day care. But anxious to see his new cousin.”

Kelly rubbed her burgeoning belly. “Just a month to go.”

Trista was glad that her brother’s wife would have a calm and peaceful last month before giving birth, so unlike the final month of her own pregnancy. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

Kelly brushed back her thick blond hair and smiled. “Yes. I was out shopping for the baby the other day. I bought the cutest coming-home outfit in a neutral cream with bunnies, since I don’t know if I’m bring home little Carissa or little Cameron. I’m so tempted to find out now what we’re having.”

“Don’t. Believe me, the wait is worth it.”

“So, how are you doing?” Kelly asked.

Trista had been expecting the question. Ever since she’d arrived in town, her brother, Ross and his wife, Kelly, had made it their job to take care of her and Aidan. As if they had the time, what with running Tiny Blessings adoption agency, Ross’s private investigation firm and their own baby’s imminent arrival. Trista shrugged. “Same old, same old.”

“That’s what I was afraid of,” Kelly grumbled.

“Excuse me?”

Concern darkened Kelly’s brown eyes. “I’m worried about you. You’ve done nothing but work and take care of Aidan. Why don’t you let us babysit him this weekend while you go have some harmless fun?”

Trista mentally scoffed. Harmless fun wasn’t something she had much experience with. Growing up in Brooklyn with alcoholic parents, she’d spent too much time running wild and getting in trouble. She always relied on her big brother to bail her out.

Once she’d realized the only way to find the security she’d lacked growing up was through her own determination and work, she’d applied herself to her studies.

She had an aptitude for litigation, and becoming a lawyer had seemed the best way to provide a stable life for herself. She’d be in control of her circumstances and have a decent salary. What more could she ask for?

But then she’d met Kevin Hughes at the end of her second year of law school and that blew having a stable life to pieces. She’d fallen hard for his charm and charisma and married him against Ross’s advice.

Well, she’d learned her lesson.

Love and happily-ever-after, she decided, were unrealistic aspirations for her. Only a very few, like Ross and Kelly, ever obtained true happiness.

Now her life’s goal was to provide a stable and secure home for her son. No matter what.

“You and Ross are the ones who should be going out now while you have the time,” she stated. “Once the baby arrives, you’ll understand why I choose to stay home at night with Aidan rather than doing anything else.”

Kelly nodded in understanding. “Okay, then. How about joining Naomi’s project?”

“Who is Naomi and what is her project?”

Sitting forward with an eager expression, Kelly explained. “Reverend Fraser’s wife, Naomi, created a Christian friends Web site called The Kingdom Room for singles so people all over the state can connect via the Internet. That would be a perfect way for you to get to know someone without having to go on dates.”

Shaking her head, Trista stated, “I’m not looking for a relationship. Been there, done that and not doing it again.”

“Oh, honey, don’t let what happened with Kevin sour you on love. I know God has someone in mind for you.”

Trista refrained from commenting on the ludicrous notion that God cared about her at all. If God thought anything about her it was that she wasn’t worth His time.

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