Grace Darling

Grace Darling
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A level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library graded readers. Written for Learners of English by Tim Vicary.

All they could hear was the wind, and the waves crashing on to the rocks. All they could see was the night. They could not see the ship, broken in two. They could not see the people holding on to the dark wet rock, slowly dying of cold. And they could not hear the cries for help – only the wind.

How could they save the people on the rock? Was their wooden boat stronger than the iron ship? Were a man and his daughter stronger than the great waves that broke the ship in two?

The Forfarshire was wrecked off the north-east coast of England in 1838. This is the true story of Grace Darling – a girl who became a famous heroine on that stormy night.


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The sea has many faces. Sometimes it is calm and gentle – as quiet as a swimming-pool. Sometimes it is wild, and angry, and dangerous. We build walls against the sea, and the sea washes them away. We build ships to sail on the sea, and the sea breaks them in two, like a child breaking a toy. When the sea wears its angry face, it is like a wild animal – that wants only to kill.

You, of course, are not afraid of the sea. You are safe on land, you are warm and dry. But it is different when you are on a small boat in an angry sea, with salt water flying into your face and the wind screaming in your ears. For us it is easy not to be afraid; this is only a book. But for Grace Darling it was no story. It was a very real, cold, wild night when she fought with the sea, and was not afraid.

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ISBN 978 0 19 479061 1
A complete recording of this Bookworms edition of Grace Darling is available on audio CD ISBN 978 0 19 478984 4
Illustrated by: David Frankland
Maps by: Brian Walker
Word count (main text): 6685 words
For more information on the Oxford Bookworms Library, visit
e-Book ISBN 978 0 19 478691 1
e-Book first published 2012

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