Guarding His Body

Guarding His Body
О книге

The ex-marine spoke with confidence and steely determination, but all Renny Bennett saw in his new bodyguard was a petite, doe-eyed nymph. Sabrina Dedune's feisty, take-no-prisoners attitude proved she took her job seriously. But suddenly the gorgeous body under that T-shirt seemed far more dangerous than any threat on his life.Sabrina was good at her job, but this talented sculptor and his erotic works of art left her reeling. Staying focused was hard when her body ached to taste all Renny had to offer. But after one searing kiss, she was guarding more than his body. Now her heart was at risk….


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“Renny, stop.”

When his tongue continued to flick over her lips and dip into her mouth, she moaned then flattened her palms on his hard chest and pushed against him. “Stop!”

The one word was like a splash of cold water stunning him back into reality. He lifted his face from her, looked down at her now swollen lips, her passion-filled eyes, and realized what he’d done. He’d crossed the line.

He eased away from her while keeping his hands on her waist until she lowered her legs to the floor. When he knew she could stand on her own, he backed away, putting several feet between them. “Sabrina—”

She shook her head quickly. “Our emotions were running high. This entire situation has changed in a matter of hours and we have to deal with that. That’s all we have to deal with. Is that clear?”

“No, it’s not clear. There’s something else between us that will have to be dealt with sooner or later. You know that as well as I do.”


was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, where she currently resides with her husband and three children. An active imagination and a love for reading encouraged her to begin writing in high school, and she hasn’t stopped since. Determined to bring a new edge to romance, she continues to develop intriguing plots, racy characters and fresh dialogue—thus keeping readers on their toes! Visit her Web site at

Guarding His Body

A. C. Arthur

To Andre, Asia & Amaya

A mother could not ask for a better crew

Dear Reader,

Whew! ROMANCE ON THE RUN—just the title sounds exciting. And I am more than pleased to be a part of this themed series.

Guarding His Body introduces two new families, the Desdunes and the Bennetts. They are influential families in the quiet town of Greenwich, Connecticut. Renny Bennett is an alleged playboy who left his family business to become an erotic-art sculptor. He’s a quiet alpha male who you’ll instantly fall in love with. Sabrina Desdune is not your ordinary heroine—she’s feisty, headstrong and a bodyguard. Bree uses her military training to protect Renny and his family from an anonymous threat, while Renny uses his charm to break down all Bree’s defenses. I loved these two characters and the way their differences came together to forge a strong bond.

Bree and Renny have a lot of obstacles, but their desire for each other and loyalty to their families outweigh them all. This was a fun story to write, with a touch of suspense thrown in for good measure. Be on the lookout for an appearance by one of those sexy Donovan men in this story as well!

Please do not hesitate to share your comments about Renny and Bree via e-mail at [email protected].

A. C. Arthur


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14


Chapter 1

Renny had a death grip on his temper. Of all the Bennett children he had the shortest fuse. In the past few months he’d been trying really hard to prove his brothers and father wrong, that he could make intelligent decisions without first over-reacting. But glancing again at this tiny woman—she couldn’t be any more than five feet three inches and one-twenty soaking wet—with serious dark eyes and hair pulled back into a simple ponytail, he felt his resolve slipping.

How in the hell did they expect him to take the news that she was his new bodyguard seriously?

She didn’t look capable of buying herself a drink without identification, let alone protecting him from some psychopath killer!

Through clenched teeth he managed a smile and extended his hand to clasp the one she’d held out to him. “I’m Renny Bennett. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Desdune,” he murmured, because his mother had been a stickler for manners.

Bree hadn’t missed it—even though he’d tried valiantly to hide his irritation, she’d seen the spark in his brown eyes and almost winced with its fierceness. He wasn’t dressed in designer suits like the three other Bennett men in the room. No, this one was so sure of his good looks, he’d opted for crisp new blue jeans and a navy button-down shirt. His boots looked sturdy, Timberland, she thought with a shrug, the same ones Lynn had just purchased for her nephew, Jeremy.

She was an excellent judge of character. Her mother said this was her sixth sense inherited from her Creole grandmother, Ruby, on Daddy’s side. Bree didn’t care who it came from, it was a great tool and she had used it all her life. Now she used it to tell the true feelings of Mr. Bennett. He was thinking that this little woman couldn’t possibly be a threat to anyone, so how was she supposed to protect him? She had to admit, the Bennett men did soar over her at more than six feet, but then she’d always been the shortest one in the bunch. It never stopped her from taking either one of her brothers down, nor had it stopped her from graduating tops in her basic training class when she’d enlisted in the marines.

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