Helios Crowns His Mistress

Helios Crowns His Mistress
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The heir’s choice: mistress or wife?Breaking news: from the depths of the palace come whispers of a threat to Agon. It’s public knowledge that Crown Prince Helios is bound to marry the Princess of Monte Cleure, but will the discovery of his secret lover Amy Green shatter the kingdom?An exclusive source has revealed that Amy has ended their affair – leaving Helios furious. And we all know he’s not a man to be denied! Legally, Helios must wed someone of pure royal blood, so the question remains: will he do as duty commands? Or will he risk his crown to marry his mistress?

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‘We don’t marry for love or companionship, as other people do. We marry for the good of our island. Think of my betrothal as a business arrangement. But you are my lover. You are the woman I want to be with.’

For an age Amy didn’t say anything. She simply looked into Helios’s eyes, searching for something—she didn’t know what.

He brought his face down to meet her lips, which had parted.

‘I mean it, Helios, we’re finished. I will never be your mistress.’ Her words were but a whisper.

‘You think?’


‘Then why are you still standing here? Why is your breath still warm on my face?’

Brushing his lips across the softness of her cheek, he gripped her bottom and ground her to him, letting her feel his desire for her.

The tiniest of moans escaped her throat.

‘See?’ He trailed kisses over her delicate ear. ‘You do want me. But you’re punishing me.’

You are formally invited to the Jubilee Gala of His Majesty King Astraeus of Agon as he commemorates 50 years on the throne. Join us as we celebrate

The Kalliakis Crown

Royal by birth, ruthless by nature

This warrior nation’s fierce Princes— Talos, Theseus and Helios—each have their own special gift to give their grandfather, the King. But none of them is expecting the three women who challenge their plans … and steal their hearts!

Discover the passion behind the palace doors … watch as destinies are forged … and get swept up in a torrent of emotion in this powerful new trilogy by Michelle Smart!

Don’t miss

Talos Claims His Virgin December 2015

Theseus Discovers His Heir January 2016

Helios Crowns His Mistress February 2016

The Kalliakis CrownRoyal by birth, ruthless by nature

Helios Crowns

His Mistress

Michelle Smart


MICHELLE SMART’s love affair with books started when she was a baby, when she would cuddle them in her cot. A voracious reader of all genres, she found her love of romance established when she stumbled across her first Mills & Boon book at the age of twelve. She’s been reading (and writing) them ever since. Michelle lives in Northamptonshire with her husband and two young Smarties.

This book is for Aimee—thank you for all the support and cheerleading over the years. You’re one in a million.

This book is also dedicated to Hannah and Sarah—the mojitos in this are for you!



‘DO YOU REALLY have to shave it off?’ Amy Green, busy admiring Helios’s rear view, slipped a cajoling tone into her plea.

Helios met her eye in the reflection of the bathroom mirror and winked. ‘It will grow back.’

She pouted. Carefully. The clay mask she’d applied to her face had dried, making it hard for her to move her features without cracking it. Another ten minutes and she would be able to rinse it off. ‘But you’re so sexy with a beard.’

‘Are you saying I’m not sexy without it?’

She made a harrumphing sound. ‘You’re always sexy.’

Too sexy for his own good. Even without a beard. Even his voice was sexy: a rich, low-pitched tone that sang to her ears, with the Agon accent which made it dance.

Impossibly tall and rangy, and incredibly strong, with dark olive colouring and ebony hair, currently tousled after a snatched hour in bed with her, Helios had a piratical appearance. The dangerous look was exaggerated by the slight curve of his strong nose and the faint scar running over its bridge: the mark of a fight with his brother Theseus when they were teenagers. Utterly without vanity, Helios wore the scar with pride. He was the sexiest man she’d ever met.

Soon the hair would be tamed and as smooth as his face would be, yet his innate masculinity would still vibrate through him. His rugged body would be hidden by a formal black evening suit, but his strength and vitality would permeate the expensive fabric. The playful expression emanating from his liquid dark brown eyes would still offer sin.

He would turn into Prince Helios Kalliakis, heir to the throne of Agon. But he would still be a flesh and blood man.

He lifted the cut-throat blade. ‘Are you sure you don’t want to do it?’

Amy shook her head. ‘Can you imagine if I were to cut you? I would be arrested for treason.’

He grinned, then gave the mirror a quick wipe to clear away the condensation produced from the steam of her bath.

Smothering a snigger, she stretched out her right leg until her foot reached the taps, and used her toes to pour a little more hot water in.

‘I’m sure deliberately steaming up the bathroom so I can’t see properly is also treasonous,’ he said with a playful shake of his head, striding lithely to the extractor fan and switching it on.

As with everything in his fabulous palace apartment it worked instantly, clearing the enormous bathroom of steam.

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