Her Cowboy Lawman

Her Cowboy Lawman
О книге

Not His First RodeoSheriff Brennan Connelly knows he should avoid anything that could hint at scandal while he’s running for reelection, such as falling for a gorgeous young widow. But despite the age difference and the political risks, Bren and Lauren Danners share a remarkable connection. And as he coaches her young son in the rodeo, the former Green Beret is drawn ever closer to her.Lauren Danners may be young, but she's long past the age of swooning over devastatingly handsome men. And Bren Connelly may be handsome, but Lauren has had her fill of men in dangerous jobs. To protect her son—and her heart—she tries to keep Bren at arm’s length. But whenever she’s around him, all she wants is to be in his arms!


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Not His First Rodeo

Sheriff Brennan Connelly knows he should avoid anything that could hint at scandal while he’s running for reelection, such as falling for a gorgeous young widow. But despite the age difference and the political risks, Bren and Lauren Danners share a remarkable connection. And as he coaches her young son in the rodeo, the former Green Beret is drawn ever closer to her.

Lauren Danners may be young, but she’s long past the age of swooning over devastatingly handsome men. And Bren Connelly may be handsome, but Lauren has had her fill of men in dangerous jobs. To protect her son—and her heart—she tries to keep Bren at arm’s length. But whenever she’s around him, all she wants is to be in his arms!

“Is it unlocked?” Lauren glanced toward his truck.

In response Bren moved to the passenger side and opened it. She hadn’t had a man open the door for her in…well, a long, long time.


He nodded. She had to look away.

Great. Less than two minutes in his company and it was all she could do to look him in the eye. He caused her heart to pump at what felt like a million beats per minute.

“Need help up?” he asked, holding out a supporting hand.

“No, no.”

But he helped her anyway, his hand capturing her elbow and gently guiding her. She might have moved, but inside everything froze, her breathing, her heart, even her vision as she stared straight ahead. And then he let her go and she wilted into the cab of his truck, the door sealing with a pop.

Oh, dear Lord.

How would she ever make it through the next few hours?

I’ve spent a lot of time at junior rodeos, but not because I have a kid who likes to compete. Actually, I have a kid who’s a junior rodeo queen—complete with the big silver crown.

Recently, as I watched my daughter proudly represent her rodeo, I spotted an anxious mom helping her steer-riding son, and I was grateful I didn’t have to deal with that. I couldn’t imagine watching my kid compete in such a dangerous sport. I found myself wondering if the woman was a single mom, and if so, how she managed on her own.

I love it when an idea for a book comes to me full-blown. Authors will tell you the “what if” game is how stories are born. I started thinking about that single mom, imagining that her life had been torn to shreds, yet she’d made it through to the other side. That poor woman at that rodeo has no idea she was the inspiration for a romance novel.

Lauren Danners is my favorite kind of character. Smart. Driven. A great mom. She’s pulled herself up by her bootstraps and changed her life all on her own. She doesn’t need tough-guy lawman Bren Connelly. She’s doing just fine. Or is she?

You’ll have to read the book to find out. As always, I hope you enjoy my grown-up-girl horse story. I always try to write about ranching and the animals I love. I hope you like reading about them. Drop me a line if you’re so inclined. I’m on Facebook at Facebook.com/pamelabritton.


Her Cowboy Lawman

Pamela Britton


With more than a million books in print, PAMELA BRITTON likes to call herself the best-known author nobody’s ever heard of. Of course, that changed thanks to a certain licensing agreement with that little racing organization known as NASCAR.

But before the glitz and glamour of NASCAR, Pamela wrote books that were frequently voted the best of the best by the Detroit Free Press, Barnes & Noble (two years in a row) and RT Book Reviews. She’s won numerous awards, including a National Readers’ Choice Award and a nomination for the Romance Writers of America Golden Heart® Award.

When not writing books, Pamela is a reporter for a local newspaper. She’s also a columnist for the American Quarter Horse Journal.

Dedicated with heartfelt gratitude to all the men and women who protect this country.

Lauren Danners leaned against one of the five wooden columns that supported the rodeo’s announcer’s stand and tried not to hyperventilate. In front of her—a mere two feet away—a young steer tried to jump out of a rodeo chute. A flurry of voices called, “Watch out, watch out,” around her, but she didn’t look away. She had eyes only for the young boy intending to sit atop the steer—her ten-year-old son.

Please, God. Don’t let him get hurt.

“You know you could always watch from the grandstands,” said a man wearing a black cowboy hat and a commiserating smile. “You could put your head between your legs up there if you feel like you’re gonna vomit.”

She pulled herself out from beneath a haze of panic to note the man had a gold star pinned to the front of his polo shirt, one with the word Sheriff clearly etched into the metal.

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