Her Guardian Rancher

Her Guardian Rancher
О книге

A Soldier’s PromiseThree years ago Daron McKay made a vow to his dying army buddy: watch over his wife, protect his child. But he never imagined he’d fall in love with mom and baby. Now, as Emma Shaw barely hangs onto her ranch and her daughter faces life-saving surgery, the cowboy bodyguard is determined to see his promise through. But Emma doesn't want a hero. Especially one riddled with guilt. She'll make it on her own, just like she always has. With Emma, Daron faces his most difficult assignment: showing the battle-scarred widow that letting go makes you stronger—and that loving is worth the risk…


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A Soldier’s Promise

Three years ago Daron McKay made a vow to his dying army buddy: watch over his wife, protect his child. But he never imagined he’d fall in love with mom and baby. Now as Emma Shaw barely hangs on to her ranch and her daughter faces lifesaving surgery, the cowboy bodyguard is determined to see his promise through. But Emma doesn’t want a hero. Especially one riddled with guilt. She’ll make it on her own, just like she always has. With Emma, Daron faces his most difficult assignment: showing the battle-scarred widow that letting go makes you stronger—and that loving is worth the risk…

“Go home, Daron.”

She stood there in the rain, looking at him with dark eyes. “When it stops raining, I’ll fix the roof.”

“I’m not going anywhere. You have a sick little girl in there. Let me do this.”

She put her fists on her hips. “If you’re going up, so am I.”

As she went for the ladder, he watched her, then averted his eyes, because looking too long just didn’t seem right.

He’d gotten through the last few years by thinking of her as his friend’s wife. But she wasn’t anymore. He remembered Andy, how they’d talked about him being a dad. But he never did get to be a father…

“Stop, Daron,” she said as if reading his mind. “Stop thinking about it or you’ll never move past that day, the guilt. Let’s make a deal. We’ll be friends, the kind that help each other out because that’s what friends do. Not because they feel guilty.”

Friends. Yeah, they could be friends.

Who was he kidding? He wanted a lot more from Emma than friendship.

I’m so thrilled that you’ve joined me for another visit to Martin’s Crossing! Her Guardian Rancher brings familiar faces and new characters. Daron McKay has been a favorite character of mine and it seems fitting that the Martin’s Crossing series should end with his story. Emma Shaw is an amazing heroine, and in her, Daron will find a lasting love. Together with her daughter, Jamie, the three create an amazing family and a story I hope you will love!



BRENDA MINTON lives in the Ozarks with her husband, children, cats, dogs and strays. She is a pastor’s wife, Sunday-school teacher, coffee addict and sleep deprived. Not in that order. Her dream to be an author for Harlequin started somewhere in the pages of a romance novel about a young American woman stranded in a Spanish castle. Her dreams came true, and twenty-plus books later, she is an author hoping to inspire young girls to dream.

Her Guardian Rancher

Brenda Minton


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen.

—Hebrews 11:1

To the police officers and also to the men and women of the armed forces—because their constant sacrifice keeps our communities and our nation safe. May we show them respect and continue to uplift them in our prayers.

The moonless sky was dark and heavy with clouds and a promise of rain that would be welcome, since most of November had been dry and December promised more of the same. Daron McKay eased his truck down the driveway of the Wilder Ranch, away from Boone Wilder’s RV, where he frequently crashed on nights like this. Nights when sleep was as distant as Afghanistan, but the memories were close. Too close.

On nights like this he took a drive rather than pace restlessly. A year ago he would have woken Boone and the two of them would have talked. But Boone had recently married Kayla Stanford and the happy couple had built a house on the opposite side of the Wilder property.

Daron had his own place, a small ranch a few miles outside of Martin’s Crossing. He rarely stayed there. The house was too big. The space too open. He preferred the close confines of the camper. Not that he wanted to admit it, but he liked Boone’s dog. He also didn’t mind Boone’s large and raucous family.

His own family was a little more restrained and not as large. And his appearance sometimes bothered his mom. He didn’t shave often enough. He preferred jeans and boots to a suit. His dad, an attorney in Austin, wanted his son to join the family law firm rather than run the protection business he’d started with friends Boone Wilder and Lucy Palermo. His mom wanted him to attend functions at the club and find a nice girl to marry. His sister, Janette, was busy being exactly the person her parents wanted her to be. She was pretty, socially correct and finishing college.

Daron was still coming to terms with his tour of duty in Afghanistan, with the knowledge that he could lead friends into an ambush.

One of those friends had died. Andy Shaw had only been in Afghanistan a few months when Daron and Boone followed an Afghan kid who claimed his sister was in trouble. The sister. Daron pulled onto the highway, gripping the steering wheel, getting control of the memories. He’d thought he loved her, so when her brother came to him and said their family needed the help of the American soldiers, Daron had agreed to go.

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