Her Guardian Shifter

Her Guardian Shifter
О книге

Some boundaries are made to be crossed…A rare Vedjorn bear shifter, Eric Mikkelson lives on his own terms. So allying with wolf shifters, even gorgeous Julia Jacobs, goes against his loner instincts. Yet Eric must protect his infant son from the dangerous shifter cult stalking him. Keeping JJ at arm's length proves nearly impossible. She gets under Eric's skin, exposing them to new risks as their staggering attraction defies Pack laws and JJ's own dark secrets lies between them.When the safe haven of their shifter-friendly town is violated, lying low is no longer an option. Julia and Eric must embrace the power of their inner beasts, even if it means sacrificing their forbidden bond!


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Some boundaries are made to be crossed...

A rare Vedjorn bear shifter, Eric Mikkelson lives on his own terms. So allying with wolf shifters, even gorgeous Julia Jacobs, bristles his loner instincts. But Eric must protect his infant son from the dangerous shifter cult stalking him. However, keeping JJ at arm’s length proves nearly impossible. She gets under Eric’s skin, exposing them to new risks as their staggering attraction defies Pack laws, and JJ’s own dark secrets fester between them.

When the safe haven of their shifter-friendly town is violated, lying low is no longer an option. Julia and Eric must embrace the power of their inner beasts, even if it means sacrificing their forbidden bond.

“You went out to change, didn’t you?” The sound of Eric’s deep voice sent an immediate thrum of need blazing through JJ’s bloodstream. Damn.

Eric dragged his hand across his chin. “So...I was wondering if you’d mind watching Garth sometime, so I can change, too. It’s been a while.”

What she’d give to see him change, or to be more specific, to be there when he exchanged his animal for that of a man, fully and gloriously aroused. A bolt of lust shot through her, so strong she nearly staggered.

“Tomorrow night should be fine.” She hoped she sounded casual.

“Thank you.” He grinned. “I hope I can repay you somehow.”

Oh, she knew exactly how he could repay her. Dang it. Swallowing hard, she managed to smile back.

“Good night,” she said firmly, unlocking her door and stepping inside, her entire body throbbing. Residue from the change, she told herself. Nothing to do with her tenant. Nothing to do with him at all.

KAREN WHIDDON started weaving fanciful tales for her younger brothers at the age of eleven. Amid the gorgeous Catskill Mountains, then the majestic Rocky Mountains, she fueled her imagination with the natural beauty surrounding her. Karen now lives in north Texas, writes full-time and volunteers for a boxer dog rescue. She shares her life with her hero of a husband and four to five dogs, depending on if she is fostering. You can email Karen at [email protected]. Fans can also check out her website, www.karenwhiddon.com.

Her Guardian Shifter

Karen Whiddon


To my dog rescue family.

Your love and support and kindheartedness help make this world brighter.

Chapter 1

Damned if he did and damned if he didn’t. Truer words had never been uttered. Hightailing it out of California with his infant son made Eric Mikkelson feel like some sort of criminal, even though he’d never broken a single law in his entire thirty-six years. Basically, he considered himself one of the good guys. Though his kind, the Vedjorn—bear shape-shifters—were by and large ostracized by the wolves, aka The Pack, since no one went around revealing what kind of shifter they were, his life hadn’t been impacted as much as it could have been otherwise.

No, this journey had nothing to do with him, and everything to do with protecting his son. He wasn’t sure why he felt as if he’d gone on the lam. After all, he’d been granted full legal custody of three-month-old Garth in a court of law. Without restrictions. So if he wanted to drive across the country to New York in the middle of winter, infant son in tow, there was absolutely no reason why he shouldn’t or couldn’t.

He had his reasons, of course. Even before Garth had been born, he’d asked for and received permission to take a sabbatical from his job as a college professor. As soon as his then-wife, Yolanda, had begun showing, so had her disdain for the thing she carried inside her.

The more she’d ranted and raved, the more worried he’d grown. She, too, was bear, and their kind were dwindling. A pregnancy would normally be a time for celebration. Not with her. Instead, she appeared to be coming unhinged.

In her third trimester, she’d finally come to him and asked for her freedom. She hadn’t meant she only wanted out of the marriage. She wanted out of motherhood, as well. He’d negotiated with her carefully. Since he’d offered her a hefty settlement, she’d carried their son full term. Once Garth had been born, she’d refused even to look at the tiny, red-faced infant. She’d handed over the baby to Eric, checked herself out of the hospital and took off to have fun without being tied to anyone or anything.

The divorce had gone through without a hitch. Eric settled into his new life as a single father with bemused dedication and love. He’d been shocked to learn how much he loved his newborn son, and vowed to be the best parent he could.

He’d researched everything about babies. Heavily. Some things, such as the ingrained habits borne of years spent educating others, wouldn’t be changed. He’d felt competent and prepared, until the first time Garth came down with a high fever that wouldn’t break.

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