Her Hottest Summer Yet

Her Hottest Summer Yet
О книге

Everything she needs for a hot summer!At sixteen, New York society princess Avery Shaw had the perfect holiday…right before her parents divorced. Ten years on, and desperate to recapture that lazy, carefree feeling, she’s returning to tropical Australia’s Crescent Cove to see her friend Claudia…Crescent Cove might be just as beautiful – but everything else is different! Claudia’s busy working, there are creepy-crawlies everywhere…and deliciously ripped surfer Jonah North always seems to be there at the wrong time. He’s every kind of wrong – the lust is uncontrollable, and in her experience that always ends badly. But she’s leaving in two weeks – can she really turn down a tough, sexy Aussie man?Those Summer NightsIn Crescent Cove find sun, sea and steamy nights…

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Jonah gritted out, ‘I’m trying to rescue you, which will not be possible unless you stop struggling.’

The woman stopped wriggling long enough to shoot him a flat stare. ‘I’m an excellent swimmer,’ she croaked. ‘I swam conference for Bryn Mawr.’

Not just a tourist, Jonah thought, with her posh American accent ringing in his ears. From the whole other side of the world.

‘Could have fooled me,’ he muttered. ‘Unless that’s what passes for the Australian Crawl Stateside these days.’

The stare became a glare. And her eyes … A wicked green, they were, only one was marred with a whopping great splotch of brown.

And while he stared her hand slipped. Luckily she had the smarts to grab the pointy end of his board, leaving him to clench his thighs for all he was worth.

‘Honey,’ he growled, by then near the end of his limited patience, ‘I understand that you’re embarrassed. ‘But would you rather be humbled or dead?’

Her strange eyes flinted at the honey—not that he gave a damn. All he cared was that she gave a short nod. The sooner he dumped her back on the sand and got on with his day the better. And if a dose of reality was necessary to get it done, then so be it.

Dear Reader

Far North Queensland is a beautiful part of the world—and only a hop, skip and a short plane ride from where I live. The beaches are magnificent, the sun is hot, and the skies are endless. And what with all that gorgeousness and sultry heat, the flash resorts and the great bars and cafés—well, the possibility of a hot summer romance is ripe.

From all that my hero, Jonah North, was born. Strong and taciturn. All sun-drenched skin, quicksilver eyes, brawn, candour and capability. A man with a wild past that has him shouldering regret, and a rare smile that’ll melt your knees from ten paces. He’s a bloke. A man’s man. And one the ladies like quite a bit as well—myself included! All I had to do was throw him the most unlikely heroine—cool, unimpressed, desperately independent and a tourist—then sit back and watch as the sparks flew and the mighty tree was felled.

I hope you enjoy the show as much as I did!

Till then, happy reading. And keep a fan on hand—when Jonah hits the page you might need it! :)



Those Summer NightsIn Crescent Cove find sun, sea and steamy nights …

This hot, sultry duet continues next month with THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT by Amy Andrews.

Don’t miss Claudia’s story!

Her Hottest Summer Yet

Ally Blake


In her previous life Australian author ALLY BLAKE was at times a cheerleader, a maths tutor, a dental assistant and a shop assistant. In this life she is a bestselling, multi-award-winning novelist who has been published in over twenty languages with more than two million books sold worldwide.

She married her gorgeous husband in Las Vegas—no Elvis in sight, though Tony Curtis did put in a special appearance—and now Ally and her family, including three rambunctious toddlers, share a property in the leafy western suburbs of Brisbane, with kookaburras, cockatoos, rainbow lorikeets and the occasional creepy-crawly. When not writing, she makes coffees that never get drunk, eats too many M&Ms, attempts yoga, devours The West Wing reruns, reads every spare minute she can and barracks ardently for the Collingwood Magpies footy team.

You can find out more at her website, www.allyblake.com

Other Modern Tempted™ titles by Ally Blake:



This and other titles by Ally Blake are available in eBook format from www.millsandboon.co.uk

This one is for all the long, hot Australian summers of my life; for all the memories and possibilities they hold.

With an extra dollop of love for Amy Andrews, one of my favourite writers and a sublime woman to boot.

Avery Shaw barely noticed the salty breeze whipping pale blonde hair across her face and fluttering the diaphanous layers of her dress against her legs. She was blissfully deep in a whirlpool of warm, hazy, happy memories as she stood on the sandy footpath and beamed up at the facade of the Tropicana Nights Resort.

She lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the shimmering Australian summer sun, and breathed the place in. It was bigger than she remembered, and more striking. Like some great white colonial palace, uprooted out of another era and transplanted to the pretty beach strip that was Crescent Cove. The garden now teetered on the wild side, and its facade was more than a little shabby around the edges. But ten years did that to a place.

Things changed. She was hardly the naive sixteen-year-old with the knobbly knees she’d been the summer she was last there. Back when all that mattered was friends, and fun, and—

A loud whoosh and rattle behind her tugged Avery back to the present. She glanced down the curving sidewalk to see a group of skinny brown-skinned boys in board shorts hurtling across the road on their skateboards before running down the beach and straight into the sparkling blue water of the Pacific.

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