Her Unexpected Family

Her Unexpected Family
О книге

A Family to LoveEmily Gallagher and Grant McCarthy are planning a wedding together—just not their own. Emily’s well-structured life is turned upside-down when her company is hired to help Grant put together his deployed sister’s nuptials. Because as Emily spends more time with Grant and his adorable twins, she can't help but daydream about being at the altar herself. But Emily's ex-beauty queen status brings Grant memories of his children's appearance-obsessed mother—a woman who walked out on their family. For a future with Emily, can Grant escape the confines of his painful past? If he can, the next wedding they plan could be their own…Grace Haven: A town full of heart, happiness and home.


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A Family to Love

Emily Gallagher and Grant McCarthy are planning a wedding together—just not their own. Emily’s well-structured life is turned upside-down when her company is hired to help Grant put together his deployed sister’s nuptials. Because as Emily spends more time with Grant and his adorable twins, she can’t help but daydream about being at the altar herself. But Emily’s ex-beauty-queen status brings Grant memories of his children’s appearance-obsessed mother—a woman who walked out on their family. For a future with Emily, can Grant escape the confines of his painful past? If he can, the next wedding they plan could be their own…

Her heart sped up.

She ordered it to stop that nonsense, right now.

Her heart had other ideas. When Grant climbed out of the car and crossed the drive, the sight of him, rugged and strong, dressed in working man’s clothes, tugged at her.

“You’re shoveling?”

“Just finished.”

“I’d have done this for you.” He reached out and tucked her hair back behind her ear, then indicated the walks with his gaze, but didn’t move his hand. “It would be my pleasure, Em.”

The strength of his callused hand against her cheek, against her ear, sent warmth through her. “Grant, I—”

“You’re beautiful with snowflakes in your hair.” He spoke softly, tenderly. “But you’re beautiful without the snowflakes, too.”


“Em.” He whispered her name then gathered her into a long, warm embrace, the kind of hug a woman would cherish for all her days.

“I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” She stepped back, because if she didn’t, she might linger in the yard forever, lost in the moment.

Multipublished, bestselling author RUTH LOGAN HERNE loves God, her country, her family, dogs, chocolate and coffee! Married to a very patient man, she lives in an old farmhouse in upstate New York and thinks possums should leave the cat food alone and snakes should always live outside. There are no exceptions to either rule! Visit Ruthy at ruthloganherne.com.

Her Unexpected


Ruth Logan Herne


Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

—Ephesians 4:31–32

To my beautiful daughter Beth:

You are a blessing and a delight to us. Thank you for being a constant source of love, light and encouragement. And the four grandkids are a total bonus!


A special thanks to Jean Cosgriff, Ed Hall,

Donna Kocienski and Kathy Pittaway for their love and help during my years at Bridal Hall. Your warmth and humor made it an absolute pleasure to work there! And to the constant efforts of the Town of Parma Highway Department, always working to keep roads safe and clear. Your example helped me shape this delightful story. Every time you get behind the wheel of one of those big plows or machines, you’re a hero to so many of us. Thank you!

Chapter One

I can’t break this appointment again, Grant McCarthy thought as he bundled the twins into their car seats. He’d already put the wedding planner off twice.

Timmy gazed up at him, round-eyed, then smacked him upside the head with a plastic truck. For a little guy, the two-year-old packed a mean punch.

Dolly squalled from the moment he started carrying her toward the car, as if being strapped in made her want to lash out irrationally. Being two and developmentally delayed, instant meltdowns had become a chronic reaction. While Tim looked on, Dolly blubbered nonstop, and pools of water seemed to come from everywhere.

“Dowwy’s sad.” Timmy gazed across the backseat of the minivan. His lower lip quivered in sympathy. His eyes started to fill, and Grant knew he had to act fast.

“She’s fine, Timmers, I promise,” Grant reassured his little son. He trotted around the front of the car, climbed in and started the engine. “She hates being tied down, that’s all.”

He smiled at Tim through the rearview mirror, but didn’t dare glance Dolly’s way. She’d stopped crying for the moment, but if he made eye contact, she’d start all over again. It was bad enough that his aunt came down with the same virus the twins had shared a few weeks ago, but to get it today, when he was supposed to meet with the wedding planner for his sister Christa’s wedding, spelled disaster. On top of that, Aunt Tillie had chewed him out for attempting to plan the wedding, take care of two babies and a house while running the town highway department. She told him he was downright foolish to even try.

At the moment, he was inclined to agree.

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