Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek
О книге

Double lives, sexy secrets! Jennie Snow, aka former Mafia princess Maria Castone, lives a secret life. In exchange for her testimony, the witness protection programme gave her a new identity – and a new job as part of crack computer team The Hot Wires. Green-eyed cop Nathan Reilly is young, arrogant and head-over-heels for Jennie. But his hot pursuit of her is sharply derailed when Internal Affairs orders him to make her the subject of a top secret investigation.Now it’s up to Nathan to uncover the truth – but will what he finds be enough to suppress his powerful desire for Jennie?

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“Undress me, Jennie.”

“With pleasure.”

The two simple words rocked Nathan to the core: he could get off on her voice alone, he thought. The fire between them was daunting.

Somehow she managed to undo all the buttons on his shirt while he kissed her deeply, his hands everywhere. He couldn’t stay away from her as she peeled his clothes off and shed the rest of hers.

Within moments they were both completely bare. She was even lovelier than he’d imagined. Curved and full, she was beautifully formed, her skin a satin olive tone that bespoke her Italian heritage. Maria indeed. The dusky aureoles of her nipples accentuated perfectly rounded breasts with velvet brown tips that would be heaven to taste.

“You’re amazing,” Jennie said as she stepped forwards, pressing against his painfully hard shaft.

“I was just thinking the same about you,” he whispered. Emotion swamped him.

The mood had shifted, and she looked at him, open and vulnerable. Conflict suddenly twisted with passion in Nathan’s gut – how could he make love to the woman he was secretly investigating?


lives in Syracuse, New York, where she enjoys the luxury of writing full-time. When she’s not writing, Sam likes to work in her garden, quilt, cook, read and spend time with her husband and their dogs.

Dear Reader,

Who doesn’t have a few secrets of their own, right? But most of us don’t have secrets like the ones Jennie Snow and Nathan Reilly are keeping. She’s a former Mafia princess turned cop; he’s investigating her on the sly, all the while fighting his attraction to her.

I knew when Jennie Snow popped up on the pages of my last HOTWIRES book, Flirtation, that she had to have her own story. Jennie needed a hero with a nature as passionate as hers, as well as someone brave enough to help her face her past and her future. Good thing Nathan Reilly showed up. This book explores some of my favourite themes – family, deception and dealing with the past. And, as Jennie discovers, we’re all fortunate when we find someone to stand by our side when we face difficult moments.

Stop by my website www.samanthahunter.com, or drop me a note to find out what’s coming next.

Happy reading,

Samantha Hunter





For Milene, Jane and Vivian.

“The bird a nest, the spider a web, [wo]man friendship.” —William Blake


JENNIE SNOW GRIMACED over the top of her laptop screen, trying to focus on the work in front of her but failing miserably. Nathan Reilly was to blame. He stood outside the windows of the climate-controlled HotWires offices, deep in conversation with a detective. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him.

Though it was uncomfortably cool in the office—the computer crime labs were kept at low temps to protect the machinery that populated the room—she became uncomfortably warm every time she glanced in Nathan’s direction. He was hard to ignore.

Nathan wasn’t overly tall or burly like so many of the men she’d grown up with—he had a nice, solid build and was just the right height to meet her eyes when they shared a level glance. If she were held against him, all of their important parts would mesh perfectly. And meshing with Nathan was becoming more of a possibility, though she’d been struggling hard to deny it.

He’d been seducing her for the past three months with his sexy glances and clever conversation. Not to mention the flowers he kept sending her. They were never the same type of flower. Nathan always managed to surprise her. However, the accompanying card always asked the same question: “When?”

She’d put him off for as many good reasons as she could think of. First off, he was five years younger than she was: twenty-eight to her thirty-three. Plus, he was relatively new to the job, having only been with HotWires for under a year, and he was busy building his career.

Lastly, Jennie never formed close romantic ties with any of the men she’d known, and there’d been a few over the years. She wasn’t a nun. Still, she couldn’t allow herself to become involved in anything more serious than a casual relationship. For a multitude of reasons. Though Nathan was getting more and more difficult to resist.

She pulled absently at the soft cashmere neckline of her sweater and heard a distinctly female chuckle come from the desk to the left of hers. The chuckle was sarcastic as hell, and Jennie knew she’d been caught in the act of lusting openly.

Sarah Jessup-Sullivan, one of the original members chosen to join the prestigious computer crime unit, followed Jennie’s gaze with a mischievous, knowing look, and laughed again.

“You’ve got it soooo bad for that man. He’s hot stuff. Admit it.”

“I’ll admit no such thing. You just go for Irish guys.”

Sarah sat back, crossing arms over her stomach, which was back to being washboard flat even though she’d just given birth not quite two months before.

“Only one, thank you very much. Actually, before Logan, I was much more attracted to the macho Latin type, Italians, Hispanics. I’d never dated an Irish guy, though there are plenty of them in the city. Logan was my first.”

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