Hollywood Baby Affair

Hollywood Baby Affair
О книге

A fake relationship leads to a real pregnancy! Only from USA TODAY bestselling author Anna DePalo! To protect her reputation in a dog-eat-dog town, actress Chiara Feran needs a fake fling fast! Turning to the stuntman on her latest movie, Rick Serenghetti, seems like a sure thing. But in Hollywood, things—and stuntmen—are never what they seem. Rick is actually a wealthy movie producer who stunts for kicks. And boy, is he intrigued by this latest role! But he gets more than he bargained for as the line between fantasy and reality blurs. Soon, a very real baby is on the way. Could a marriage proposal be far behind?


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A fake relationship leads to a real pregnancy! Only from USA TODAY bestselling author Anna DePalo!

To protect her reputation in a dog-eat-dog town, actress Chiara Feran needs a fake fling fast! Turning to the stuntman on her latest movie, Rick Serenghetti, seems like a sure thing. But in Hollywood, things—and stuntmen—are never what they seem. Rick is actually a wealthy movie producer who stunts for kicks. And boy, is he intrigued by this latest role! But he gets more than he bargained for as the line between fantasy and reality blurs. Soon, a very real baby is on the way. Could a marriage proposal be far behind?

Hollywood Baby Affair is part of The Serenghetti Brothers series.

“So you need a boyfriend,” Rick Serenghetti said without preamble.

She itched to rub the smug smile off his face. “I don’t need anything. This would be a completely optional but mutually advantageous arrangement.”

And right after this conversation, she was going to have another serious talk with her manager. What had Odele signed her up for?

“You need me.”

She burned. He’d made it sound like You want me.

“I’ve been asked to play many roles, but never a stud.”

“Don’t get too excited.”

He grinned. “Don’t worry, I won’t. I have a thing for the doe-eyed, dark-haired look, but since Camilla Belle isn’t available, you’ll do.”

The flames of temper licked her, not least because he was clued in as to her Hollywood doppelgänger. “So you’ll settle?”

“I don’t know. Let’s kiss and find out.”

“If the cameras were rolling, it would be time for a slap right now,” she muttered.

He caught her wrist and tugged her closer.

“This isn’t a movie, and you’re no actor!” she objected.

“Great, because I intend to kiss you for real.”

* * *

Hollywood Baby Affair is part of the Serenghetti Brothers series: In business and the bedroom, these alpha brothers drive a hard bargain!

Hollywood Baby Affair

Anna DePalo


USA TODAY bestselling author ANNA DEPALO is a Harvard graduate and former intellectual property attorney who lives with her husband, son and daughter in her native New York. She writes sexy, humorous books that have been published in more than twenty countries. Her novels have won the RT Book Reviews Reviewers’ Choice Award, the Golden Leaf and the Book Buyer’s Best. You can sign up for her newsletter at www.annadepalo.com.

For DeLilah & Bob,

thanks for the support & encouragement


Actress and Stuntman Lovefest! More Than Movie Pyrotechnics on Display.

The gossip website headline ran through Chiara Feran’s head when it shouldn’t have.

She clung to Stunt Stud’s well-muscled shoulders, four stories up, wind blowing and helicopter blades whipping in the background—trying to act as if her life depended on it when the truth was that only her career did. After all, a gossip site had just written that she and Mr. Stunt Double were an item, and right now she needed the press distracted from her estranged father, a Vegas-loving cardsharp threatening to cause a controversy of his own.

She tossed her head to keep the hair out of her face. She’d learned Stunt Stud’s first name was Rick when they’d rehearsed, but she thought insufferable was a better word for him. He had remarkable green eyes...and he looked at her as if she were a spoiled diva who needed the kid-glove treatment.

I don’t want you to ruin your manicure.

Thanks for your concern, but there’s a manicurist on set.

They’d had a few brief exchanges over the course of filming that had made her blood boil. If the world only knew... True, his magnetism was enough to rival that of the biggest movie stars, so she wondered why he was content with stunt work, but then again, his ego didn’t need any further boosting. And the rumors were that he wasn’t who he seemed to be and that he had a shadowy, secretive past.

There was even a hint that he was fabulously wealthy. Given his ego, she wouldn’t be surprised if he’d put out the rumors himself. He was a macho stuntman ready to save a damsel in distress, but Chiara could save herself, thank you. She’d learned long ago not to depend on any man.

She opened her mouth, but instead of an existential scream, her next line came out. “Zain, we’re going to die!”

“I’m not dropping you,” he growled in reply.

Chiara knew his voice would be substituted later with her costar’s by the studio’s editing department. She took perverse satisfaction in calling him by her costar’s character name. And since Rick was pretending to be her costar, and her costar himself was just acting, she was two steps removed from reality.

And one long fall away from sudden death.

Even though both she and Rick had invisible harnesses, accidents could and did happen on movie sets. As if on cue, more explosions sounded around them.

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