Home For Christmas

Home For Christmas
О книге

Most men have nine months to prepare to be a father…Not Beau Stanton. Still, he's determined to be a great dad to the fourteen-year-old problem child who shows up on his doorstep. And that means the end to his days as footloose and commitment-free. Doesn't seem much of a hardship, though–until he meets Nancy McGuire.Nancy has her own problems. She's a single mom who doesn't need a man like thrice-divorced Beau. She's been there, done that–no need to repeat.As the season of goodwill toward men approaches, these families are thrown together. But in this case, can two and two really make four?


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The one woman he can’t charm

Asking for a favor from a woman scorned isn’t Cisco “Kid” Hardin’s smartest move. But he needs Lucinda “Lucky” Littlefield’s land for his oil company. Surely enough time has passed since he left her—and his promises—behind?

Apparently not, because Lucky still holds a lot of resentment.

Then Kid learns of the baby Lucky lost—their baby—and he’s determined to right his wrongs. He needs to prove he’s a man worthy of her love and trust. And he plans to do it by transforming his sins of the past into the most glorious holiday season she has ever seen.

“What’s so bad about me?”

“Beau, you’ve been married three times. You’re a slick-talking, woman-loving son of a gun with a voice that’d melt stone. I’ve seen your kind before. Shoot, I’ve married your kind before. You’re safe with me.”

“The husband whose, um, grave you wanted to dance on? I remind you of him?”

“You could have given Eric lessons. At least you were smart enough to divorce one wife before you married another. Or am I assuming too much?”

Beau didn’t know whether to be fascinated or insulted by Nancy’s disclosure. “Your husband was a bigamist? Really?”

“Yes, really.”

No wonder she didn’t want another man in her life. It was a damn good thing he had no intention of acting on his attraction to her, because he wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell with a woman like her.

Extending his hand, he said, “We should be safe as buddies, then. Deal?”

They shook. “Deal.”

He couldn’t help but chuckle at the absurdity of their situation. This would be a first for him since puberty. A woman as a friend. Who’d have thought?

Home for Christmas

Carrie Weaver



With two teenage sons, three cats and a dog, Carrie Weaver leads a full life! She loves to wind down by indulging in chocolate and reading a good book. And yes, the pages occasionally get smudged! The stories she writes reflect real life and real love, with all the ups, downs and emotion involved.

Dedicated to the Smith family:

Debbie, Paul, Melissa, Kristi, Liz and Sergei.


Nancy McGuire allowed the strange sound of Russian to flow over her as the house mother and the translator conversed.

Glancing around, she noted the house mother’s office was neat and tidy, but sparse. The translator had indicated the budget was stretched to the breaking point.

Her gaze strayed to a collage on the wall. Hundreds of photos of children, some candid, some posed, most smiling broadly, attested to the orphanage’s success in finding adoptive homes in the U.S.

Nancy shifted, crossing her legs. Her foot bounced as if she were some sort of marionette. How ironic that her husband’s death should have jump-started her decision to adopt a child. Even more ironic that the sale of their house had financed her endeavor.

In some small way, it took away the sting of Eric’s betrayal. And allowed her to heal.

Leaning forward, she doubted her excitement could be contained another second. She’d been waiting for this moment her whole adult life and now that it was here, she could scarcely breathe.

A knock sounded at the door and the house mother rose. Opening the door, she stepped aside as an assistant carried in a toddler.

The assistant placed the child on Nancy’s lap and said something in Russian.

Nancy’s eyes blurred as she cradled the little girl as naturally as if she’d held her every day for the past fourteen months. Her breasts tingled as if responding to memories of breastfeeding this child. Nancy stared into the baby’s solemn brown eyes and time seemed to stand still. There was an instant connection, a peace she’d never known before. It was the overwhelming certainty of being in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. She’d waited all these years for this moment, this girl. Her daughter.

Brushing a silky brown lock of hair from the toddler’s forehead, she stumbled over the Russian greeting, “Zdravstvujte, Tatiana.”

Tatiana smiled shyly, then patted Nancy’s face. “Mama?” The word was heavily accented and probably coached, but it still brought a lump to Nancy’s throat. She’d nearly lost hope of ever hearing a child call her that.

“Yes, Mama’s here, baby. Everything’s going to be all right.”

Chapter 1

Tatiana was mid-temper-tantrum when the new guy entered the Parents Flying Solo meeting. Nancy McGuire didn’t pay much attention. Kneeling by her daughter, she was too busy trying to catch a flailing fist before it connected with her nose.

“Shh, Ana,” she whispered. The plea sounded ragged and desperate, even to her.

Two large, tanned hands grasped Ana beneath her arms and lifted her in the air. “Hey, there, little sweet pea, what’s the problem?”

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