
О книге

More Than Words: Bestselling authors & Real-life heroinesWe all have the power to effect change–we just need to find the strength to harness it. With every good deed done, and helping hand offered, we are making the world a better place. The dedicated women selected as this year's recipients of Harlequin's More Than Words award have changed many lives for the better, through their compassionate hearts and unshakable commitment. To celebrate their accomplishments, bestselling authors have written stories inspired by these real-life heroines.In this book, Betina Krahn honors the work of Donna Fischer, the Arizona program coordinator for Casting for Recovery, a national non-profit organization that runs fly-fishing retreats for women who have or have had breast cancer.We hope More Than Words inspires you look inside your heart and to get in touch with the heroine inside of you.


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More Than Words

More Than Words: Bestselling authors & Real-life heroines

We all have the power to effect change—we just need to find the strength to harness it. With every good deed done and helping hand offered, we are making the world a better place. The dedicated women selected as this year’s recipients of Harlequin’s More Than Words award have changed many lives for the better, through their compassionate hearts and unshakable commitment. To celebrate their accomplishments, bestselling authors have written stories inspired by these real-life heroines.

In this book, Betina Krahn honors the work of Donna Fischer, the Arizona program coordinator for Casting for Recovery, a national nonprofit organization that runs fly-fishing retreats for women who have or have had breast cancer.

We hope More Than Words inspires you to look inside your heart and get in touch with the heroine inside you.

Dear Reader,

For many years Harlequin has been a leader in supporting and promoting women’s charitable efforts. Through Harlequin More Than Words, each year we celebrate three women who make extraordinary differences in the lives of others, and Harlequin donates $15,000 each to their chosen causes.

We are proud to highlight the current Harlequin More Than Words recipients with the help of some of the biggest names in women’s fiction, Harlequin authors, who created fictional stories inspired by these women and the charities they support. Within the following pages you will find a touching story written by Betina Krahn—one of three ebooks available at www.HarlequinMoreThanWords.com. Be sure to look for Michele Hauf’s Maxwell’s Smile, and Jillian Hart’s No One But You—also available online. A book with three additional stories, written by Debbie Macomber, Brenda Novak and Meryl Sawyer, can be found on the shelves of your favorite bookstore in More Than Words, Stories of the Heart. All six of these stories are beautiful tributes to the Harlequin More Than Words recipients and we hope they will ignite the real-life heroine in you.

Thank you for your support; all proceeds from the sale of the print edition will be returned to the Harlequin More Than Words program. For more information on how you can get involved, please visit our website at www.HarlequinMoreThanWords.com.

Together we can make a difference!


Donna Hayes

Publisher and CEO


Casting for Recovery

Donna Fischer

How Donna inspires others:

Cool, fresh water swirled around Donna Fischer’s hip waders as she cast her line under the Arizona sky. Fly-fishing was even better than she’d thought it would be, and to be there with thirteen other women who were also screaming and yelling with delight as they hooked fish after fish was incredible. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was open in laughter; a photographer clicked a photo and captured the moment.

Donna still has that photo. She keeps it as a reminder of that weekend back in 2006 when she left her life behind and experienced pure joy through fly-fishing with amazing women she now calls friends.

Yet there’s something the image doesn’t show: the seven long months she spent undergoing surgery, radiation and chemotherapy after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Donna, now cancer-free (cautiously) for over five years, was a survivor participant with Casting for Recovery, a national nonprofit organization based in Manchester, Vermont, that has been running fly-fishing retreats for women who have or have had breast cancer.

Despite first impressions, breast cancer and fly-fishing do indeed connect. The gentle casting motion is therapeutic for muscles and tissues that have been damaged through surgery and radiation. Being outside, on the water, and the meditative nature of the sport also can’t be beat.

“When you’re fly-fishing, that’s all you think about,” says Donna, who is now a dedicated and passionate volunteer. “You don’t think about your cancer. You’re in the moment,”

The ripple effect

Founded in 1996, Casting for Recovery is the unique brainchild of a breast cancer reconstructive surgeon and a professional fly-fisher. What began as a local grassroots effort to empower cancer patients and survivors has since gone national—and beyond. The organization now offers forty-three programs in thirty U.S. states and has inspired similar programs in Canada, New Zealand and the U.K.

It continues to grow, no doubt due to its focus on fun, education and bonding. In most cases, women show up on Friday afternoon, learn fly-fishing basics, hit the water and participate in support groups in the evening, hosted by therapists and medical personnel. The groups are kept small—just fourteen people—so everyone is heard and supported. On the final day, each participant is paired with an experienced fly fisher, or river helper. It’s the only time men are included in the weekend, but it’s an important time.

“It’s a very intense two and a half days, and the women get so much out of it,” says Lori Simon, the group’s executive director. “But we find that men get so much from the program because they, too, are affected by breast cancer when their wives, moms, sisters or daughters have it. This is a way for men to give back.”

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