How To Steal The Lawman's Heart

How To Steal The Lawman's Heart
О книге

Forgiveness starts with a stolen kiss Widowed chief of police Trent Knight never expected Carmen Shields, the woman he blames for his wife's death, to be the one to make him love again. But Carmen is not only finding her way into his little daughters' affections, she seems to be stealing his heart too.


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Forgiveness Starts With A Stolen Kiss

Chief of police Trent Knight had it all until an accident took his wife and he was left alone to raise two beautiful girls. Now the person he always blamed for his loss is back in town, and all bets are off. But soon his anger toward Carmen Shields gives way to a very different emotion—awareness of Carmen as a woman. On one hand, it feels like a betrayal of his late wife’s memory. On the other, it could be his second chance at life—and Carmen’s shot at redemption. Maybe she can go home again—with the help of a certain lawman...

The sound of laughter followed by the slam of a car door jolted him, bringing him back to his surroundings.

He was on his front porch, making out like a horny teenager. He eased back, reluctantly ending the kiss, then leaned his forehead against hers.

“Wow,” Carmen breathed, her voice soft and slightly shocked. “I didn’t see that coming.”

“Should I apologize?”

“Only for stopping.”

“Nobody is sorrier for that than I am. But the chief of police shouldn’t be caught making out in public.”

She kissed him briefly before backing away. “It kind of kills the hard-nosed reputation, huh?”

“It doesn’t help.”

She leaned over and put on her shoes. He hadn’t been aware she’d removed them. What else had escaped his attention while he let his desire get the best of him? “We need to talk.”

“Not necessary.” She brushed a slender finger over his wedding band. “I understand.”

* * *

Sweet Briar Sweethearts: There’s something about Sweet Briar...

How to Steal the Lawman’s Heart

Kathy Douglass

KATHY DOUGLASS came by her love of reading naturally–both of her parents were readers. She would finish one book and pick up another. Then she attended law school and traded romances for legal opinions.

After the birth of her two children, her love of reading turned into a love of writing. Kathy now spends her days writing the small-town contemporary novels she enjoys reading.

This book is dedicated with love to my own three heroes: my husband and two sons. Thank you for loving and supporting me while I worked toward achieving my dream. I could not have done this without you.

This book is also dedicated to my family of origin: my parents, who always believed in me, and my siblings, who were my first friends.

Thanks to my critique partner, Lauren Canan, for your constant encouragement and for lifting me whenever I was down. You are the best.

Thanks to New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Brenda Novak for giving aspiring authors the opportunity to get their work to editors and agents in her auction to find a cure for diabetes. You are an example of all that is right in the romance writer community.

Thanks to my editor, Charles Griemsman, who worked tirelessly to make this book the best it could be. I appreciate all that you do.

Carmen Shields spotted the flashing lights in her rearview mirror and groaned. The worst day of her life was about to get even worse.

“I hope all the papers are in order,” she mumbled, pulling the rental car to the side of the road. She’d been in too much of a hurry when her plane landed in Charlotte forty-five minutes late to do more than toss her hastily packed suitcase into the trunk of the car and drive out of the parking lot at the airport terminal.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. She’d wept nonstop since yesterday, when she’d read about her mother’s death in the Sweet Briar Herald. Although she lived in New York, she had a subscription to her hometown newspaper, the lone link to her past. Her heart ached as she recounted the number of times she’d picked up the phone, only to hang up without dialing. She’d let her fear of rejection win. And now it was too late.

She wiped the tears from her cheeks, then rummaged through her purse, quickly grabbing her driver’s license and proof of insurance.

Carmen glanced out the side mirror at the brown-skinned man with close-cropped black hair as he climbed out of the squad car. He looked at her license plate, then spoke into a radio attached to the shoulder of his shirt. Tall and muscular, he projected an air of confidence.

“What’s taking so long?” she wondered aloud. If he didn’t hurry, she wouldn’t be able to sneak into the church and grab a seat in the back pew. Her stomach clenched at the thought of being spotted by her father. He’d made it clear when he’d thrown her out of the house seven years ago that he no longer considered her his daughter. She’d gotten into too much trouble and had embarrassed him one too many times. The accident had been the last straw. Although she doubted he would risk tarnishing his sterling reputation by personally kicking her out, he wouldn’t hesitate to have someone else escort her from the funeral. But she wouldn’t let him prevent her from saying goodbye this time.

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