Human Being Theory. For Dummies

Human Being Theory. For Dummies
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Time goes fast, new questions arise about human life, society, history, education, family, happiness… Old philosophy, old psychology have no instruments (concepts, methods, ideas) to answer these questions. New concepts like Levels-of-Mind model and Big-Triplet model plus minor models like Worlds-of-Life and Layers-of-Being wait you here. Use it to answers tough questions about the Time and the Life.


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© Jacob Feldman, 2016

ISBN 978-5-4483-4271-4

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero



I have a son. He is 26 years old now.

When I send him a message about very IMHO important reading, his usual answer is: TLTR – too long to read.

Therefore, first, if I want to be readable for young generation I must be brief.

Second, we all live in the world full of vacuum cleaners and dishwashers.

Therefore, good book must be as clear as an instruction for dishwasher (or vacuum cleaner, if you please).

Third, it must be new. Not as new as a newborn child, because a very new child is born on the planet every second, but as new as a good effective drug for illness

not curable before.

Fourth, it must be useful for everybody who is smart enough, useful for everyday life, like a teaspoon. Are you smart enough for a teaspoon to use?

So, let us begin.

[битая ссылка] Some of pictures in the book are omitted – but you can find them here>> to pictures

Questions we will find answers for

How to be happy?

How to keep dialog?

How to choose the spouse?

How to keep marriage happy?

How to find the job of your dream? In addition, how to get it?

How to hire good team for the project?

How to understand, what politicians say, and what do they really mean?

How to nurture your own children?

What is a good education?

Does human history have a direction? And, if yes,

Where this direction is pointing?

Does it give us any reason to be an optimist?

How this historical movement could be measured?

How can we help the movement?

What is philosophy?

Do we need philosophy in the modern world? For what purpose?

How philosophy should look today?

What is the difference between science, religion and myth?

How our thinking works?

What is good and evil?

Could we understand what happens in modern world? And, if yes,

How could we?

Practical recommendations

Usually, whenever I lecture this stuff, I draw on the flipchart and explain the drawing step by step. Then I record video and load it on Internet. You can find my video-lectures (most in Russian) at [битая ссылка] my channel. After that I write it down as a text, make pictures and load as html-pages [битая ссылка] on my site. Pictures at the site show drawings step by step. However, in the book I place only final drawing. That’s why I strongly recommend you, whatever chapter you read, find the final drawing, copy it by pencil at your copy-book, and, while reading the text, mark over step by step new details by pen. Otherwise, I suppose it will be hard for you to understand my message completely.


Is it possible at all – to answer so many hard questions in so thin book like that? Is it a fraud of some kind? No, it is not.

First, the answers we will see are not the only possible ones. You can find other versions from other authors.

Second, to make some answer working in your personal case, probably additional investigation may be needed. This investigation could be hard to do. So, probably, the life is not so easy as it means to be.

Third, you can find some parameters I have missed. Anyway, let us be friends and cooperate on the subject for common good.

2.Minor models

We need instruments

One apple up on top!

Two apples up on top!

Look, you,

I can do it too.

Look! See! I can do three!

But I can do more!

You have three!

But I have four!

Ten Apples Up on Top
by Dr.Seuss

Imagine you have a table.

Imagine you have on your table an old watch. Like this one.

Fig. 1. Old Watch

Imagine this watch is working badly, and you know how to fix it.

But if so, you need some special instruments to do it up.

Glasses, screwdriver, tweezers, toolbox, … like that.

Fig.2. Glasses

Fig.3. Screwdriver

Fig.4. Tweezers

Fig.5. Toolbox

Now. Imagine you have on your table the world of human beings, like that.

Fig.6. The Globe

It works badly and you know how to fix it.

But what instruments do you need for that?

I recommend you four mental instruments to begin with.

Recognize-and-name-it operation (RNO) = glasses.

Distinguish-and-separate-it operation (DSO) = screwdriver.

Enumerate-and-sort-it operation (ENS) = tweezers.

Put-in-lines operation (PLO) = toolbox.

From now, I will say:

«apply ONE» instead of «recognize and name it»,

«apply TWO» instead of «distinguish and separate it»,

«apply THREE» instead of «enumerate and sort it»,

«apply FOUR» instead of «put it in lines».

First look at the problems

Imagine ALL the problems of ALL human beings.

Now apply ONE and recognize in the middle a Self Area.

When you are in the area, you feel comfortable or not, happy or not, but you have no logics, no rules, nothing.

In this area, you are The Self.

Now apply TWO: see, out of the area there is outer world that presses on you, torture you, and restrain you.

But between Self And Outer world there is a narrow ring of compromise.

Fig.7. Self against World

Now we will analyze the ring.

Apply ONE: problems without parameters of specific person are controlled by philosophy.

Apply ONE again: problems with parameters of specific person are controlled by psychology.

These two areas are poles of the ring.

I like to place philosophy at the top (at North Pole) and psychology at the bottom (at South Pole). If so, we have two gaps between North and South: one on the West and one on the East.

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