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The etymology of the word KOZAK.For objective reasons, historically, the kozaks settled on the border territories, where the history of kozacks has absorbed a lot of Turkic-speaking and not only borrowings. Which allows me to make assumptions that the word KOZAK comes from the Turkic words Koz – eye (to see) and AK – white (light) its meaning seeing light or clairvoyant. Shalom KOZAKs))))

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© Valeriy Zamoryonov, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0051-1019-0 (т. 1)

ISBN 978-5-0051-1018-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


In his desire to know the world and all the universal wisdom, man is an unlimited entity. At the peak of scientific achievements, a person will discover a universal formula of the universe that can legitimize any phenomenon of the physical world, which will become an undoubted factor of supremacy over all things. By integrating all the accumulated knowledge into the genetic code, it will be possible to create a person who can control all things and the physical world by the power of his own consciousness, which in fact can be considered “divine” abilities. This will be the synthetic “God” the Antichrist mentioned in the prophecies.

Archive code of the universe

Life is made up of allegories for one simple reason – simple things have no definitions. Sometimes it is difficult to Express your idea so briefly that the interlocutor can understand it, and therefore the best way to narrate the idea is a parable. The supply language is full of allegories that makes the essence of the narrated colorful and clear picture perceived at the level of primary consciousness (subconsciousness). And the code of the human subconscious is written in the language of external factors of primary existence, when consciousness has not yet been formed. Wind, sea, sky, stars-all this is perceived by us on an intuitive level and is a component of the figurative language of allegories. That is, regardless of the person, all the information about what he knows is stored in the external world and only then the entire wealth of diversity is assigned an understanding structure of consciousness. I would call this phenomenon the archived code of the universe, when all information is transmitted to an individual, but in a very compressed, archived form.

Balamut, balabol and balabaechnik

Any of us has a need for socialization, well, life in society, which naturally involves the exchange of information. But at a certain stage of life, it becomes clear that not every revelation is useful for itself, which is why people resort to some types of hiding some of the information.

All these skills are formed in childhood and I prefer to use the Turkic language to convey my literary aesthetic.the word Bala (child) with the appropriate behavior ending.

So let’s get started.

The first type-Bala-Mut (Mut from the word mudra) – a person who quite frankly revealed the essence of his story, but in certain places of his speech replaced some concepts-sign language (mudra). Which in turn makes the essence of what is said invariative, but not expressed.

The second type-Bala-Bol (bol from the word chatterbox (boltun/rus) – a person who mixes objective facts with absurdity in his narration, which in turn gives him the opportunity to speak, but does not make his thought clear because he chatted all that without getting there.

The third type of Bala-Baechnik (baechnik from the word (bayka/rus) fun story) – a man who managed to put the essence of his thought in figurative creation. It is like a diamond playing in the sun with the reflection of many facets, a great many semantic subtexts, United by the light of the essence of the story. Everything is clear to everyone, but there is nothing to cling to.

Run by the sky

We are used to the fact that there are factors of absolute truth in our life. To order in everything begin to teach a person from an early age, in fact, it is the same though veiled, but the drill. Willy – nilly, a person becomes a hostage to a number of conventions. At a certain stage of life – this is not bad, but for a person formed requires further growth, the ability to see something beyond the ordinary reality, something very little tangible, but at the same time very, very meaningful-the metaphysics of being. And in the field of fine matter, there are no rigid supports that have sharp edges of unshakable postulates. All surrounding space ceases to be dense. It is understood that in principle, the dynamic system of our world should not be ossified, preventing constantly, at any time to provide the opportunity to be almost any material embodiment. The kaleidoscope of the changing universe makes you run, as it were, without relying on the impermanence of a second essence for a long time, run along the barely covered reality of a scattering of dreams, run by the sky.


We observe the world and live in it see logic in everything, sometimes finding it even where it is not obvious, but some of the worldviews explain even these very ambiguous phenomena.

Even if we sum up the essence of our entire life in General, it turns out that this is a series of comprehension of laws that are identical in principle to the same phenomenon. Phenomena about which it is impossible to build a clear definition, but which becomes more and more obvious as we grow up – everything in this world is connected by a single law, which undoubtedly exists by virtue of the principle of self – consciousness – " I AM”.

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