J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2018

J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2018
О книге

Practicing Servant-Leadership brings together a group of exceptional thinkers who offer a compendium of thought on the topic of bringing servant-leadership into the daily lives of leaders. Each contributor focuses on his or her area of expertise, exploring how servant-leadership works in the real world, using examples from a variety of organizations such as businesses, nonprofits, churches, schools, foundations, and leadership organizations. Highlights of the book's twelve essays include information on: how the idealistic vision of the servant as leader works even in the competitive world of business. encouraging leaders to begin by looking at what they themselves want to become and then to bring this knowledge into their daily leadership. how the principles of servant-leadership can enhance our understanding and practice of philanthropy. examining the board chairperson's especially vital role as a servant- leader. exploring what leaders learn from being followers. Order your copy today!

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Your Complete Guide to a Better Bottom Line
Barbara Weltman
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Copyright © 2018 by Barbara Weltman. All rights reserved.

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This book is dedicated with love to my understanding husband, Malcolm Katt


According to a 2017 report from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), 84 % of small businesses use paid tax preparers to file their returns. So why do you need to read up on taxes? The answer is simple: You, not your accountant or other financial adviser and not software, run the business, so you can't rely on someone else to make decisions critical to your activities. The National Small Business Association (NSBA) found that 67 % of small businesses say that federal taxes have a significant or moderate impact on the day-to-day operation of their businesses. You need to be informed about tax-saving opportunities that continually arise so you can strategically plan to take advantage of them. Being knowledgeable about tax matters also saves you money; the more you know, the better able you are to ask your accountant key tax and financial questions that can advance your business, as well as to meet your tax responsibilities.

This is a great time to be a small business. Not only is small business a major force in our economy but it also is the benefactor of numerous tax rules that make it easier to write off expenses and minimize the taxes you owe. This edition of the book has been revised to include all of the new rules taking effect for 2017 returns. Your business needs to use every tax-saving opportunity to survive and thrive at this time. The book also provides information about future changes scheduled to take effect in order to give you an overall view of business tax planning. Most importantly, it addresses the many tax questions I have received from readers as well as visitors to my website, www.barbaraweltman.com.

This book focuses primarily on federal income taxes. Businesses may be required to pay and report many other taxes, including state income taxes, employment taxes, sales and use taxes, and excise taxes. Some information about these taxes is included in this book to alert you to your possible obligations so that you can then obtain further assistance if necessary. However, the book takes a holistic approach to taxes, showing you where applicable the ramifications that tax decisions can have on your business activities and your bottom line. Statistics, resources, and other materials are provided to help you better run your business by making good tax decisions and implementing sound business practices.

Whether or not you use a paid tax professional to prepare your tax return, expect to devote considerable time to taxes as part of running your business. The NFIB found that 42 % of small businesses spend 4 hours or more each month on tax compliance, and 12 % spend 10 hours or more each month. Also be prepared to spend money not only on your tax payments but also on administrative costs (e.g., accountants' fees). Nearly half of small businesses spend more than $5,000 annually, and 27 % spend more than $10,000 each year, according to the same report. In another report, the Small Business Association found that 66 % of owners polled thought taxes – the administrative hassles and cost – threatened their viability. And the NFIB found that 5 of the top 10 most severe problems facing small businesses are tax-related.

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