Kazakhs and Turks

Kazakhs and Turks
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Kazakhs and Turks are two fraternal peoples belonging to the Turkic world. This book is an attempt to trace how these two peoples passed their way to modernity. What they experienced. What we have achieved. What they can be proud of. I’m sure it will be fascinating for the reader. We have not raised such a topic yet. Although a lot is written about the Turks. How they subjugated all neighbors, created great empires that is a lot of populism in such writing. It is my intended for readers to think


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© Almaz Braev, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-3591-1

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Chapter 1

Turks and Kazakhs

War must be inevitable and vital. As long as the life of the nation is not in danger, war is murder.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

War must be inevitable and vital. As long as the life of the nation is not in danger, war is murder.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

The Zerefs are the first, the most massive group of self reflection. These are warriors, ordinary people, workers and philistines. From a historical perspective, the self- reflection of Zeref means warriors, members of a tribal collective, where each Zeref, if necessary, is a warrior, alien to another Zeref from another tribe. I would not say that modern nationalists use the rudiments of the primitive culture of warriors. After modernization, people with zeref reflection can be found anywhere in the civilized world. In a crisis, even the intelligentsia – the gold of the nation – the Remids turn into savages out of anger and resentment against other savages and barbarians. It is this fallen intelligentsia that forms the idea of fascism. The Zerefs self are not capable of forming thought-forms, except for actions, for them the Nazi ideology is formed by feral, embittered Remids, but mostly the officers of the SS and blackshirts detachments are the Zeremids – children of the rural intelligentsia. In general, after modernization in the 20th and 21st centuries, the most rude people, philistines, people with low tastes and needs are Zerefs. It is the Zerefs who are biased and proud when they use the main tones of the Zerefs. Zerefs conventionally have two colors, two shades, a lot of sounds to express emotions, two sides and two sensations – good and evil. Evil and good they feel and understand as satiety and prosperity today only of their family, and in the past – prosperity and satiety only of their kind, clan, tribe and people. They say either yes or no but at the same time, they always look at the age of a person when answering. All traditional peoples have a very good quality, they respect and take care of old people.

The Zerefs understand the idea well as a pleasant emotion, because they draw satiety and prosperity, prosperity again as a minimum of family, a maximum for people. The idealism of the masses ends when the people do not receive the promised, for example, in the form of communism, as happened with the Zerefs of the USSR or at the time of democracy – this is already a common example of the birth of Nazism and fascism. The leader of the Zerefs must necessarily be a strong leader, because the Zerefs are ideological, they must know that they will receive democracy or communism. Communism and democracy are interpreted by the Zerefs not as equality, although the equality of the Zerefs is always welcomed, but the lands or trophies that the Zerefs are plucking. In democracy, the Zerefs like the first place. Or any honorable new place, because it is democracy that creates the illusion of a new, necessarily honorable place. In any idea, the Zerefs want to leave the social bottom that they occupy in the previous formation, in the old world, in the last state. Yes, Zerefs after modernization are a crowd of philistines. It will welcome democracy precisely because of mass opportunity. The conditional bottom is excited that all bottom creatures will float to the surface and will live there. But unfortunately for the Zerefs, they are creating a hierarchy again – with a new bottom and new top gold, with the new elite and the despicable rabble. A strong leader reduces the activity, or rather the greed of the Zerefs, teaches the Zerefs to work and responsibility. If the Zerefs do not have a dictator, the Zerefs will resort to the old habit of fighting for a new place of honor.

Chapter 2

When empires fall, the mob gets stupid

Nothing demoralizes the people like defeat. We must pay tribute to the Ottoman Empire it lasted almost as long as the Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan. Apparently, the Japanese shogun suffered because of the close proximity of the events. The Americans in 1858 showed the traditional tactlessness – a warning salvo from the most modern guns took place in the Japanese port. All people instantly turned from Japanese Bakufu giants into Japanese barakumin dwarfs, unable to defend the islands. As for the Turks, the most serious defeat was inflicted on the Turks near Vienna in 1683. But, as it was said, it took another two centuries for the empire to turn into a republic. For the Ottoman Empire to collapse, it took the defeat of Turkey as part of the Triple Alliance. Even the capture of Bayazed by Timur in 1402 or the defeat at Lepanto in 1571 from the Holy Alliance did not affect the fate of the Turks in any way. Because everything in the old days was decided by the Turkish nobility. The Turks empire held out for two more centuries. When the people decide, the empire falls faster.

(Nobody knows about this phenomenon yet but my readers will be the first to know. To begin with, knowledge is the privilege of priests. If information comes first today because dependence on momentary knowledge has turned into a global drug addiction. People, modern humanity, have changed knowledge for news. News is also knowledge, but information does not give full power. The power over the world is given by systemic knowledge, they are just part of the system of control over humanity. Humanity is given superficial knowledge so that people feel like Egyptian priests for a few minutes. But a crowd cannot consist of only priests – intellectuals, a crowd is a crowd, rabble, arrogant bloggers of social networks. It is on the total pride of the crowd that the calculation is made. Democracy adds to the total stupidity even more stupidity that all people allegedly are priests. Namely, that all people allegedly are artists, artists, writers, bloggers. But all people cannot be beautiful. So all people can’t be writers. Why are they given the opportunity? So that, having received information, people feel like «personalities» and kill real natural sages inside their world. For billions of people, «cattle» are got lost about self of this by the very rulers whom the most cynical writers call the 300 Committee – the world government. «Whoever owns the information owns the world.» Has everyone read this expression? Well, of course. If the head of the US Congress Nancy Pelosi finds out where the Americans’ funds will be directed, her husband will buy shares of enterprises in these industries. The Pelosi family will become very rich. Information is not knowledge. If people are allowed to look only at the tip of the iceberg, they will rejoice at the pieces of ice on the deck of the Titanic in the first minutes of the tragedy. Therefore, people were drummed into all ears from all sides about the fantastic killer virus. Before the planetary scam came to light, a dozen of my opponents called me an imbecile and with a Dunning – Kruger symptom. This is just an indicator of pride from some upstarts and bloggers planted by the diabolical media on the deck of well-fed, self-satisfied idiots, hysterics and others from the rabble squad.

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