Killer Assignment

Killer Assignment
О книге

Journalist Katie Todd wanted her name as a byline on the front page, not in the obituaries. When an assignment goes very wrong, she finds herself pursued by ruthless kidnappers.Her only hope is the enigmatic and handsome Mark Armor. All clues point to him being the enemy of her enemy, but is he a friend—or something much more dangerous? Every move Mark makes to help Katie brings him closer to the life he left behind, but he can’t say no to the beautiful writer. Will the secrets of his past put Katie in even more danger?


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Journalist Katie Todd wanted her name as a byline on the front page, not in the obituaries. When an assignment goes very wrong, she finds herself pursued by ruthless kidnappers. Her only hope is the enigmatic and handsome Mark Armor. All clues point to him being the enemy of her enemy, but is he a friend—or something much more dangerous? Every move Mark makes to help Katie brings him closer to the life he left behind, but he can’t say no to the beautiful writer. Will the secrets of his past put Katie in even more danger?

The tall figure of a man landed on the tracks in front of them. “Let her go.”

The voice was strong, deep and dark, with the barely concealed hint of a growl. Katie couldn’t see his face.

The tall man lunged at her kidnapper, yanking him off her so suddenly the boy yelped in surprise, as he was tossed beside the tracks like a sack of bones.

Strong arms reached down toward her. Hands clasped her arms in a motion firm yet surprisingly gentle. “Hey. Are you okay?” She nodded as he used his strength to pull her shaking body to its feet.

“I’m fine, Mr.…?”

“Mark. Mark Armor.”

She stuck out her hand for a handshake. A curious smile curved up at the corner of his lips.

Come on, Katie, get ahold of yourself. It’s not like you can just count on a handsome stranger to step in and save you.


is an award-winning journalist and romantic suspense author. Her writing career has taken her around the globe, and into the lives of countless grassroots heroes and heroines, who are faithfully changing lives and serving others in their own communities. Whether flying in an ultralight over the plains of Africa, riding a camel past the pyramids in Egypt or walking along the Seine in Paris, Maggie finds herself drawn time and again to the everyday people behind her adventures, and seeing how we are all touched by the same issues of faith, family and community.

She has lived in the American South and Midwest, as well as overseas. She currently makes her home in Canada, where her husband teaches history at a local high school. After walking her two beautiful princesses to school, she either curls up on the couch to write, with the help of her small but mighty dog, or heads to her local coffee shop. She is thankful to her readers for allowing her to turn the adventures, and people who have inspired her, into fresh stories that made her pulse race and her heart soar.

Killer Assignment

Maggie K. Black

Where can I go from your spirit?

Where can I flee from your presence?

—Psalms 139:7

With thanks to:

Paul for giving me the idea Tammy and Blythe for helping it grow and Jason for giving it wings


Katie Todd tightened her grip on the handle of her suitcase and tried to pretend she didn’t know she was being watched. The sun had set long before her train had dropped off its few remaining passengers in Cobalt. Now damp, dark air hung over the tiny northern Ontario town, thick with the threat of rain. Behind her back, the lake spread out as still as a shadow. The small station was deserted except for one lone figure, lounging against a lamppost.

The young man had boarded the same train as she did in Toronto. He was in his late teens—twenty at most—and had sat there, hunched in the corner with his hands plunged deep into the pockets of a shapeless gray sweatshirt. When the conductor had announced, a couple of hours into their journey, that the train would be going out of service in the small town of Cobalt due to a rockslide on the tracks ahead, most passengers had opted to get off in the larger city of North Bay to either catch a replacement bus or find a hotel for the night. Only a handful of people had ridden the train to its final stop. Then, as the other passengers disappeared up the hill toward the gray shapes of town, the young man had stayed behind. His sharp eyes peered at her from underneath the brim of a baseball cap. They followed her as she moved. Katie shivered. Where was her taxi?

She never should have trusted Ethan Randall. When she’d managed to reach her boss at Impact News to warn him she was going to be delayed in reaching her assignment, the editor had insisted she take the train all the way to the end of the line, promising the newspaper would arrange transportation from there. Then her cell phone reception had dropped out, cutting off the call before she could even argue. She hadn’t been able to get a signal back since.

Chances were Ethan hadn’t even been listening. But you didn’t last long at Impact if you didn’t go where you were told. To call his management style chaotic was an understatement. The self-centered playboy didn’t plan so much as react—changing assignments on a whim and then yelling at his staff for struggling to catch up.

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