Leading with Noble Purpose

Leading with Noble Purpose
О книге

Are you up to date on today's wine scene? Wine For Dummies, 6th Edition reveals what's in, what's out, and what's new in wine. With new and revised content, this edition of the popular Wine For Dummies text takes you on a tour of emerging and old world wine regions, showcasing the varieties and styles you need to know to stay up to date on today's wine scene. In addition to highlighting wines themselves, this approachable resource offers insight into wine shops, supermarket wine selections, wine and food pairings, vintage charts, and price guidelines. For the aspiring wine aficionado, the text offers expert advice on buying, collecting, and rating wines—and can direct you in updating your personal collection through its thorough guidance. Wine has, for generations, been an important part of culture and society around the world. Over time, trends in wine change—as do the ways in which it is created, celebrated, and enjoyed. Exploring today's wine trends is a great way to learn more about and appreciate different cultures—and let's be honest: educational value aside, wine tastes amazing. Understand different grape varieties and varying wine styles Read wine lists and labels, and understand how to use them to make the right purchases Pair your wine with food in a way that will bring out the best flavors in all aspects of your meal Explore how to best select, store, open, pour, and enjoy your wine Wine For Dummies, 6th Edition provides you with the information you need to confidently navigate today's wine scene!


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with noble
How to Create
a Tribe of True Believers
Lisa Earle McLeod
title page

Copyright © 2016 by Lisa Earle McLeod. All rights reserved.

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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Written with lovein honor ofJulius Richard “Jay” Earle, Jr.August 14, 1936–July 21, 2015husband, father, leader, and friend

Introduction: Why Work Matters

What if your work mattered so much to you that – on your deathbed – you found yourself wishing for one more day at the office?

While I was writing this book, my father died. In the months before his death, I had time to reminisce with him about his life's high points, among them, his job.

My father worked in banking. At the height of his career he was Director of Mergers and Acquisitions for the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, the FSLIC, which later merged into the FDIC. During the S&L crisis of the 1980s he ran a team whose purpose was to merge failing banks with solvent banks, so taxpayers wouldn't have to foot the bill if an S&L went under.

In his office, my father kept a flipchart tracking how much money his department saved the U.S. taxpayers. He updated that chart weekly and shared it with anyone who walked into his office. Financial experts estimated that my father and his team saved the taxpayers billions of dollars. The stakes were high. The work was difficult, but his team was passionate about it because they knew it mattered.

We've all heard the adage: No one on their deathbed wishes they'd spent more time at the office. I think that adage is misunderstood. It belittles the role that meaningful work plays in our lives. A 2005 study of terminal cancer patients found that, once the patients finished talking about their families, some of their most meaningful experiences involved doing work that mattered with people they cared about.

That study mirrors what I experienced with my father. My father loved his family. By the standards of the day, he spent significantly more time with his kids than most men. He changed diapers, coached, did home projects, camped. He even learned how to score gymnastics to help my high school team.

But he also loved his job. When my father had fallen ill, reading notes from his former colleagues was a high point for him. He loved talking about the good times, and the bad, the obstacles they'd faced, the deals that had gone well, and the deals that hadn't. My father swelled with pride as he talked about his team and the impact they'd had on the banking system.

It's easy to say family is the most important thing. Yet, watching my father reflect upon his life, it's obvious to me – work matters. We spend most of our waking hours at work, so those hours ought to mean something.

Viktor Frankl once said, “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.”

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