Libra 2014

Libra 2014
О книге

LIBRADiscover what lies ahead of you in 2014. Join world renowned astrologer Dadhichi as he takes you on a journey into your future.As a Libran, you are social, outgoing and have a love of communicating brilliant ideas. These are great strengths and you are rarely at a loss for words. However, you are still capable of reflection and introspection, though this can have its problems as you find it difficult to make decisions. With the use of this book you will learn which star signs are deserving of your loyalty and affection, how to make the most of your creative flair in the workplace and what to expect in 2014.Your stars will reveal• Monthly and daily predictions for 2014.• Insights into the Libran woman, man and child.• Which star signs you are best matched with as well as who to avoid in the areas of love, friendship and the workplace.• Ways to harness your career potential and tips for financial success.• How to optimise your health and beauty.


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Libra 2014

24 September – 23 October

Dadhichi Toth

LIBRA 2014

© Dadhichi Toth 2013

First Published in Great Britain in 2013

Harlequin (UK) Limited Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR

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ISBN: 9781472041692

Version: 2018-01-23

Dedicated to

The Light of Intuition

Sri V Krishnaswamy—mentor and friend

Special thanks to

Nyle Cruz for her tireless support and suggestions

Thanks to

Joram and Isaac for hanging in there

Additional appreciation to

Devika Adlakha for her excellent editorial support

Dadhichi is one of Australia’s foremost astrologers and is frequently seen on television and in other media. He has the unique ability to draw from complex astrological theory to provide clear, easily understandable advice and insights for people who want to know what their futures may hold.

In the 29 years that Dadhichi has been practising astrology, face reading and other esoteric studies, he has conducted over 10,000 consultations. His clients include celebrities, political and diplomatic figures, and media and corporate identities from all over the world.

Dadhichi’s unique blend of astrology and face reading helps people fulfil their true potential. His extensive experience practising Western astrology is complemented by his research into the theory and practice of Eastern forms of astrology.

Dadhichi has been a guest on many Australian television shows, and several of his political and worldwide forecasts have proved uncannily accurate. He appears regularly on Australian television networks and is a columnist for online and offline Australian publications.

His websites— and—attract hundreds of thousands of visitors each month and offer a wide variety of features, helpful information and services.

Hello once again and welcome to your 2014 horoscope!

Time and Speed are the governors of our lives these days. There’s never enough time, and the hectic pace at which we move is getting too much to handle. So we oscillate between never enough and too much. We are either too slow in finishing our tasks, or the hands of the clock appear to be whizzing forward, especially when we’re under pressure. We are constantly trying to create more time just to keep up with everyone else. And all those people are rushing out of control. What is this madness? We need to reclaim control of our lives and bring these terrible twins of speed and time under our control if we are ever to master our destinies.

According to Einstein and his incredible theory of relativity, speed and time are related. The faster we move, the quicker time flies. As we crank up the pace of our lives, time is impacted upon even more. You don’t need me to tell you that; your experience will remind you of this fact every day, especially when you look in the mirror and see an additional wrinkle or two from time to time. Age is the favourite child of these two parents: speed and time. In the old days, it used to be the elderly who complained about the pace of time. But now, everyone, even youngsters, grumble about how little time they have and how they are forever trying to cram as much fun and experience into the moment. This attitude seems to be the order of the day, yet it will never, ever be enough.

The planets also operate on the same principle of speed and time, and this is how we generate astrological forecasts. Speed is related to the distance these planets traverse around the Sun, and the time it takes for them to do their celestial dance around the Sun is referred to as a planetary cycle.

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