Lost in Babylon

Lost in Babylon
О книге

PERCY JACKSON meets ERAGON in the new epic saga from bestseller Peter Lerangis.“A high-octane mix of modern adventure and ancient secrets… I can’t wait to see what’s next” Rick RiordanA week ago Jack McKinley was a normal boy, totally unaware that he had amazing powers – and that he was about to die. A secret organisation saved his life and now, to save the world, Jack must find seven magical objects hidden in the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.Luckily, there are three other kids just like Jack and they’re all on the mission together. But the gang are in trouble already. Marco has disappeared without a trace, along with the first object. With time running out, Jack and his remaining friends have no choice but to continue their quest without him, with no idea of what danger lies ahead.The epic adventure continues. Second stop: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.


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The Beast in Battle

Table of Contents


Title Page


Chapter Twelve: Deep Doodoo

Chapter Thirteen: Pure Awesome

Chapter Fourteen: Later, Gladiator

Chapter Fifteen: Calculations

Chapter Sixteen: The Dream

Chapter Seventeen: The Test

Chapter Eighteen: The Darkness

Chapter Nineteen: Cooperation

Chapter Twenty: A Tangle of Fangs

Chapter Twenty-One: Heroes

Chapter Twenty-Two: If Only …

Chapter Twenty-Three: To the Garden

Chapter Twenty-Four: The Torch and the Vizzeet

Chapter Twenty-Five: Lambda

Chapter Twenty-Six: The Number Seven

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Echoes of Nothing

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Invisible Bars

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Kranag

Chapter Thirty: Traps!

Chapter Thirty-One: Now you See It

Chapter Thirty-Two: A Whip of Blackness

Chapter Thirty-Three: In the Shadows

Chapter Thirty-Four: Again

Chapter Thirty-Five: Lazarus Rises

Chapter Thirty-Six: Pineapple and Grasshopper

Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Lethargic Lizard

Chapter Thirty-Eight: Back in Babylon

Chapter Thirty-Nine: His Jackness

Chapter Forty: Missiles of Spit

Chapter Forty-One: Falling Back

Chapter Forty-Two: The Mark

Chapter Forty-Three: The Betrayal

Chapter Forty-Four: You Have to Leave

Chapter Forty-Five: An Explanation of Sorts

Chapter Forty-Six: Headquarters

Chapter Forty-Seven: Resurrection

Chapter Forty-Eight: Fragments

Chapter Forty-Nine: The Beast-Tamer

Chapter Fifty: A Killing Company

Chapter Fifty-One: The Phone

Chapter Fifty-Two: Hack Attack

Chapter Fifty-Three: The Exit at the End of the Hall

Chapter Fifty-Four: Deafening Silence

Chapter Fifty-Five: Push Harder

Chapter Fifty-Six: Mustaches Everywhere

Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Chilling

About the Author


About the Publisher

day back from Greece, I no longer smelled of griffin drool. But I still had bruises caused by a bad-tempered bronze statue, a peeling sunburn from a trip around the Mediterranean on a flying ball, and a time bomb inside my body.

And now I was speeding through the jungle in a Jeep next to a three-hundred-pound giant who took great joy in driving into potholes.

“Keep your eyes on the road, Torquin!” I shouted as my head hit the ceiling.

“Eyes in face, not on road,” replied Torquin.

In the backseat, Aly Black and Cass Williams cried out in pain. But we all knew we had to hang on. Time was short.

We had to find Marco.

Oh, about that time bomb. It’s not an actual physical explosive. I have this gene that basically cuts off a person’s life at age fourteen. It’s called G7W and all of us have it—not only me but Marco Ramsay, Aly, and Cass. Fortunately there’s a cure. Unfortunately it has seven ingredients that are almost impossible to find. And Marco had flown off with the first one.

Which was why we were stuck in that sweaty Jeep on a crazy rescue mission.

“This ride is bad enough. Don’t pick the skin off your face, Jack!” said Aly from the backseat. “It’s disgusting!” She pushed aside a lock of pink hair from her forehead. I don’t know where she gets hair dye on this crazy island, but one of these days I’ll ask her. Cass sat next to her, his eyes closed and his head resting against the seat back. His hair is normally curly and brown, but today it looked like squid-ink spaghetti, all blackened and stringy.

Cass had had a much worse time with the griffin than any of us.

I stared at the shred of skin between my fingers. I hadn’t even known I was picking it. “Sorry.”

“Frame it,” Torquin said distractedly.

His eyes were trained on a dashboard GPS device that showed a map of the Atlantic Ocean. Across the top were the words RAMSAY TRACKER. Under it, no signal at all. Zip. We each had a tracker surgically implanted inside us, but Marco’s was broken.

“Wait. Frame a piece of sunburned skin?” asked Aly.

“Collect. Make collage.” If I didn’t know Torquin, I would think he had misunderstood Aly’s question. I mean, the four of us kids are misfits, but Torquin is in a class by himself. He’s about seven and a half feet tall in bare feet. And he is always in bare feet. (Honestly, no shoe could possibly contain those two whoppers.) What he lacks in conversation skills he makes up for in weirdness. “I give you some of mine. Remind me.”

Aly’s face grew practically ash white. “Remind me not to remind you.”

“I wish I only had a sunburn,” Cass moaned.

“You don’t have to come with us this time, you know,” Aly said.

Cass frowned without opening his eyes. “I’m a little tired, but I had my treatment and it worked. We have to find Marco. We’re a family.”

Aly and I exchanged a glance. Cass had been flown across an ocean by a griffin, who then prepped him for lunch. Plus he was recovering from a so-called treatment, and

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