Love for Three

Love for Three
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In the last century, many well-known creative people were able to share love for three. Such love for them was considered absolutely normal phenomenon. And it was not a fleeting connection, but a relationship that lasted for years. “Love for three” was not uncommon. The poet Zinaida Hippius even bragled the fact that her husband Dmitry Merezhkovsky gets along under one roof with her lover – Dmitry Philosophov.


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© Elena Rai, 2019

ISBN 978-5-4496-3390-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter II

Love triangles, or love for three

“Sharing love for three is like having a threesome with one spoon.

Just wait until it comes to you”

In the last century, many well-known creative people were able to share love for three. Such love for them was considered absolutely normal phenomenon. And it was not a fleeting connection, but a relationship that lasted for years. “Love for three” was not uncommon. The poet Zinaida Hippius even bragled the fact that her husband Dmitry Merezhkovsky gets along under one roof with her lover – Dmitry Philosophov. And some celebrities, though not living under the same roof, but love for three shared. Someone – by the call of his heart, and someone – by the dictates of the party and the coincidence of circumstances.

Vladimir Mayakovsky, Lily Brik and her husband Osip Brick lived threesome in one flat for some time. Lily mocked, in literally was harassing the great poet. Everyone knows the painful history of their relationship in Russia. Already after the death of the poet Lily herself confessed that they and Osip deliberately mocked Mayakovsky.

There is evidence that Lilichka practiced and love for three with him and with Osip, which greatly traumatized Mayakovsky, but he suffered from the love of brick. In addition, all this love triangle contained Mayakovsky, lived only on his money, as the briks had material difficulties.

There are many stories in the life of celebrities, where they shared love for three:

Friedrich Nietzsche – Lou Salome – Paul Ray. History keeps photos where all three are naked. His famous work “So said Zaratustra” Nietzsche wrote under the impression of Lou Salome. The famous philosopher made an offer of his lover’s hand and heart, but she offered him only friendship. When Paul Ray joined them, they began to live threesome under one roof. Angry Elizabeth, Friedrich Nietzsche’s sister, wrote a rude letter to Lou, which led to the quarrel between Friedrich and his lover, and then to the parting.

The love triangle of Alexander Blok – Lyubov Mendeleev – Andrey Bely, Anna Akhmatova – Arthur Luarier -Olga Sudeykin, and many other creative celebrities didn’t pass by. Let’s focus on the most impressive.



“We are responsible for those who are tamed”

A. de Saint-Exupery
(“The Little Prince”)

The famous Russian writer Ivan Bunin lived for many years in exile, in the ancient city of Grasse, which is located on South of France. In Nice, on the beach Bunin met a young writer Galina Kuznetsova, who was younger than him for 30 years. Between them struck up a friendship, which later turned into a strong feeling. Bunin for a year in one of the hotels of Nice had a romantic meeting with his lover. He rushed between the two cities, and meanwhile his wife Vera Nikolaevna was very jealous of her husband and told all the time that Bunin had gone mad.

Once the writer could not endure and at a living wife brought to the house a young lady Galina Kuznetsova, saying that she would live with them. This is his secretary. And the wife had to accept. She was not young; she had no money and refuge too. Vera Nikolaevna cried, and then resigned herself. Said, so God wants. Everyone laughed and whispered, the questions were offensive. And they lived the three. At the time of acquaintance with Bunin Galina Kuznetsova was married, but because of love to the writer left her husband, and settled in the house of Bunin.

So, since the spring of 1927, in the Villa “Belvedere”, in the ancient city of Grasse, the spouses of Bunin settled Galina Kuznetsova, thus turning the family union of the beads of Bunin into a family triangle.

But soon there was an event that Bunin would regret for the rest of his life. The famous writer received a lot of letters from his readers, worshipping his work. One of these letters he received from Riga from a young man-Leonid Fedorovich Zurov, who in a letter to the writer expressed his admiration for his talent. Zurov also reported that he works as a house painter, but he tries to write, and as well asked Bunin to read and evaluate his work. Kuznetsova after reading the letter of Zurov, offered Bunin to invite painter to visit. The wife of Ivan Alekseevich was categorically against, lamenting that there is nothing in the house, and there was not enough here yet only Zurov. Bunin, at first doubted, and then agreed to the persuasion of Kuznetsova and invited a talented young man to visit. Zurov arrived quickly, without warning, which caused a considerable surprise among the inhabitants of the house.

Bunin’s family triangle has become a square.

The writer’s wife pierced the sympathy to the young man and began to take care of him. The painter really liked to visit. The food is good, the treatment is delicate. Well, he stayed forever. What will you take from a madman? And the painter was crazy. Chased Bunin with a dangerous razor, fight the climb, and so sarcastic grin, when Bunin told something, pulled the flowers that the writer in the garden was putting in to punish him, if he somehow behaved, and Vera Nikolaevna always defended the poor young man. The four of them lived. The years went by.

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