Man of His Word

Man of His Word
О книге

A promise made has to be a promise kept This small town in rural Georgia is where Kimberly Singleton hopes to find the answers that can save her adopted daughter's life. Daniel Monroe is the key: the charismatic firefighter is the one who helped bring her child into the world. He's a good man from a loving family who makes Kimberly feel like she's finally found a safe haven. But he won't give up his secret.For almost twelve years, Daniel has kept his promise to a terrified young mother. Now Kimberly and her daughter deserve the truth. But how can he break that long-ago vow and stay true to who he is, a man Kimberly can trust…and love?


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A promise made has to be a promise kept

This small town in rural Georgia is where Kimberly Singleton hopes to find the answers that can save her adopted daughter’s life. Daniel Monroe is the key: the charismatic firefighter is the one who helped bring her child into the world. He’s a good man from a loving family who makes Kimberly feel like she’s finally found a safe haven. But he won’t give up his secret.

For almost twelve years, Daniel has kept his promise to a terrified young mother. Now Kimberly and her daughter deserve the truth. But how can he break that long-ago vow and stay true to who he is, a man Kimberly can trust...and love?


He threw another half-dozen rocks into the churning river before he acknowledged Kimberly’s presence.

Dusting off his hands, his gaze met hers. “Can we not talk about this, Kimberly? I just—I just can’t. When I’m with you, I want to tell you...everything. Every last detail.”

Setting his jaw, he started back up the trail, determination in every line and crease of his face.

“I promised to protect that young girl all those years ago and I intend to keep that promise, at least until I’m released from it. And nothing—not all the sweetest kisses in the world—is going to change that fact, even though I wish they could.”

Dear Reader,

Each year, thousands of girls and women across the US struggle with a bleeding disorder that they may not even realize they have. For women with bleeding disorders, it takes an average of sixteen years to get an accurate diagnosis, according to the National Hemophilia Association on their Victory for Women website.

Bleeding disorders are frequently underdiagnosed, but they can have deadly complications. For more information, check out

Like Marissa in Man of His Word, my daughter has a rare, mysterious bleeding disorder that doctors have struggled to diagnose and treat.

Whether it’s a bleeding disorder, a food allergy or any other life-threatening condition, such an issue affects an entire family.

Like Kimberly, I’ve struggled myself with how to let go while trying to protect my daughter, something every mother must learn. And like Kimberly and Marissa, we are blessed to have a strong “Daniel” in our lives—my husband and my daughter’s dad, who keeps us grounded and always has our backs.

Hope you enjoy Kimberly and Daniel’s story!


Man of His Word

Cynthia Reese

CYNTHIA REESE lives with her husband and their daughter in south Georgia, along with their two dogs, three cats and however many strays show up for morning muster. She has been scribbling since she was knee-high to a grasshopper and reading even before that. A former journalist, teacher and college English instructor, she also enjoys cooking, traveling and photography when she gets the chance.

To my sister, my best friend in the entire world

And in memory of Andrew...I’ll say it like I mean it.

This book is owed in huge part to my smashing editors, Kathryn Lye and Victoria Curran.

Another huge debt goes to my Heartwarming Sister Karen Rock, who patiently brainstormed with me.

Thanks, too, goes to Sgt. Tommy Windham and all the firefighters at the City of Dublin, Georgia’s Fire Department. They very patiently helped me learn how real-life firefighters are NOT like firefighters on TV. In addition, I owe technical expertise to John Lentini, of Scientific Fire Analysis. All mistakes are mine!

This book was the product of the sacrifices of many: my critique partner, Tawna Fenske, as well as to my beta reader, Jessica Brown—and not least, my daughter and my husband.

KIMBERLY SLOWED THE car down to a crawl as she inched past the driveway. She didn’t take her eyes from the dented mailbox that was in the shape of a chicken—a chicken, of all things. Even though she squinted, she couldn’t make out a number or a name.

“Hey, Mom! There! This is it! See the number?”

Marissa’s finger was trembling with excitement as she guided Kimberly’s attention to a house number on the mailbox post itself, almost obscured by the thigh-high Bahia grass that had overtaken the shoulder of the narrow country road.

There it was—3332. Marissa was right. Relief sluiced over her. They had found it—she had found it, no thanks to the rather vague directions she’d been given. She gave her daughter a high five that smacked loudly within the confines of the car.

Kimberly glanced at the rearview mirror and saw it was clear behind her, then reversed the car a few feet in order to make the turn into the drive.

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