Married by Christmas

Married by Christmas
О книге

The time has come for Italian tycoon Marco De Luca to avenge Claudia's betrayal of four years ago. He'll bed her once more, then coolly cast her aside as she did him!What Marco's not prepared for is the powerful effect Claudia still has on him. One night with her isn't enough to satisfy the demanding Italian's needs. How many nights will it take to get her out of his system? Especially now that Claudia may be innocent after all… .


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An inconvenient wedding

Wherever Caleb O’Malley goes, trouble follows, and trouble is the last thing Rebecca Thurston needs. But when Caleb appears—gravely wounded—at Rebecca’s Smoky Mountain cabin, she can’t turn him away. His life depends on her kindness, but she never anticipated it would lead to an unwanted proposal.

Caleb never forgave himself for the accident that ended Rebecca’s engagement and destroyed her life. He doesn’t want to hurt her again. But after a week recuperating at her cabin, there is only one way for Caleb to protect both their reputations from scandal. Neither of them wants to tie the knot, but as Rebecca and Caleb spend time together, will they find there’s more to their marriage than convenience?

Smoky Mountain Matches: Dreams of home and family come true in the Smoky Mountains

“What you’re suggesting is…

Well, it’s…” Crazy. Deranged. “Impossible,” Rebecca whispered.

A muscle ticked in Caleb’s jaw. “Is there someone else you’re set on marrying?”

“No, of course not.” Unable to sustain his demanding gaze, she stared into the fire.

He dipped his head, bringing their cheeks side by side. “Then why not marry me?” The movement of his lips near her ear snagged strands of hair. Rebecca pulled back, mortified by what his nearness was doing to her equilibrium.

“Why would you do this?” She stared deep into his eyes.

“It’s my fault we’re in this mess, and I want to make it right. Fix it for you the only way I know how. ”

“You’d be miserable.”

“So would you,” he shot back. “But your sister wouldn’t, would she?”

Caleb reached out and skimmed Rebecca’s sleeve. “Take some time to think about it. I’m in no rush.”

“Yeah, well, he is.” She nodded toward the table as the reverend cast them another furtive look. “Along with everyone else in town.”


was born and raised in East Tennessee near the Great Smoky Mountains. A lifelong lover of books, it wasn’t until after college that she had the grand idea to write one herself. Now she divides her time between being a wife, homeschooling mom and romance writer. Her favorite pastimes are reading, visiting tearooms and watching romantic comedies.

Married by Christmas

Karen Kirst

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

—Lamentations 3:22–23

To my closest friend, Lorie Hedrick. Thanks for the homeschooling powwows at Starbucks and for providing a godly example of what a wife and mother should be. I cherish your friendship.

Chapter One

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

December 1881

If the bullet hole in his leg didn’t kill him, the snowstorm would.

Caleb swayed in the saddle, stiff fingers clinging to the horn as Rebel stumbled in a drift. “Easy,” he breathed, the slight sound swallowed up by fat, white tufts dropping in a thick curtain all around him. Ears flicking, Rebel righted himself. Caleb clamped his jaw tight to smother a moan.

He didn’t know which was worse—the incessant pain slowly stealing his consciousness, the bone-numbing cold or the knowledge that he was being hunted.

Hopefully the heavy snowfall would cover his tracks and the trail of blood.

Fighting off a wave of dizziness, he tried to get his bearings. The weakness claiming his body wouldn’t be put off much longer. Concentrate, O’Malley. Find shelter.

By this point, he’d lost all sense of direction, the towering trees and sloping landscape a white blur as the clouds overhead continued their silent assault. Frustration pounded at his temples. He knew these mountains like the back of his hand. No way could he be lost.

The forest tilted crazily, and he slumped onto Rebel’s neck, gulping in frigid air that seared his lungs. “Sorry, boy,” he choked out, “doesn’t look like we’re gonna make it outta this one.”

Images of his family flashed against closed lids. His parents. Brothers. Cousins. All the people he loved but wouldn’t let close. Josh and Kate were about to make him an uncle for the first time. And from the way Nathan and Sophie acted around each other, they couldn’t be far behind. Unlike him, his older brothers were solid. Responsible. They’d be amazing fathers.

And he’d miss all of it.

Would they ever discover what happened to him? Or would they be forced to forever wonder?

Regret flickered in his chest, igniting a tiny flame of resolve. He couldn’t give up. He’d brought them enough pain to last a lifetime. If he was going to kick the bucket, the least he could do was give them closure. Caleb eased upright. Urged the big black into motion with a nudge of his boot heel.

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