Mega Sleepover 2

Mega Sleepover 2
О книге

Join the Sleepover Club: Frankie, Kenny, Felicity, Rosie and Lyndsey, five girls who want to have fun – but who always end up in mischief!Fliss is desperate for a pet in The Sleepover Club at Rosie’s, and volunteers to look after the school hamster for the weekend. Oh-oh… Kenny’s horrible sister is out to make trouble in The Sleepover Club at Kenny’s – have the Sleepover Club met their match? And in Starring the Sleepover Club, it’s all fun and games with Fliss’s mum’s camcorder. Will the Sleepover Club discover screen stardom, or will their film be a flop?

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Mega Sleepover Club 2

The Sleepover Club at Rosie’s

The Sleepover Club at Kenny’s

Starring the Sleepover Club

Rose Impey

Narinder Dhami

Oh, hi there. You haven’t seen my dog, Pepsi, have you? She’s gone missing. She’s a black spaniel. She’s escaped lots of times before and someone always brings her back. The trouble is that this time she’s in season and, if we don’t find her soon, you know what that could mean. My mum’s in a real razz with me! I didn’t mean to leave the front gate open.

The thing is, last week I had this big argument with her and Dad because they won’t let Pepsi have puppies. It’s bad enough they won’t let me have a brother or sister, now they won’t let the dog have a baby either!

So Mum thinks I let Pepsi out on purpose. Dad’ll go ballistic when he knows. It would have to happen just now, when I was in their good books for a change.

I know, why don’t you come with me to look for Pepsi, then I can tell you about our latest Sleepover Club adventure? That was all to do with pets. It was excellent. Come on, we’ll head for the park, that’s one of Pepsi’s favourite places, and I’ll tell you all about it on the way.

It all started with the Pet Show in the Village Hall. It was organised to raise money for an animal refuge and the whole Sleepover Club decided to enter. We first heard about it at Brownies a few weeks ago. We all go to Brownies, everyone in the Sleepover Club, even Fliss and Lyndz who are old enough to go up to Guides if they want to, but they’re waiting for the rest of us. We like to stick together. Can you remember who everyone is?

First there’s Laura Mackenzie – we call her Kenny. She’s my best friend.

Felicity Sidebotham – we call her Fliss. Oh boy, I’m glad I’m not called Sidebotham. She gets teased all the time.

Then there’s Lyndsey Collins – we call her Lyndz. It was Lyndz that got us into trouble this time, or at least her dog, Buster, did. He’s a menace.

And Rosie Cartwright. The sleepover was at Rosie’s, which was totally cool because she’s never let us stay at her place before and her house is perfect for sleepovers: big and old and a bit spooky.

That just leaves me – Francesca Theresa Thomas, but you can call me Frankie.

So, that’s all of us. Yeah, yeah, I know five’s not a good number, someone’s bound to get left out, but five’s how many there are, so that’s that.

Now, back to the story. Brown Owl showed us some posters about the Pet Show and asked us each to take one home and put it up somewhere. She said she wanted all of us who have pets to go in for it as part of our Pet Lovers Badge. I couldn’t wait to ask Mum and Dad if I could take Pepsi. I was sure I’d win, but then so were all the others. And the trouble was three of us have dogs. We started arguing straight away, as soon as Brown Owl had finished.

“Buster’s so smart he’s bound to win,” said Lyndz. She’s got this weird little Jack Russell terrier, he’s absolutely mad. You should see him.

“Dream on,” I said. “He’s not that smart and he won’t beat Pepsi. She’s so cute.”

“Well,” said Rosie, “Jenny’s smart and she’s cute.”

Which is true. Jenny’s a mongrel, but she’s got a lot of sheepdog in her. Her coat’s really shiny, black and white and she’s got a wonderful big tail. And she’s clever, too. So that made me mad. But Fliss made me even madder.

“Well, you can’t all win,” she said, smiling.

“Oh, very good,” I said. “Now tell us something we don’t know.”

“I might win,” said Kenny.

Kenny doesn’t have a dog, although she’d love one, but she’s had loads of other pets. She had a hamster once, and a rabbit, but they both died. And a cat called Tinkerbell, which ran away, and a bird called Bobby which flew out of the window, and a goldfish, which the cat ate before she ran away. She’s not had much luck so far.

Now she’s got a big white rat called Merlin. She says he’s mega-intelligent and she’s training him, but he doesn’t seem to have learnt much! There’s something about the way Kenny lets him sit on her shoulder that gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Kenny’s sister, Molly the Monster, shares a bedroom with Kenny and she hates rats, so Merlin has to live in the garage. I know Kenny’s my best friend and everything but, to be honest, I agree with Molly; I wouldn’t want to sleep in a room with a rat either.

The Pet Show wasn’t only for dogs, of course, you could take other pets. On the poster it said there were prizes in each different class: hamsters, rabbits, cats, and lots of others, but there was no mention of rats!

“It’s not fair,” said Kenny. “What about Merlin?”

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