
О книге

The secrets that experts and top professionals use to stay at the top of their game.Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Mind PowerIncludes how to:• Produce creative and innovative ideas• Remember names, numbers and concepts• Sharpen your mental reflexes, whatever your age• Ask the right questions and understand other points of view• Make good decisions and stick to them


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Collins Business Secrets – Mind Power

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page

2.4 Learn the SQ3R reading technique

2.5 Make sense of numbers

2.6 Interpret statistics on graphs

2.7 Listen more carefully

2.8 Evaluate what you listen to

2.9 Question the speaker

Think strategically

3.1 Take a step back

3.2 Use de Bono’s hats

3.3 Hold an Appreciative Inquiry

3.4 Apply random thinking

3.5 Take a PEST

3.6 Take a SWOT

3.7 Harvest your thoughts

Solve problems well

4.1 Generate fresh ideas

4.2 Examine causes and effects

4.3 Apply the Pareto principle

4.4 Evaluate the pros and cons

4.5 Respond creatively to problems

Develop your memory

5.1 Refresh your memory

5.2 Use mnemonics

5.3 Use the link system

5.4 Replace words with a picture

5.5 Imagine a journey

5.6 Think of a story

5.7 Remember key phrases in a talk

5.8 Remember names

5.9 Remember numbers

5.10 Remember dates

Focus your mind

6.1 Concentrate better

6.2 Become more confident

6.3 Build up courage

6.4 Take responsibility

6.5 Be positive

Inspire your mind

7.1 Balance the work-life ratio

7.2 Achieve in a team

7.3 Handle your boss better

7.4 Assert yourself

7.5 Make the most of your time

7.6 Keep an open mind

Jargon buster

Further reading

About the Author


About the Publisher

The author would like to thank Hannah Murphy, Hannah Harris, Sara James and Roger Manser for their help and advice.

The mind in each one of us has the incredible capacity for thinking, understanding and decision making. This book explores how you can release the potential that is already within you.

In my working life, I’ve had to make many strategic decisions about which direction to take. Some decisions have been easy; others have come about only through much concentrated effort and creative problem solving. Some of the ways in which my work has developed have also arisen out of discoveries that have been made, it seems, by ‘chance’: being in the right time and the right place and having the right experience. Further, in the many presentations that I have given, I have had to expand my memory to remember, not only broad facts and important details, but also people’s names. So, in a way, I wish that I had had this book in my hands years ago – it would have helped me greatly!

I wish you all the best as you personally undertake one of life’s greatest journeys, to explore and use the resources of your mind. This book consists of 50 secrets, set out in seven chapters:

• Understand how your mind works. Knowing what kind of person you are is an important first step to challenging yourself and developing the full use of your mind.

• Read and listen more effectively. Improving your skills in the key perceptive areas of reading and listening will help you keep ahead of your competitors.

• Think strategically. It’s all too easy for your thinking to go round and round in circles and not make progress, so here are some practical tips to kick-start your thinking processes.

• Solve problems well. Here we apply various mindpower techniques to help you develop a wider range of ways for dealing with difficulties and making decisions.

• Develop your memory. Here is useful guidance to help you deal with the difficulties we all have in remembering information, names and numbers.

• Focus your mind. To work effectively in today’s business environment, you need to be focused, giving the tasks in hand your full attention and cultivating a positive outlook and attitude towards any problems that you face.

• Inspire your mind. You need to stimulate and nurture your mind to be able to manage – and if possible reduce – stress levels and become successful as you work with colleagues and manage your time effectively.

If you follow these seven secrets, you will be well on your way to making the best use of the vast resources that are already at your disposal in your mind.

This book will help you unlock the vast resources of your mind.

First off, it is vital to know how your mind works best, so that you can decide which learning styles are best suited to you. In this chapter, we’ll address this, before exploring how you can develop methods for using your mind creatively for common tasks such as taking notes and researching a subject. It is all too easy to follow established ways of thinking, so you need to be challenged to change and develop as a whole person.

If you are aware of the contrasting activities of the two sides of your brain – broadly, creative on the right, logical on the left – you will be able to work more effectively. Further, if you are working with colleagues in a team, make sure that the members’ skills complement one another.

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