Mission: Memory Recall

Mission: Memory Recall
О книге

TREACHEROUS REUNIONCIA analyst Bethany Bryant has risked her career to prove her former love, soldier Marcus Allen, actually survived a military ambush—and betrayed his country. But when she finally tracks the rugged Army Ranger to a remote Texas town, Marcus doesn't remember who he is…or why someone’s trying to kill him. With an assailant determined to silence them both for good, Bethany and Marcus must go on the run in the hope he’ll regain his memories. But will Bethany’s risky gambit to expose the truth clear his name and give them a future…or end their second chance at forever?

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CIA analyst Bethany Bryant has risked her career to prove her former love, soldier Marcus Allen, actually survived a military ambush—and betrayed his country. But when she finally tracks the rugged army ranger to a remote Texas town, Marcus doesn’t remember who he is...or why someone’s trying to kill him. With an assailant determined to silence them both for good, Bethany and Marcus must go on the run in the hope he’ll regain his memories. But will Bethany’s risky gambit to expose the truth clear his name and give them a future...or end their second chance at forever?

“Are those names ringing any bells, Marcus?”

He hated to dash the spark he’d seen in Bethany’s eyes, but he shook his head. “None.”

Bethany pulled out a photo of his squad. “This was taken two days before the ambush.” She sat beside Marcus, pointing out the surviving rangers. She rattled off their names, but all he heard was the beating of his heart as the sweet scent of her hair wafted into his nostrils. Nothing about the ambush or his teammates seemed familiar...but she did.

Bethany glanced up at him and her eyes widened, probably at the spark of attraction Marcus was sure was blanketing his face. The familiar wide blue eyes and graceful curve of her face called to him. He reached out and stroked her jaw, moving downward to her lips. She didn’t pull away, at least not at first. Her head bobbed backward and her breathing heightened. He wanted to kiss her, just as he had a hundred times before in his dreams. It was her he’d been remembering. He’d never been more certain of anything in his life.

VIRGINIA VAUGHAN is a born-and-raised Mississippi girl. She is blessed to come from a large Southern family, and her fondest memories include listening to stories recounted around the dinner table. She was a lover of books from a young age, devouring tales of romance, danger and love. She soon started writing them herself. You can connect with Virginia through her website, virginiavaughanonline.com, or through the publisher.

Mission: Memory Recall

Virginia Vaughan


Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

—Hebrews 10:23

To Beverly, who left this world before finding out how the story ended.


CIA Analyst Bethany Bryant’s heart raced as she parked her rented SUV in a parking space in front of Milo’s Diner in Little Falls, Texas. Taking out her gun, she checked it then slid it back into the holster beneath her jacket. She hoped she wouldn’t have to use it, but she was ready in case she did. Her pulse was pounding with both excitement and angst.

She stared through the front windows of the diner and braced herself. For two years she’d been stalking a shadow across several countries and most recently to this sleepy little town. Social Security files showed employment activity at this diner on a false identity she’d been tracking as recently as two months ago. Now she was here and this place might finally hold the answers she’d been seeking for so long.

Bethany closed her eyes. She couldn’t handle any more disappointments, any more false hopes. Taking a deep breath, she stared ahead and couldn’t help wondering if her friend Dillon was right. He would tell her to face the facts—Marcus Allen was dead and she was chasing a figment of her imagination.

But it could be him.

Her heart kicked up a notch. She was also anxious about what would happen once she stepped inside the diner. How would she handle it if it was really him? She hoped she could keep her calm and professionalism, but a part of her was afraid she might cry like a little girl if she saw the face of the man who had haunted her dreams for so long. Drawing another deep, bracing breath, she got out of the vehicle, smoothed her long, dark ponytailed hair and her clothes then headed inside. She paused at the door and squared her shoulders before stepping through.

Milo’s was an old-fashioned diner with stools at the counter and booths lining the walls. There was even an opening where one could see into the kitchen. The aroma of bacon and breakfast goods greeted her along with the familiar clanking of dishes and the chatter of conversation by the customers of the nearly full eatery. Bethany found an empty booth with a clear view of the kitchen and strained her head to try to see inside. She saw people, bodies, but no faces.

A pretty middle-aged woman with an apron and notebook approached her table and wiped it down. “Welcome to Milo’s, hon. What can I getcha?”

“Just coffee, please,” she stated, scanning the area behind the counter for a familiar face.

“We have a great breakfast special. Steak and eggs for only $5.99. Sure you’re not hungry?”

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