Mistletoe Mommy

Mistletoe Mommy
О книге

A MOTHER FOR CHRISTMASWidower Luke Jeffries needs a mother for his three young children, whether or not they agree. When he meets Nellie McClain at the mail-order-bride agency, Luke thinks his problems are solved, but they’ve only just begun. Though the beautiful widow awakens his grieving heart, Luke won’t betray his cherished wife’s memory.A marriage of convenience is exactly what Nellie wants, since she’s been wounded by love before and doesn’t plan to risk her heart again. But despite her chilly reception at Luke’s family’s simple Colorado cabin, her feelings for Luke and the children grow deeper every day. Can Nellie and Luke heal the pain in each other and finally make their family whole again?

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A Mother for Christmas

Widower Luke Jeffries needs a mother for his three young children, whether or not they agree. When he meets Nellie McClain at the mail-order-bride agency, Luke thinks his problems are solved, but they’ve only just begun. Though the beautiful widow awakens his grieving heart, Luke won’t betray his cherished wife’s memory.

A marriage of convenience is exactly what Nellie wants, since she’s been wounded by love before and doesn’t plan to risk her heart again. But despite her chilly reception at Luke’s family’s simple Colorado cabin, her feelings for Luke and the children grow deeper every day. Can Nellie and Luke heal the pain in each other and finally make their family whole again?

“Can we still have mistletoe? It’s what I love best about Christmas.”

Amos wrapped his arms around his father’s waist. “Nellie said we could only get mistletoe if you agree.”

“Mistletoe? Why are you so insistent on mistletoe?” Luke looked down at his son.

“Because!” A wide grin split Amos’s face. “Everyone kisses and hugs, and they’re all happy. We need more happiness in our house. And maybe, if Nellie kisses you, then you would be happy, too.”

“Nellie can’t kiss Papa!” Ruby declared, shaking her head furiously. “It’s not right.”

A lump formed in Nellie’s throat. Apparently, there were limits to the changes Ruby would approve of. Even Luke looked mildly stricken at the thought.

Would she and Luke ever kiss? Sometimes Nellie hoped so. But then she thought about how it would merely be a platonic kiss to Luke, but if Nellie kissed him, she’d be doing it with all her heart.

A difference that would absolutely destroy her.

Dear Reader,

When I was researching this story, I read newspapers printed in the same time when my story takes place. I was expecting to see something reflecting what we see in the media today about Christmas. Instead, I saw articles about activities the church planned, or, what became my favorite, commentary about how lovely the church choir sounded, and that parishioners were in for a treat come Christmas.

How I long to go back to that time! I can’t imagine a better Christmas than not having all the commercialism our society associates with the holiday, and being able to truly soak in the spirit of the season.

My hope, and my prayer, for you is that during the busyness of the season upon us, you find some quiet time to soak in the gift God has given us. May God give you a reminder of His deep love for you this Christmas.

I always love hearing from my readers. Connect with me at the following places:

Website: DanicaFavorite.com

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Peace to you and yours,

Danica Favorite

DANICA FAVORITE loves the adventure of living a creative life. She loves to explore the depths of human nature and follow people on the journey to happily-ever-after. Though the journey is often bumpy, those bumps refine imperfect characters as they live the life God created them for. Oops, that just spoiled the ending of Danica’s stories. Then again, getting there is all the fun. Find her at danicafavorite.com.

Mistletoe Mommy

Danica Favorite


Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

—Matthew 6:19–20

For the real Ruby, Charlie, Maeve, Amos, Ruth, Ely and Lydia, may you continue to grow in God’s love under the guidance of your amazing parents. I’m so proud to call them my friends, and I’m grateful I get to be a part of your lives.

Chapter One

Denver, Colorado, 1883

Luke Jeffries twisted his hat in his hands as the woman stared at him from behind her desk. Like he was an errant schoolboy facing the teacher for his misdeeds. But he hadn’t done anything wrong. At least not in the way most people considered something to be wrong. He hadn’t hurt anyone or broken any laws, and yet standing in front of a strange woman, begging her to find him a mail-order bride, felt more wrong than anything the worst of sinners could do.

“Please, ma’am,” he said again, swallowing the guilt in his throat. “I’m not asking for me. But you see, my children...” Luke shook his head. Took a deep breath. “Without their mother, things have been hard for them. I’ve got to work.”

Some folks might say he didn’t. The mining company gave him a nice payout after Diana’s death. But he couldn’t accept their blood money. It just sat there in the bank, taunting him, telling him what they thought a woman’s life was worth. But none of that would bring back the woman he loved. A dollar couldn’t tuck in the children at night.

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