Molly's Mr. Wrong

Molly's Mr. Wrong
О книге

They're both learning from scratchMolly Adamson has moved back to the place that made her happiest: Eagle Valley, Montana. Teaching college English classes is also a fresh start…even if he's one of her students. Finn Culver. Athlete, heartthrob, homecoming date. After that disastrous night all those years ago, Molly never wanted to see Finn, now a handsome military veteran, again. But as she gets to know him through his writing, helping him conquer an undiagnosed learning disability, Molly sees much more than the swaggering charmer. Both teacher and student will learn a lot about love, and each other, if they can let the past go…


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They’re both learning from scratch

Molly Adamson has moved back to the place that made her happiest: Eagle Valley, Montana. Teaching college English classes is also a fresh start...even if he’s one of her students. Finn Culver. Athlete, heartthrob, homecoming date. After that disastrous night all those years ago, Molly never wanted to see Finn, now a handsome military veteran, again. But as she gets to know him through his writing, helping him conquer an undiagnosed learning disability, Molly sees much more than the swaggering charmer. Both teacher and student will learn a lot about love, and each other, if they can let the past go...

“I think you should continue the class.”

“I don’t see a lot of point in taking it.”


Molly’s voice trailed off and Finn’s expression shifted. “What, Molly?” One corner of his perfect mouth curved into a wry expression that was somehow both cold and amused. “Be gentle with me?”

The way he said it brought more color to her cheeks. “Yes. I will.”

“Thanks for the offer, but no.”

“I’ you.” What on earth was she saying?

“No. Thank you.”

He pulled the truck door open and Molly heard the word “Chicken?” emerge from her lips. Finn stopped dead and turned back.

Had she really just said that?

Dear Reader,

Molly’s Mr. Wrong is all about trying to get life right. During high school, Molly Adamson was a shy, bookish teen with a raging crush on one of the high school elite. You know how that usually works out, right?


Well, in Molly’s case, she got a (mercy) date with her dream guy—Finn Culver—who then brought her home early from the homecoming dance and went out with another woman. Ouch. But those are the kinds of moments in life that inspire people to change, and that was when Molly decided to reinvent herself.

Fast-forward a decade and Molly is a successful college English teacher. She knows what she wants in life and she also knows what she doesn’t want. Top of the list for Doesn’t Want? Finn Culver blasting back into her life. But Finn is now one of her students, and Molly finds that while she knows exactly what she’s looking for in her Mr. Right, she keeps feeling a tug toward Mr. Wrong.

Is she ever going to get life right?

This was a fun book to write because once upon a time I was Molly. I didn’t have her homecoming experience, but I did have a couple of cringe-worthy high school moments. But don’t we all? I hope you enjoy Molly’s Mr. Wrong.

Happy reading,

Jeannie Watt

Molly’s Mr. Wrong

Jeannie Watt

JEANNIE WATT splits her time between her homes in rural northern Nevada and western Montana. In Nevada, she enjoys the quiet life living off the grid, and in Montana she and her husband help with the family cattle ranch. Jeannie enjoys riding, hiking, sewing and making mosaic mirrors. She also enjoys adding to her small menagerie and has her eye on a baby goat. Shh—don’t tell her husband. Check out Jeannie’s website,, for more information.

This book is dedicated to the Mathews Clan. You guys are the best!


“BE CAREFUL OF that box,” Lola Martinez called from behind the cash register as Finn Culver came in through the front door of the feed store. “It’s full of pottery.”

“Right.” Finn sidestepped the box blocking the aisle and barely kept from shaking his head as he crossed the store to his grandfather’s office. Two weeks had passed since he’d returned from overseas deployment, and he was still having trouble wrapping his mind around the changes that had occurred here during the year he’d been gone.

He’d left a dusty space containing the bare essentials for serious ranching and farming and come back to a full-blown Western gift boutique and coffee corner—thanks to his cousin’s new fiancée, Jolie Brody. The crazy thing was that his grandfather, Mike, who’d taught him his frugal ways, was good with it. No, he was great with it—because his friends hung around the store now, and he didn’t have to wait for Thursday-night poker to be with the guys. Business was booming, despite competition from chain ranch stores, and how strange was that when a year ago he could have fired a cannonball through the store and not come close to hitting someone?

“Hey, Finn.” Karl Evans, one of Mike’s best friends, hailed him from inside the office, where two of the three chairs that usually sat side by side in front of the small television had been swung around to face Finn’s desk. “We need an opinion.”

Finn gamely made his way to stand behind the chairs. He’d given a lot of opinions and settled a lot of bets since returning home. Debating and small-time wagering were a way of life for his granddad and his friends Karl and Cal Sawyer.

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