Ms. Longshot

Ms. Longshot
О книге

THE IT GIRLS They’re rich, fabulous… and dangerously underestimated. IT GIRL: Alexa CheltinghamMISSION: Pose as a grubby groom to stop a high-stakes horse killer and protect the Mayor of New York’s show-jumping daughter.A Cheltingham shoveling horse manure — what would Mother think? That was my first reaction when the Gotham Rose spy ring handed me this riches-to-rags assignment. But the country’s top show horses were dying suspiciously and the Roses trusted me to catch the killer.My old leg injury wouldn’t stand in my way, not by a longshot. I’d muck stalls and uncover the dirty secrets of the equine world’s bigwigs, then clean up in time to host the Horses of Hope charity ball. Speaking of the ball, I’d love to have charmer Ross Hardel for my date…too bad he’s my prime suspect.


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Dear Reader,

When my editor suggested I give Alexa a prosthetic leg, I wondered how I could turn her into an action/adventure heroine worthy of a Bombshell book. How could a woman with that handicap possibly work undercover and kick butt? I scoured the Internet for information and still wondered how I could make this assignment work. Then I was fortunate to meet a woman who showed me that the only thing that could get in Alexa’s way was her own thoughts. Throwing Alexa out of her Ralph Lauren world and into Levi’s and leading her through an adventure that gave her a much-needed attitude adjustment turned out to be a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy reading Alexa’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Sylvie Kurtz

Ms. Longshot

Sylvie Kurtz

Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Sylvie Kurtz for her contribution to the The It Girls series.

ISBN: 9781408946206

Ms. Longshot

© Harlequin Books S.A. 2005

First Published in Great Britain in 2005

Harlequin (UK) Limited Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR

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Books by Sylvie Kurtz

Silhouette Bombshell

Personal Enemy #29

†Ms. Longshot #70

†The It Girls

Silhouette Special Edition

A Little Christmas Magic #1438

Harlequin Intrigue

One Texas Night #527

Blackmailed Bride #575

Alyssa Again #600

*Remembering Red Thunder #653

*Red Thunder Reckoning #657

Under Lock and Key #712

**Heart of a Hunter #767

**Mask of a Hunter #773

A Rose at Midnight #822

**Eye of a Hunter #866

*Flesh and Blood

**The Seekers


Flying an eight-hour solo cross-country in a Piper Arrow with only the airplane’s crackling radio and a large bag of M&M’s for company, Sylvie Kurtz realized a pilot’s life wasn’t for her. The stories zooming in and out of her mind proved more entertaining than the flight itself. Not a quitter, she finished her pilot’s course and earned her commercial license and instrument rating.

Since then, she has traded in her wings for a keyboard, where she lets her imagination soar to create fictional adventures that explore the power of love and the thrill of suspense. When not writing, she enjoys the outdoors with her husband and two children, quilt-making, photography and reading whatever catches her interest.

You can write to Sylvie at P.O. Box 702, Milford, NH 03055. And visit her Web site at

For Cassie—a Bombshell in training

A special thank-you:

To Amy Schiff for sharing her story with me. Definitely a Bombshell heroine!

Samantha at Hair Force for helping

me with my dyeing dilemma

Ann Voss Peterson for sharing

horse trailer stories


About the Author


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15



New York City. December. Ten years ago.

The second-floor bathroom of the Constance Gramercy School for Girls was crowded as usual. I elbowed my way to the mirror and puckered up to see if the zit I’d felt growing on my chin in social science had popped up. Wouldn’t you know it, the timing sucked. I had a horse show in the morning.

Nathalie Huston, my best friend since we’d bitten each other the first day of kindergarten, came pounding through the door, big boobs leading the way and her long, black ponytail flying behind her. She’d had that magnificent chest since she was eleven. At fifteen, I was still waiting for mine to show up. My mother said British roses took longer to bloom, which only made me wish I’d inherited more of my father’s American genes.

Back of the hand pressed to her forehead, Nat paused and sighed dramatically. Of course the contrast of Wedgwood-blue eyes and raven hair had made her dramatic from birth. I couldn’t help smiling.

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