My world through the dreams

My world through the dreams
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He couldn’t believe it. He put his elbows on the knees and hid his face in arms. The thought that she has gone was tearing Tien’s soul apart. «I won’t let you go, I just can’t do that» – her words were sounding in his head giving an awful ache. He was looking for her everywhere, even in the past and in the future. The impossible became possible for him. Everything that used to mean something for him have lost its sense without her.

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© Yulia Poplavskaya, 2016

ISBN 978-5-4483-3487-0

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero

Have you ever wondered at least once in a lifetime what happens with us after death? Where does the soul go? Where is it when we are asleep?

He couldn’t believe it. He put his elbows on the knees and hid his face in arms. The thought that she has gone was tearing Tien’s soul apart. “I won’t let you go, I just can’t do that” – her words were sounding in his head giving an awful ache. He was looking for her everywhere, even in the past and in the future. The impossible became possible for him. Millions of years have passed, but he was looking for her even that far away. Everything that used to mean something for him have lost its sense without her. He felt like they broke apart just a minute ago, but now this minute has become an eternity.

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful autumn, very bright and warm fall.

A Latin music was playing, and two perfectly built figures were dancing on the scene. The dance of passion was performed with an accurate grace. The people watching that dance were stunned by the charming aura of the couple. Leah was a professional dancer of bachata, salsa, rumba, cha-cha etc. She was a goddess of the scene in this huge and rich restaurant. She had a personal show with a handsome Afro-American Pedro. They danced there three times a week raising some good money for the show. Leah was a girl from a wealthy family. She had a great education. She also had a beautiful and an ultimately kind heart. Her father was working as a personal pilot of a local oligarch. He was an experienced and irreplaceable specialist on his plane. He spent a lot of time on his work, but his employer generously compensated overtime hours away from his family. Her mother was a housewife with a higher legal education, but she dedicated her life to her husband and their three children. The eldest was Adam, then Leah and their little sister Ely.

That evening Leah was having a dinner with one of her admirers. It often happened when a newcomer lost his head during seeing Leah dancing. Tourists admired her plastic figure and professional skill to reveal the exotics and sexuality of the dance. So Leah regularly received the invitations to share a dinner with the guests of the restaurant. The girl didn’t like to eat with the strangers, but she had to accept the invitations as most part of the guest were V.I.P. or the kids of some rich government workers.

At first glance Leah was a simple, soft, slim girl 24 years old, 170 cm in height. But it was just a first impression. After watching her for several minutes one can notice all the things that top-models are usually very proud to have or try to achieve with the help of professionals. Leah had a long dark blond hair reaching her waist that framed a pretty face in a form of a heart, bottomless gray eyes and full pink lips on dark skin. She had a slim and flexible figure. All that, paired with salsa or samba, made her extraordinarily charming on stage.

Everything seemed to be perfect, but it never happens in real life. Her worst nightmare were her dreams. As a child she often woke up in a cold sweat, screaming. She did not see the nightmares; she saw the life of other people and animals that existed millions of years ago. Many psychologists worked with her, but the dreams became more realistic with every year. Her circle of contacts was very limited, her peers were sure she’s inadequate having mental disorders. Different doctors had different diagnoses, but her parents rejected all the prescribed treatments. Leah’s mother woke up with her every night and tried to calm the girl down saying that were just her dreams. The girl graduated from school and university with the perfect marks. She often thought she’s going mad. Sometimes the drams seemed to be so realistic she couldn’t distinguish reality. Eventually Leah learned to accept her dreams and not to be afraid of them, and not to tell anyone about them, which was the most important thing.

After having a dinner with the admirer she listened to his promises to become the greatest dancer of all time and to replace Pedro on the scene, the tired girl went home.

She parked her car in the backyard and entered the house. Everybody was already asleep. The girl creeped in her room, had a shower and went to bed. Most of people usually like the unique condition of sleeping, but not Leah.

The cold wind and a smell of autumn leaves woke her up. The leaves were falling and dancing after the rain. “I fell asleep on a park bench” – decided Leah. “Oh, I’m having a lecture in the university in an hour!”

Leah didn’t consider Master’s degree program after her graduation, but later decided to continue studying because of her passion to the antique. During the lectures she often realized she knew much more than it was written in the books. On her opinion, the information was not always reliable. She wanted to learn more about the era of the past centuries and, like many of us, she had different dreams. Leah wanted to take part in archaeological excavations that were mandatory at her university. She dreamt that she finds something important and contributes to the discovery of the life of ancient people; she wanted to dig some mystery old pharaoh’s tomb that hid the era of the past millennia.

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