Mysteries of The St.Petersburg suburbs: Kroniort’s gold. Historical photostory

Mysteries of The St.Petersburg suburbs: Kroniort’s gold. Historical photostory
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Documentary and art historical photostory. By historical reconstruction covers drama events of the past: release of the northwest lands of Russia from the Swedish occupation (1703) also describes search of gold treasury of the Swedish general Abraham Kroniort near the northern suburb of St. Petersburg – Sestroretsk.Based on the real facts, with a set of color photos (more than 60), the story opens as well history of the city of Sestroretsk – from the birth and up to now.


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© Valery Pikulev, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4485-4959-5

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

From the author

Real, Last, Future…

“Everything will pass…” – as is sung in one good song, performed by Mikhail Boyarsky loved by me. No, Mikhail Sergeyevich, – at all respect, not all! – there is a Past, it is always with us. And, – believe! – sometimes helps to live in the Present. On that it is, the past…

And here the song another, and too isn’t bad: “There is only an instant between the past and future, – it is called life…” And too, – by! At first sight can even seem that all so, “all by”: life, – only series of imperceptible Instants of the Present clamped in a vice between the Past and Future. Moment! – and it any more in the Past, isn’t present him any more; and the following – it just in the future, it is absent yet… and we live only in imperceptibly thin Present, between “already” and “still”! And whether so it actually?

The ninetieth years of the last century … (“dashing nineties” as they are called now): boom of occultism and obscurantism: “tops”, “love spells”, pseudo-healing… But among hundreds of charlatans and deceivers who have emerged on their muddy wave units of carriers of property of clairvoyance sometimes appeared, – and nobody denies it now! – when somebody sees our past, and рáвно and the future as if considering a certain photo…

And whether it is possible, – well, somehow! – to see the Past or the Future… which are absent?! And if it, nevertheless, is possible, then it is necessary to recognize that the Past and the Future exist along with the Present – now! Here also leaves that the past – at all not what isn’t present any more, and the future … – well, you understand!

And here, as a result of similar reasonings there was this photostory reconstruction about the northern suburbs of the Hail of Peter which have become at the Great Emperor the chief supplier of weapon for army and the young fleet of Russia – about the nice city of Sestroretsk, about his legendary plant and about secrets which excite minds not of one generation of Petersburgers.

To tell about the small town which is modestly sheltered in a shadow of Great St. Petersburg – a task difficult. Moreover, the danger of temptation to come down to such historical reference book forced to review critically already well fulfilled and given a dry run acceptances of a similar genre. And therefore the project represents attempt of reconstruction of the major historical events which forever returned to Russia its northwest lands.

That who is not familiar with the location of Sestroretsk on the card yet, can prompt: friends, you, of course, know well where there is St. Petersburg… And so, it – near Sestroretsk!

I will add that all pictures placed in the book are made by me and are the property of the author.

Sincerely! – Valery Pikulev

The memorable sign in honor of the 300 anniversary of the basis of Sestroretsk

It is a little history

The mouth of the river of the Sister (her present name) began to grow roots even from the middle of the II millennium B.C. And it has begun to grow roots … – and it, as if, confirm the “archeological finds” made in dunes at the west bank of the present lake the Sestroretsk Flood (any there crocks, scrapers, tips of arrows from a stone …) – and so, the mouth of the river of the Sister still “the ancient person” as it is told in the conclusions the arkheologicheskiikh of expeditions of 1905 has begun to grow roots. But, allow, – the Egyptian civilization of an era of the Average Kingdom already prospered, the Island Minoan civilization was going to pass the baton continental Hellenic… and we have an ancient, “prehistoric” person! Something here, perhaps … – but, we will leave it on conscience of big scientists and we will go further.

And it was farther so. – The Orekhovetsky peace treaty of 1323 signed between Yury Danilovich (there was such Novgorod prince) and the Swedish king Magnus, has defined down the river to the Sister border between the Swedish kingdom and lands of Mister of Veliky Novgorod; and the Stolbovsky world of 1617 has completely deprived Russia of an outlet to the sea, having formed in the territory of the present Leningrad Region (from the river of the Sister and to Luga!) Swedish province of Ingria. And only after it in the Swedish chronicles of 1643 it is modestly mentioned the constant trade fair Systerbăck (that is meant by the Sister river). However, in Finnish it sounded as Siestar oja (The blackcurrant river). – That’s all that we know about “the Swedish Sestroretsk”. Further the history of Sestroretsk of Russian begins. Also she begins … – however, all one after another!

It is known that at the beginning of Northern war (war “blue” and “green” as it was christened in the people) the Russian troops under guidance of the general field marshal Boris Sheremetev have taken the Swedish fortress Nienschanz which was standing still confluences with Neva of the river of Okhta during the spring campaign of 1703. And already 16 on May (27), 1703 the tsar Pyotr in the mouth of Neva has founded St. Petersburg (more true – the St. Petersburg fortress). – And it on the Swedish lands which have been a part of Russia only in 1721 (the Nishtadtsky world)! No wonder that Swedes haven’t stopped trying to return the territories recaptured by Russians and to erase the fortress which is just constructed by them from a face of the kingdom. And here, one of such attempts was fated to open the new page in the history of the city on the river for the Sister.

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