
О книге

A paranormal romance between a shifter and a fatel (people with supernatural powers) against the background of a power struggle

Ashley joins the Guardian Angels pack with her sister Sam as she wanted, but everyone is well aware that her integration will not be without difficulties. Sam's past is more present than ever and danger lurks within the pack. Will the young fatel be able to live peacefully among the shifters to the point where she is willing to bond with one of them, or will Nate have to give up his soul mate for the sake of everyone else?


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Guardian Angels


Volume 3

Virginie T.

Translated by Fanny Morvan

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2021. All rights reserved

The Guardian Angels Pack : Nate

Virginie T.



— Do not cry my darlings. Stay close to me. Everything will be fine.

— Mom, don’t let go.

— Never Sam. I will always be with you.

The man pushing them forward sneers into his beard. He already knows that the mother lies without knowing it. They never let families stay together. It is so much easier to manipulate them and make parents docile when they don’t know what their offspring are going through.

One might think that the shapeshifter is sadistic, but it is not so. After all, they are the masters of the world, or at least they will be soon. Fatels are only a means to an end, a sub—race with no interest except to serve them until death, a death that could come soon if they do not obey.

He can’t wait to sink his teeth into the fresh flesh and taste the warm blood of the fatels and feel the power of it. He may even start with this fatel who hugs her daughters with such desperation that she will endure anything to protect them.

The little one can’t be more than five years old. Her power is in its infancy, it will be a piece of cake to use her to threaten the parents. Maybe he’ll even make her his partner later, when she will be old enough and totally submissive to the clan.

He has heard that it is part of the plan of some packs to keep the youngest children alive to rally them to their cause and then use their power for their project.

He is a powerful and loyal beta. If he asks his alpha for this favor, he will certainly grant it.

It has already been since the little group of fatels was taken prisoner and this brat has not stop whining since she arrived. It is unbearable. The alpha keeps the two sisters chained at the back of the main room, trophies symbolizing their power, but as much as the 10—year—old is silent, her little sister is noisy.

She only cries and complains, and our overdeveloped hearing becomes a real disability. After the surprise visit of a pack of leopards, it was decided to take the girl to her mother to finally shut her up. It will also serve as a warning to her mother who has a tendency to rebel these days, and that the punishment of her husband has not calmed her.

We left the guy bleeding with his wife trying to nurse him back to health. She couldn’t do it. The shifters were happy to bite him once he was down and defenceless. He lost a lot of blood. No problem. Others will take his place. But it is true that it is becoming difficult to flush out these people.

They are, as it seems, on the verge of extinction. Too bad, the clan liked to feel their blood on their tongue and in their veins. This has become their drug and some members become irascible without their daily dose.

The mother became hysterical when her daughter was taken away. Damn, she only has a few bruises. It’s not the few slaps she was given to shut her up that will kill her.

Only, the mother, about to burst into tears in front of her little girl’s swollen face, tempted the devil. She tried to gather the little strength she had left to call upon her magic. Big mistake. The last one of her life. The beta realized it immediately.

Shifters have a sixth sense. They can smell the magic that flows through the veins of fatels, and the smell intensifies when a fatel uses his gift. He then took pleasure in torturing this woman in front of her daughter until she succumbed, leaving her to fall limply to the ground next to her deceased husband.

He then found it amusing to leave the girl with the bodies of her beloved parents with a warning : Either she falls in line, or her sister would suffer the same fate. As for her, her fate could be much worse. She is destined to play the puppet. When she will finally understand that she lives only to serve them, she will be forcibly united to the beta, will become his legitimate partner. She is not his soul mate, but that does not matter. It is not a question of love, but of control. And the beta hopes to have her at his side in the future when the time will come for him to take the place of his aging and increasingly neglectful alpha.

With a fatel at his side, he will become invincible.


 Chapter 1


There has been a lot of commotion in the last few days, like the pack is in turmoil, and I’ve seen some unfamiliar faces through the window, but in the end, I don’t know anything about it.

Peter always says that I am an integral part of the pack, but in practice, nothing is less true. They are afraid of me just as I am afraid of them. And they have good reasons to fear me, just as I have towards them. Not this particular clan, but shifters in general. They are not a people I can trust, no matter what they say, and I learned that the hard way.

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