
О книге

The eternal desire to combine business with pleasure. It’s good if the text of the book is a process of learning, although useful, but not like boring abstruse reading matter, but a wonderful fascinating immersion in new positive sensations and emotions.The opportunity to touch the most important ideas relevant for the present and future, works and events that explain the big picture. It’s hard to get away from this.The concept of the book allows to answer interesting and important questions.

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© Valeriy A. Kochnev, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-0547-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter 1

It is true that in our time, politics and old ideologies have become stronger than economics and trade. Big breakthrough ideas stagnate and become less and less common, the forced return to old technologies devalues the previous achievements, which are becoming less common.

As the world moves towards a multi-polar production system based on a network of global production chains and the largest companies in each country joining together to manage research and development, production and trade, small, medium and even large regional companies will be liquidated or merged with global giants, which will mean the end of small, medium and even large regional companies. As a result of the dominance of monopolies, complex and expensive technologies, expensive development and management, market orientation for immediate results, the possibilities of discovering new technological principles, deep use and development of existing technologies were limited. This negates the possibility of breakthrough research with unpredictable results.

Compared to the competitive nature of the emerging multipolar world, there is a trend towards consolidation, nationalisation, isolation and fragmentation of the program of positive change, while protectionism and national selfishness dominate the discussion of issues such as climate change, development and investment in high technology.

The main purpose and reason for the existence of the monetary system is to maintain a balance between supply and demand. In the modern world, the economy is primarily driven by consumption and money capital. However, the current monetary system is unsustainable because it is based on unsustainable production and consumption, unsustainable public debt and unsustainable social programs. This system is unsustainable because it creates unsustainable debt for the public and household sectors. Institutionalisation of artificial intelligence, potential for massive damage, growing use of software in all areas of human activity, over-specialisation and fragmentation of the scientific community, growing use of robots, growing threat of robotisation of the economy, increasing role of the state in the process of scientific and technological progress, automation and over-complication of development processes and the introduction of technology into the economy led to the failure of the technological revolution in many developing countries.

Undoubtedly, there are a number of other obstacles that hinder the successful dissemination of knowledge, which complicates technical progress, leads to its rise in price and slowdown.

These factors, in turn, become a recipe for the destruction of relations between science and society, between the scientific elite and the rest of the population. People’s minds are becoming more and more like fortress walls, accepting only those who belong to the same tribe, largely rejecting outsiders and refusing to hear any criticism of their own views. It also prevents them from integrating with other cultures and points of view. The fact that they are isolated makes them more vulnerable to exploitation by the elite and makes them easy targets for manipulation and recruitment. The introduction of such viruses into the body of society prevents it from developing a balanced immune system. One of the main factors in this situation is that the main beneficiaries of technological progress are elites, and this leads to the creation of social inequality, both within and between countries. As a result, the population of many countries has reached a point where they can no longer tolerate this state of affairs, as it has reached a critical point. In conditions when the «Dollar» has lost its relevance, which led to the transition to the «euro-yuan», the world’s largest banks are going to move their headquarters to Asia, the US is losing its leadership in the technology sector and will lose it completely, the average salary in the US and Europe falls, the rise of China and India in the next ten years is inevitable, and the periphery will no longer matter, it will be developed and integrated into the global multipolar production system in a short time period. As a result of the dollar crisis, the United States has lost its role as the world’s reserve currency, and the banking system is in a state of collapse. Markets without the US national currency will no longer be able to trade, and the dollar will either have to be withdrawn from the international market or it will be devalued, but American companies and their shareholders, who have accumulated huge profits over the past decades, will lose a lot of money. Some companies have already begun to transfer their funds to foreign banks, and the balance of payments is increasingly moving towards a deficit. The US Federal Reserve System is filled to the brim with dollars, and there is not enough demand in the economy to support the value of the dollar. The US government is also running out of money, largely because it has spent trillions of dollars fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and other hotspots. US banks are losing their money and their lending function.

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