Part 1. On the Creation of Bitcoin and the Satoshi Nakamoto Group.

Part 1. On the Creation of Bitcoin and the Satoshi Nakamoto Group.
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On the creation of Bitcoin and the Satoshi Nakamoto group. Tells about how long ago there was cooperation between Russia and the United States and Australia.

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© Ayrat Minikhuzin, 2025

ISBN 978-5-0065-5851-9 (т. 1)

ISBN 978-5-0065-5852-6

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Part 1

Part 1. On the creation of the Satoshi Nakamoto and Bitcoin group.

Author: Ayrat Minikhuzin

The book was made on the Smashwords platform.

Copyright: Ayrat Minikhuzin © 2021

The first part of the book describes. Acquaintance with Bitcoin developers, general discussion about the creation of Bitcoin.

Part 1. On the creation of the Satoshi Nakamoto and Bitcoin group.

Chapter 1.

Very many at this point in time have a question who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Who is he? Where did it come from? How the coin originated.

There is a theory, and maybe a hypothesis of the emergence of Satoshi Nakamoto.

Recently I talked with one guy who told me a story. The Duration of These Stories is very Distant and goes back to 2001.

As the guy (Russia) told me he was sitting at the computer and understood the Windows system, how it works and what is interesting in it. What is interesting, unexpected for him, he received a letter from a certain resident of the United States, who asked him how his life was going. What it does. To which the Guy simply replied that he was interested in Computers, History, well, almost everything that could interest Young people in the early 2000s, but in a more specific understanding of things. The communication was not long about anything, but informative for both parties. The American’s name was Hull Finney. Hull Finney was particularly interested in his deep interest in computer technology.

The guy said that it was interesting and became interested in computers for a long time back in the distant 1990, when he first saw his father’s computer at work. After that, there were small questions about the features of the computer and system. Why is Windows interesting and not other computer systems. What interests him and what he would like to see in the future. The guy did not answer me about this, but what he told Hull Finney and what he conveyed, in principle it was almost already created, but not everything.

Also, during their communication, a small cryptogram was created (if you can call it a cryptogram (since it was created using a phone and a calculator)). And it sounded like «Hello everyone», which translates the language of the phone and calculator in numbers as follows «26350564236». After dialing these small numbers with Interesting Translations.

Hull Finney asked to pass this set of numbers to his friend or relative so that he could try to guess what was hidden in this combination of numbers.

«26350564236» – creation date November 3, 2001.

Chapter 2.

After there was a conversation, so as not to go far right away, Hull Finney said that in fact, life in the United States is not so good as people think in Russia. But he also asked what the guy thinks about creating a decentralized currency. Which will only concern programmers and the work of programmers. And that he has a friend in Australia who wants to earn some money and is very good at writing programs.

Australian – Craig Wright.

But after a little correspondence on the issue of earning the programmers, they decided that it would be better if everyone earns, if it turns out to put the coin into operation.

When the Guy in Russia told his Friend that His friends and acquaintances had translated the digital combination («26350564236»), they guessed it pretty quickly and advised not to engage in any nonsense, but sat and thought about what to do that would be interesting and attractive for this moment in time that might interest the Russian people. And the hint was the creation of a certain currency. To which the answer was given that he was thinking about it and was already communicating with a friend from the United States.

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