Passion Into Profit

Passion Into Profit
О книге

Sunday Times #1 bestseller and long-awaited follow-up to the #1 bestselling Stop Talking, Start Doing You can think big or you can think small, it all starts in the mind. What have you got to lose? If you aim for the stars you might just get there. Sometimes it pays off to think BIG and Richard Newton is here to get us thinking on a bigger scale than we ever imagined. With the right thinking tools and the right approach you can release your inspiration and creativity, reset your ambition and direct your attention to the things that truly matter to you. And that can change your life. Short and punchy with quick tips and inspiring graphics, The Little Book of Thinking Big will have your imagination, creativity and determination firing on all cylinders. You'll come away with a set of BIG goals to fuel and drive your BIG life. Here’s where it starts. This is a reset button. Push it. Think bigger.

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“Why are you trying so hard to fit in … ... when you were born to stand out?”

‘Inspiring stories, proven principles, and powerful insights all in one amazing book that will change your personal, professional and financial destiny.’

Dr John Demartini, Star of The Secret and International Bestselling Author of The Values Factor: The Secret to Creating an Inspiring and Fulfilling Life

‘Every now and again a book comes along that changes the game. This is one such book. Read it and apply its principles and your levels of fulfilment and personal income will dramatically increase.’

Sháá Wasmund MBE, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Stop Thinking Start Doing

‘In the information age ordinary people are amassing fortunes and making a positive difference sharing their knowledge and knowhow with the world. Your life lessons are valuable and this book will show you how to monetize them.’

Kevin Green, Star of The Secret

‘This book will seriously increase your ability to impact, inspire, influence and make a much bigger income…!’

Raymond Aaron, New York Times Bestselling Author

‘After implementing Andy's strategies I now have people going crazy for my message and lining up to buy my products and services.’

James Lavers,

‘Since following the ideas in this book I now make $10,000 to $30,000 per hour sharing my knowledge about social media.’

Paul O'Mahony,

‘Applying the tactics taught in this book I pulled in £468,000 in sales from just one single presentation, not bad for someone who previously worked for British Telecom.’

Simon Coulson,

‘Before I met Andy Harrington I couldn't even hold a microphone, but now I have been invited to speak and share my knowledge all over the world it's been amazing.’

Mili Ponce, Social Media Expert

‘Andy Harrington is the master of communication – he teaches not only what to say but how to say it as well. I launched my own “how to” information product online and made sales of $1,000,000 in just the first 24hrs. The information in this book might just help you do the same.’

Chris Farrell,

‘Andy Harrington is the expert for experts, or those wanting to become experts and share their knowledge and knowhow with the world. This book gives an indispensible guide to carving out a successful career in the lucrative mentoring industry.’

Nick James and Dan Bradbury,

Andy Harrington is one of the best if not the best in the business at helping you to make a full on career sharing your expertise from the stage. His advice has helped me immensely – in fact last weekend I did two presentations and did over £55,000 in sales.

Rob Moore,

I've been in the expert business for over 5 years but only recently my results have been incredible, all because I worked with Andy. His strategies, his coaching, his ideas enabled me to quadruple my results, and gain a 400 % increase in business.

Daniel Wagner, Author of Expert Success
Passion into Profit
How to Make Big Money from Who You Are and What You Know
Andy Harrington
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This edition first published 2015

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